What do you feel when you use or say the word busy? I have found the word and the act of being “busy” so jarring to my senses that I have taken it out from my vocabulary entirely. This blog is its written farewell.
Think about casual conversations with your friends: Hi! How are you? Oh, I am well; busy! How about you? Yea, I’ve been busy too.
It seems like the state of being “busy” has become a national phenomenon. A badge of honor, as we frenetically move mostly by momentum versus thoughtful purpose.
We don’t stop until we hit a wall. That wall could be a car accident, an illness, a divorce and even then, those moments serve as mere speed bumps before we accelerate into the fast lane once again.
Ask yourself what might be hiding behind the curtain of busy?
Could it be an uncomfortable conversation? An inevitable separation? A decision we are reluctant to make?
Let’s close our eyes for a moment and remember when was the last time we sat and did nothing at all. I mean absolutely NOTHING; what I call the art of BE-ing… a human BEing.
How did that feel? What did you attune yourself to that you might have missed otherwise? Too busy to try the exercise? Do it, you will not regret it, and I promise you have 30 seconds.
It is in those rare moments when we are moved by inspiration, revelation, restitution and a sense of self. For instance, ‘what is happening with me these days?’ Checking-in with oneself.
It is in these precious moments that we hear life whispering to us. Life can lead us gently by the hand because it knows that we are paying attention. In the moments when life stops; life actually begins. Does that make sense?
These moments of “BEing” show us why we are HERE and connects us to a greater perspective. It’s probably why we feel one with all when we look at the sunset or a gripping vista. Breathtaking beauty prompts us to STOP and for seconds, we just are. Ahh…
And, although, it is normal for life to hasten from time to time, the mindless state of “busy” becomes the thief of LIFE, which robs us of the vitality that comes from following our inner guidance, which leads to PEACE. Can we have one more… Ahh?
Therefore, it could be concluded that in the absence of the “B” word mentioned 9 times previously, the outcome could be PEACE.
And PEACE… comes to us when we are PRESENT.
What are some ways you have found to slow down and just BE? Let us know in the comments to be eligible to win a year’s free Calm subscription, the number one app for meditation and mindfulness.