Hi! This is Mary, and Its been almost two years since I participated in Evolve the storytelling project presented by Realm of Caring Foundation, and I wanted to update everyone on how well I’m still doing almost two years later! For starters I’ll be celebrating my 59th birthday in a couple of months, and I’m holding steady! Better then steady actually! I’m sure most of my doctors thought all my canna meds (CW, THCA & THC) was going to be a placebo effect. Still they couldn’t deny the decrease in pain, increased mental clarity, and my 58 pound weight loss since I started taking my canna meds in May of 2014. The biggest benefit for me was getting off all my prescriptions except for 2 1/2…thyroid, hormone and blood pressure being the half. I did have a setback when my doctor agreed to ween me off my Zoloft after 23 years of use because I was having breakthrough anxiety. That Was A Big Mistake to do that right after Thanksgiving and before the December holidays and to date the hardest thing I ever put myself through. What helped me through that rough spot was upping my canna meds and changing to 200mgs SAMe, (Zoloft replacement) meditation, therapy, a wonderful husband, friends and the RoC community! Keep the faith, and when they (the doctors, the specialist, the government) tell you there is nothing they can do but pump you full of pharmaceuticals call Realm of Caring! The caring of their patients, clients, the quality of the products they recommend, and the fact that they will have your back every step of the way! I say Thank You! Thank You! Thank You! Here’s to a better quality-of-life!!!!!

Creativity, Confidence, and Cannabis: How Doreen Sullivan is Redefining the Industry One Vase at a Time
In a space still fighting against stigma and striving for