
Renew, Reboot, Restart

Written by: Realm of Caring

Do you need to reboot your cannabinoid therapy regimen?

Do you need to renew your existing dose?

Do you want to try a new quality product?

Join the Realm of Caring’s LiveEducation, RENEW, REBOOT, RESTART, Tuesday, January 15th, from 1 pm to 2 pm MST. Join


You will need to sign in using your existing client account or create one for free.

WHAT IS IT? A Care Specialist will inform new and existing clients about cannabinoid therapies and strategies to renew, reboot, and/or restart their regiment in a live webinar. We will discuss titration, tolerance, quality products, managing results, and expectations. You will have an opportunity to ask questions live about cannabinoid therapies.

WHEN IS IT? : January 15th from 1:00 PM – 2:00 PM Mountain Time



Not only has CBD helped control my daughter’s seizures but I also notice an improvement in her mood and quality of sleep.

Written by Maggie’s mom

Not only has CBD helped control my daughter’s seizures but I also notice an improvement in her mood and quality of sleep.

This aid allows me to provide my daughter with a medicine that is natural and has no negative side effects. It helps offset the negative side effects of her other (prescribed) seizure medicines. It is expensive but worth every penny. The grant has been a huge blessing for us as I am a single mom of a special needs child and I just want her to have the best.

I spend the money directly on the oil. She goes through a 100 mL bottle every month and a half and the grant pays for the majority of the oil which helps take stress off of me so I can make sure she has everything else she needs.


I can now laugh again and have almost zero thoughts of suicide

Written by Jeremy

I have been diagnosed with PPPD (Persistent Postural-Perceptual Dizziness), PTSD, high blood pressure, Diabetes Type 2, and high LDL and triglycerides. I have lived with migraines and severe dizziness 24/7 since 2011 and have suffered from the migraines as long as 2005. I was prescribed twelve different antidepressants and antipsychotics and they all made me extremely suicidal and depressed. I was out of ideas and was ready to call it quits. My doctor, neurologist, and two psychiatrists recommended I check out CBD oil for help. I started doing research and about 2 months went by before I contacted Realm of Caring. They were very friendly and helpful through the entire process.

After about 2 months on the CBD oil, I began to realize that my horrible thoughts were going away. I have been on CBD since July and can now laugh again and have almost zero thoughts of suicide anymore. For someone who lived with these thoughts every single day of his life this is a wonderful change. My blood pressure checks out perfect every time I visit the doctor now. My blood sugars are easier to control. The only things left that I struggle with are the high LDL/triglycerides and the dizziness, which is extremely bad, but that’s MUCH better than where I was just a few months ago. It’s been worth it to me and my family and friends. I’m so glad that I decided to give this a try!


Things that I had to force myself to do I now do naturally

Written by Patricia

When I was 28 (in 1988), I came down with CFIDS/Fibromyalgia. The first 7 years I was bedridden. I slowly improved, but I’ve never enjoyed good health since then. I stopped driving about 5-6 years ago due to severe brain fog. Bodily pain varies. What afflicted me most has been frequent migraines, severe fatigue, a definite feeling of malaise, light and sound sensitivity (so bad I had to quit going to church and other functions); the list goes on and on.

Due to some swelling I couldn’t walk from the pain for over 2 years. On “good days” I’d try to go for nightly walks but usually had to turn back after just walking past 3 or 4 houses. It wasn’t fun, living in the dark and trying to find fulfillment doing basically nothing.

At the urging of my oldest daughter, I purchased a bottle of hemp oil. I started taking it six days ago; half a dropperful twice daily. I cannot even begin to tell you the improvement I’ve seen in that short time!! I feel mentally alert again. I no longer have that deathly morbid fatigue. My mood is …dare I say it… almost happy! Things that I had to force myself to do I now do naturally and without thought. And best of all I have taken 1 mile walks every day since taking it with absolutely no problem! Smiling, no pain, no fatigue, for the first time in many years! No way could any placebo effect cause this. I have tried so many things with sometimes disastrous results, and to tell the truth, had resigned myself to a lifetime of misery.

I’m so confident in this product I bought the big bottle of the highest dosage, which should last me quite awhile. It is awesome to feel like my old self after more than 28 years.


I cried and cried happy tears. Finally…relief!

Written by Brianna

Degenerative disc disease is honestly the most painful thing to ever plague my body. I suffered for 10 years before anyone diagnosed me. It was always brushed off as cramps, sleeping in an odd position, or standing too long at work. I believed it was more than muscle aches but no one trusted my pain level because I was just a teenager.

Growing up in Kentucky, medicinal marijuana was NOT an option. I grew up being told it was a gateway drug and the ultimate platform for addiction to hard drugs. I was terrified of marijuana for all of my life until I moved to Los Angeles at age 22. I kept going to doctors who would give me powerful narcotics and chiropractors who would twist my neck until it popped. Nothing gave me the relief I desperately needed.

It wasn’t until I saw a nature-oriented doctor in Hollywood that I heard about the medical benefits of marijuana. I couldn’t believe what he was saying. Was he actually suggesting I smoke the “big bad drug” I grew up avoiding? The first time I smoked I felt the pain in my lower back ease.I cried and cried happy tears.Finally…relief!

This villainized plant brought me what I had been searching for, for over a decade. I became angry that this valid form of pain management is looked down upon and lied about from the time we enter school. I lived in pain for so many years for no real reason. The legalization of marijuana should be the most pressing issue in America today. The amount of people living in unnecessary pain and battling true addiction from pain pills is criminal.


Now he drives, goes to school, works and leads a normal healthy life

Written by: Mom Kirsten

My son, Kellen, has epilepsy and was diagnosed at age 11. We didn’t want to put him on any of the medications out there due to the side effects.  We chose a route of eating certain foods and chiropractic care. That worked til this year.

His triggers are lack of sleep, dehydration, and stress. It seemed to have gotten better because Kellen wasn’t having grand mal seizures during the day. He had a lot of partial seizures and seizures during sleep.  We realized we needed to get something else for him to help him live the life he wants to live.

I watched the documentary WEED on CNN and I was instantly intrigued and inspired to get more information. As I did, I started to see the benefits that medical marijuana has for my son and others that struggle with seizures. I don’t let this define him, but he knows he needs help to control it. Kellen takes high CBD oil and it already blocked a partial seizure the day after he started. Now he drives, goes to school, works, and leads a normal healthy life. No side effects. No stoned results, just a healthy, happy kid that wants to make the world a better place.

Please consider making this available to those in your community. It is a life saver. It works. It is safe and effective. I have proof and I know many others do too. Why would anyone want to withhold something that could help someone, especially a child, have a normal happy life?

Thank you for listening to our story. I know in the beginning I was a bit skeptical but after researching, talking to many doctors, and watching these documentaries my son is now using it and having success. I would not choose anything else and have full trust in this product.


My Grave’s disease went into remission

Written by Barbi

I was diagnosed with Grave’s Disease in 1999. The doctor said that I would have to take pills for it for the rest of my life. Pills that have side effects. I stopped taking those pills after a few months and decided to treat my disease with cannabis. That was 16 years ago. My Grave’s disease went into remission immediately, and it hasn’t come back since. The doctors tell me that my body is still attacking my thyroid due to auto-immune disease, but there’s a sort of “shield” (for lack of a better term) that is protecting my thyroid. That protection is due to this miraculous plant. I’ll defend it for life.


We just noticed he has dimples because now he can smile

Written by mom Roberta

At 5 months old we started noticing Matthew wasn’t progressing in milestones, as he should. At 17 months he started having seizures, and he has had multiple seizures every day since then. He would have every type of seizure you could imagine. Shortly after diagnosed with seizures, he was diagnosed with a rare genetic condition.

We have tried around 12 different seizure medications, with no help. Even (ACTH), that will grow hair in places babies shouldn’t have. We also tried the medication Felbatol that can cause liver damage. The ketogenic diet has helped the most even though he would still have a hundred seizures daily. We started CBD oil at the end of March, and by the end of May, Matthew was seizure free. This is the first time since Matthew was 17 months old.

Matthew is such a sweetheart, full of smiles and giggles. We just noticed he has dimples because now he can smile. Every day has been a good day. Before he would just lay around with no energy and now he is full of energy. Please make this oil available for all who need it. Just imagine the change it could make in the world.


I feel like I’m “coming alive”

Written by mom Roberta


My family and I have powered through and persevered over uncontrolled epilepsy for 25 years. I’ve been on over 25 different drugs none of which has controlled my seizures. I have had multiple hospital stays, countless trips to the emergency room, falls, hundreds of blood draws, and two Vagus Nerve Stimulator transplants. I’ve tried the ketogenic diet, neurofeedback, and numerous vitamins and herbal supplements.

While none of the combinations of medications worked to control my seizures, I did experience side effects including pancreatitis, lack of concentration, drowsiness, weight loss, insomnia, fatigue, irritation, confusion—in short, a lot of my life I’ve been in a drug-induced haze! I’ve experienced bullying by peers and teachers and because my seizures were not under control I wasn’t able to socialize or join activities I really wanted to do.

My last six months of high school I was asked to complete my final credits privately because it was “unsafe” for me on campus. I managed to obtain an Associate Degree and I’m currently in my senior year of college majoring in Mass Media. It hasn’t been easy but as I said before we have persevered.

The past nine months of my life have been among the best ever. Nine months ago I started taking CBD oil. I have gone from having 1-3 major seizures a month before CBD oil to not having a seizure for periods as long as thirteen weeks! We have completely eliminated one medication, have reduced two by a third and I’m currently weaning off another medication.

I am learning to paddleboard and rock climb. As I keep telling my family and friends I feel like I’m “coming alive”.CBD oil has given me my life back. I can’t get back the days, weeks and months I’ve lost to seizures and the side effects of prescribed drugs but I’m going to make the most of each and every moment going forward thanks to CBD.


Replacing the “B” word

Now that we have said good-bye to busy, let’s turn our attention to a worthy replacement. The word I have in mind – when spoken softly – will create a rounded wave in your mouth, as it brings your lips to a sweet pucker, only to release into an ever so slight of a smile. This word in all of its meanings and connotations will bring back a sense of balance to a more present, healthier YOU!

Without further ado ladies and gents, let’s welcome the word….. Boundaries!

Woot woot!

And in welcoming the word, let’s also accept it’s meaning! This is where we might break off into two categories and I would be interested in hearing which one resonates with you.

Boundaries will either make you:

  1. Cringe
  2. Feel empowered

Depending on which camp you fall in – and we will address both – speaks directly to how familiar you are with the implementation of boundaries in your life.

It makes you cringe, does it?

You are not alone. And not to stress the gender gap, but I think that women might have a tougher time with boundaries than men do for the simple reason we feel it’s impolite. The people pleasers in us reject, and often suffer, with the word, “No”. Ouch! A hard “no” is harsh! Succinct in its two-letter delivery, there is no bend! None. It’s hard to hear it too. Our childhood was littered in “No, no, NOOOOO’s!” I get it, I have vacillated in both camps, mostly this one, though, until my physical health began to pay the price and I was forced to make changes. Therefore, if you are here, we are learning together.

How many of you feel, empowered?  

If you are in this camp, Bravo! People who set boundaries with ease are less stressed, more effective, clear communicators, more compassionate (believe it or not) and for a lack of a better word, happier. This means you know yourself well. Setting boundaries in your personal relationships, at work and as you transit through life means you respect yourself and therefore you recognize and appreciate these qualities in others.

Think about a time when you have felt overextended, overcommitted and underappreciated. In such times it is easy to blame your boss, your significant other, or even your friends for your frazzled nerves, and yet…. (read this with all of your attention twice!)…  NO ONE can betray us as deeply as we betray ourselves.

Go ahead… That merits a second go ‘round. NOBODY CAN BETRAY US AS DEEPLY AS WE BETRAY OURSELVES.

Part of setting and communicating boundaries is knowing them! This entails honing the most important relationship of all; the grandest love affair you will ever have; the one that builds the foundation for all other relationships… AND the one that will never end!!

Yep, baby! That’s the one with YOUR beautiful self! This is the most worthwhile personal investment, as well as the most neglected.

Let’s regroup, shall we?  

Self-love + self-respect = Boundaries!

Low-self esteem + people pleasing = betrayal of self (no boundaries) 🙁

Daring to set boundaries is about having the courage to love ourselves even when we risk disappointing others.  

– Brené Brown

I recently reached out to an acquaintance regarding a topic I wanted to discuss with her and she responded by saying, “..I’m feeling wiped and sleepy after my day, but let me check in with my energy and tell you tomorrow if we can chat..”  

I was impressed by her response because it was so honest and it motivated me to want to do the same! We make so many excuses and apologies when honesty is so well received. This simple exchange taught me so much. Setting boundaries is a way of showing mutual respect and kindness.

Are you lacking in boundaries? What are some ways that you set boundaries in your life? How has it made a difference? When you share, we all learn! Comment below and if you know someone who needs to hear this message, will you share it with them?

By: Lisa Lopez, Content Creator – Realm of Caring

Have a question for Lisa?  Or want to suggest a topic?  Email