
Exploring Major Cannabinoids

Exploring Major Cannabinoids

WHAT: RoC Education Series for Cannabinoid Therapy: Exploring Major Cannabinoids

Register for the education here: (Note: you will have to sign in to your client account to register for the class, or create a new one). 

WHY: To inform new and existing clients about cannabinoid therapies and exploring what the major cannabinoids are and how they affect the endocannabinoid system. To provide an opportunity to ask questions to a Realm of Caring representative about cannabinoid therapies and the major cannabinoids. We encourage all individuals and their family to participate because the information is invaluable. Since we experience change on a daily basis it is important to stay informed and up-to-date on information related to cannabinoid therapies and major cannabinoids, a topic that many new and existing clients contact us about. The knowledge gained from this education should make you feel more confident in what the major cannabinoids are and how they affect the endocannabinoid system. We hope to see you at the next education series! Register for the education here: (you will have to sign in to your client account to register for the class, or if you’re a new client, create an account). 

WHO: Led by a RoC Staff Member, this education is for new and continuing clients looking to use cannabinoid therapies with a focus on exploring the major cannabinoids. You will have to create a free account or sign into your existing account. Register here: 

WHERE: 3515 N Chestnut Street, Colorado Springs, CO, 80907, or View Online (your RSVP confirmation email will contain instructions to view online.)

WHEN: October 23rd from 1:00 PM – 2:00 PM Mountain Time

We understand that our select dates in Colorado Springs won’t cater to our new clients who have to be at home, in the office or live in another state. Live-airing of the education offers, our second to best interaction, screen-to-screen time with a Realm of Caring staffer.

Please reserve tickets for each family member/guest you intend to bring (of any age). Tickets are FREE!

In the meantime, we encourage you to create a Client Portal Account to gain exclusive access to RoC’s Resources for Clients. If you have immediate questions about access, dosing and administering, you can reach the Care Team at or (719) 347-5400 opt. 1

Our next Education on Tuesday, November 6th, will be about Cannabinoid Therapy and Women’s Health.


The brain fog from my fibromyalgia has lifted and my energy levels are up!

Written by Anonymous

I currently have severe adrenal fatigue, to the point when active I suddenly hit a brick wall and can’t move, feeling completely incapacitated.  I take 15-20 drops of high CBD oil and within ten minutes I have a second wind. It’s so subtle I didn’t even realize it at first. A friend was staying with me, observed it twice, and commented, “Your energy completely changed.”  I also noticed the brain fog associated with fibromyalgia seems to lift for several hours. I’ve had two friends comment over the phone how much more energetic I sound to them than previously.  

My doctor is very interested as he sees the change too. He will be joining the research link you sent me, he’d love for me to continue on with this product to observe the changes as well.

Thank you so much and I think of you and everyone else at the RoC as we’re all one big family 😉

I appreciate everything you and the RoC do for me.


US Government hears your comments about rescheduling marijuana (cannabis) #TakeAction

Photo Credits : Freedom Leaf Magazine

You’ve probably heard that the US Government is taking public comments – yes, your comments – about rescheduling marijuana (cannabis) through October 31st, 2018. It’s currently scheduled at level 1 with no known medical benefits. Do you think it should be rescheduled or de-scheduled and removed from the list of controlled substances altogether?
Your voices can be heard by commenting here. Take action and share this post with your circles.

If you are struggling with words to say, take some inspiration from one of our RoC Directors, Joel Munson. Remember to keep it short and to the point, check your grammar, and don’t use curse words.
Joel says:

“I am writing to inform you about the cannabis plant and its resin.

The cannabis plant contains over 500 compounds. Over 100 of these are unique to the cannabis plant, they are called cannabinoids. Only one of these cannabinoids has a mind-altering effect and thus a potential for abuse. It is called THC. No other cannabinoid has any potential for abuse.

Different strains of cannabis contain different levels of THC. Some strains contain almost no THC and these do not belong on the CSA whatsoever. Some strains contain higher amounts of THC and are liable to be abused. However, cannabis is abused at much lower rates than other recreational drugs. Cannabis has a lower rating for dependence, withdrawal, and tolerance than alcohol, nicotine, and caffeine, three drugs that are completely legal for adults to use according to Federal law.

Though THC is the only mind-altering cannabinoid, preclinical and animal research is showing almost every cannabinoid to have remarkable therapeutic potential in mammals thanks to the newly discovered endogenous cannabinoid system, which controls all biological functions (See attached). They are showing to not just combat symptoms but to actually fight the root cause of everything from cancer and autoimmune diseases to neurological and age-related diseases.

There has never been clinical research on humans studying the medical effectiveness of cannabinoids because of the Schedule 1 status of cannabis. The Schedule 1 status makes it virtually impossible to conduct research on it. If it were re-scheduled to a lower level or preferably de-scheduled altogether, it would be a boon for research and health outcomes for the human race.

When a substance from the black market is taken above ground to a regulated market, “trafficking” becomes “shipping and handling.” There is no need to smuggle or import drugs of dubious quality when they can be produced locally with high-quality standards within a legal framework.

I hope that you will take these comments seriously. Thank you for your consideration.”


He isn’t walking around like a zombie

Written by Taylor’s family

Taylor’s health has improved drastically since starting the cannabinoid therapy. He went from being on 8 medications, including psych medications, to just one medication and the CBD oil. The only pharmaceutical medication he is on now is a weaning off dose of his seizure medication. He’s happy, healthy, mentally stable (more so than he’s ever been), and is no longer overweight.

He isn’t walking around like a zombie. Meltdowns are about once every 3-6 months when previously it was 3-6 a month. The entire family has had a change. Our family dynamic went from chaotic to happy and healthy. For the past year, we have truly gotten to meet the REAL Taylor for the first time ever. He has about 98% seizure control. Without you, the grant, and this life-saving oil, Taylor would not have quality of life, would not be in school, could be in a mental hospital or possibly not be with us from constant seizures.

Thank you for giving our son a chance at life and quality of life. This therapy has breathed life into our son and the entire family. You gave us hope when hope was lost.


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The last MRI shows a 25% reduction in tumor size

Provided by RoC Care Specialist on behalf of an anonymous client

Yesterday, a nice lady from Pueblo called to talk about her next order of CBD oil. During the conversation, she shared with me that she has been on CBD for 6 months and she is taking it because she has a brain tumor.

The last MRI shows a 25% reduction in tumor size. She says her primary care physician was furious that she chose to try cannabis.  She didn’t elaborate on that but says she doesn’t care because “IT’S WORKING!!!!!!!!”


Don’t be SAD…

Have the winter blues hit you hard?

Are you feeling sluggish, tired and discouraged lately?

Join the Realm of Caring’s Live Education, SEASONAL AFFECTIVE DISORDER (SAD), Tuesday, January 29th, from 5 pm to 6 pm MST. Click here: We will discuss how cannabinoid therapy can support “winter blue” type symptoms.

You have an opportunity to ask questions to a Realm of Caring representative about cannabinoid therapies and SAD. We encourage all individuals and their family to participate because the information is invaluable. Since we experience change on a daily basis it is important to stay informed and up-to-date on information related to cannabinoid therapies and SAD, a topic that many new and existing clients contact us about. The knowledge gained from this education should make you feel more confident in what is happening in cannabis. We hope to see you at the next education series!

You will need to sign in using your existing client account or create one for free.

WHEN IS IT? : January 29th from 5:00 PM – 6:00 PM Mountain Time



She continues to amaze us everyday.

Written by mom Tammy

Scotlyn had her 1st seizure at 4 months old in September 2016. After an EEG and MRI she was diagnosed with epilepsy and put on Keppra. She continued to have seizures which got progressively worse with every pharmaceutical added and was constantly in and out of the hospital. By 5 months old in October 2016, she was on 7 AED meds at once, in the PICU of Children’s Hospital in status (constant seizing), and she was having 17 + seizures an hour around the clock. The medicines she was on at one time at 5 months old is sickening. Keppra, Trileptal, Vimpat , Topamax, Klonopin, Ativan, IV Versed (and still seizing on all of that).

The doctors had nothing left but a medically induced coma so asked if I could please try CBD oil and they said yes. Her condition improved rapidly after just the first dose. She was diagnosed with intractable epilepsy and probable cortical dysplasia. In November she developed infantile spasms so the doctors tried a powerful steroid called ACTH.

So out of desperation I contacted Realm of Caring to see if they had any advice. I spoke with Lacie (who is amazing by the way), she gave me dosing instructions and once I got Scotlyn to 1.75 mg in 3 days her spasms stopped – never to be seen again!! Today, Scotlyn is 2 1/2 years old, she is down to 2 seizure meds (we tried a total of 12 AED’s and failed before trying CBD oil) She is walking, running, eating, playing, and a pretty typical 2 year old. She is finally starting to talk. She couldn’t even sit up supported at 1 year old so these milestones are so very amazing to us and she continues to amaze us everyday.

She has not been admitted to the hospital since November 2016!! We are so thankful for Realm of Caring and Lacie, CBD oil – epilepsy’s arch nemesis. God Bless all of you. Sometimes it truly does take a village. You all contributed to giving me my daughter back and giving her quality of life. Thank you so very much.

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The first day taking the CBD I noticed I was not anxious

Written by Christine

I had been in two rear end collisions and then hit in the head at work. I have herniated discs in my neck and now in my lower back. My pain was all about getting around it so I could support my family. Taking pills was just a part my life. Finally it was too much to bear and I had to go on a leave of absence.

I have been on the big pharma rollercoaster. They do not tell you that you will indeed become dependent and you will not know why you feel the way you feel. A person has no clue that pills only mask what your body is telling you and that you will get an entirely new set of issues by taking synthetic pain relief.

I was at my rapidly fraying rope. The darkness was unbearable. Anxiety and physical pain ruled my life. I got on my knees and kept asking the Lord to help me or just take me home to Heaven. I had spent a few thousand dollars on other alternatives, nothing helped and I was ready to try one last time. So I ordered a high CBD oil online.

The first day taking the CBD I noticed I was not anxious. I had stopped taking Xanax. Then at the end of the first day I noticed I did not reach for the pain meds. I was shocked to say the least. This was a historical event that I never thought possible. Then came the second day, the third day…and now I am on my 20th day and I only had to take my pain meds once in the last 20 days and that is only because I sat on a sidewalk to watch a parade at Disneyland!

CBD is a truly amazing alternative to healing one’s body and or just changing the way the pain feels, if that makes any sense. I still have pain but it’s different and I can tolerate it now. The Realm Of Caring opened a door I did not think was accessible.

I hope my story will help others to understand the healing properties of CBD and also help cut the stigma. CBD does not get you high. I am not able to tolerate THC. Plus I am in the medical field so I need to be up on my game. Thank you.


I was sleep deprived for 6.5 years of his illness, my level of sleep now is intoxicating

Written by mom Linda

THIS IS THE BEST PART!!! NO, NONE, NADA… ahhhhh I could fill this whole block with just this and sit back in my chair and stare at it for days…truly. Isaac is doing MARVELOUS. NO SEIZURES SINCE OIL!!!!! Can I write it in the sky, or carve it in a pie?? His Neuro Doctor and I are reducing Keppra, he was on 4 a day huge amount 750 mg each we are now down to only one and Isaac will be free of it in one week. With each reduction we are increasing the oil a bit.

We have done so many things we have not been able to for the 13 years of his seizures. One being free movies in the fall at the Imax theatre. I thought he has done so well I think he could handle it if he uses his ear plugs (he could not tolerate an inside theatre, he is very optically triggered). We made 7 out of 9 of the free Saturday morning matinees they offered. Isaac thanked me each trip home after probably 20 times. He is the sweetest.

Each reduction of drug I see another piece of him emerge that has been buried for 13 years. He no longer requires sleeping in my bed on the weekend because most of his seizures would be at night. I was sleep deprived for 6.5 years of his illness, my level of sleep now is intoxicating. We are” Livin Large” I tell him.

I use the entire grant for his oil. Each month I face his oil or the mortgage. The grant is massive in our lives. I am grateful with my every breath and for Isaac’s every breath. My closest dear friends are amazed and in awe. They share in our joy.


Momma goat stopped breathing during a seizure after giving birth

Provided by RoC Care Specialist

Cool story from Ruth Ann in Alabama! I spoke with Ruth Ann who lives in rural Alabama, and suffers from Fibromyalgia and uses CBD. She has a small family farm and they have miniature goats. One of the goats went into labor and it was a really tough, many-hours-long labor. Eventually, the owner intervened and helped pull the baby out. Throughout that process, the momma goat began having seizures, and basically went into one long seizure.

The momma goat stopped breathing. The owner ran into the house and grabbed her CBD oil. She gave the 40lb goat 0.3mL of oil and curled up with the goat, as she waited for it to die. The CBD stopped the seizure, and three minutes later the goat was totally fine! She stood up and called for her new baby and the baby started nursing like nothing ever happened. Momma goat and baby are doing great!!

Note: Photo is a stock image and not one of Ruth Ann’s goats

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