At the urging of my oldest daughter, I purchased Charlotte’s Web 1 oz, 200mg bottle of hemp oil. When I was 28 (1988), I came down with CFIDS/Fibromyalgia. The first 7 years I was bedridden. I slowly improved, but I’ve never enjoyed good health since then. I stopped driving about 5-6 years ago due to severe brain fog. Bodily pain varies; what afflicted me most has been frequent migraines, severe fatigue, a definite feeling of malaise, light and sound sensitivity (so bad I had to quit going to church and other functions); the list goes on and on. Due to some swelling, I couldn’t walk from the pain for over 2 years. On ‘good days’ I’d try to go for nightly walks but usually had to turn back after just walking past 3 or 4 houses. It wasn’t fun; living in the dark and trying to find fulfillment doing basically nothing. I started taking the hemp oil six days ago: half a dropper full twice daily. I cannot even begin to tell you the improvement I’ve seen in that short time!! I feel mentally alert again. I no longer have that deathly morbid fatigue. My mood is …dare I say it… almost happy! Things that I had to force myself to do I now do naturally and without thought. And best of all….I have taken 1 mile walks every day since taking it with absolutely no problem!!!!! Smiling, no pain, no fatigue, for the first time in many years!! No way could any placebo effect cause this. I have tried so many things with sometimes disastrous results, and to tell the truth, had resigned myself to a lifetime of misery…It is awesome feeling like my old self after over 28 years.

Creativity, Confidence, and Cannabis: How Doreen Sullivan is Redefining the Industry One Vase at a Time
In a space still fighting against stigma and striving for