
US Government hears your comments about rescheduling marijuana (cannabis) #TakeAction

Photo Credits : Freedom Leaf Magazine

You’ve probably heard that the US Government is taking public comments – yes, your comments – about rescheduling marijuana (cannabis) through October 31st, 2018. It’s currently scheduled at level 1 with no known medical benefits. Do you think it should be rescheduled or de-scheduled and removed from the list of controlled substances altogether?
Your voices can be heard by commenting here. Take action and share this post with your circles.

If you are struggling with words to say, take some inspiration from one of our RoC Directors, Joel Munson. Remember to keep it short and to the point, check your grammar, and don’t use curse words.
Joel says:

“I am writing to inform you about the cannabis plant and its resin.

The cannabis plant contains over 500 compounds. Over 100 of these are unique to the cannabis plant, they are called cannabinoids. Only one of these cannabinoids has a mind-altering effect and thus a potential for abuse. It is called THC. No other cannabinoid has any potential for abuse.

Different strains of cannabis contain different levels of THC. Some strains contain almost no THC and these do not belong on the CSA whatsoever. Some strains contain higher amounts of THC and are liable to be abused. However, cannabis is abused at much lower rates than other recreational drugs. Cannabis has a lower rating for dependence, withdrawal, and tolerance than alcohol, nicotine, and caffeine, three drugs that are completely legal for adults to use according to Federal law.

Though THC is the only mind-altering cannabinoid, preclinical and animal research is showing almost every cannabinoid to have remarkable therapeutic potential in mammals thanks to the newly discovered endogenous cannabinoid system, which controls all biological functions (See attached). They are showing to not just combat symptoms but to actually fight the root cause of everything from cancer and autoimmune diseases to neurological and age-related diseases.

There has never been clinical research on humans studying the medical effectiveness of cannabinoids because of the Schedule 1 status of cannabis. The Schedule 1 status makes it virtually impossible to conduct research on it. If it were re-scheduled to a lower level or preferably de-scheduled altogether, it would be a boon for research and health outcomes for the human race.

When a substance from the black market is taken above ground to a regulated market, “trafficking” becomes “shipping and handling.” There is no need to smuggle or import drugs of dubious quality when they can be produced locally with high-quality standards within a legal framework.

I hope that you will take these comments seriously. Thank you for your consideration.”


She is happier than ever and is attempting to sit up and roll, communicate, and hug.

Written by mom Kerry

Our daughter, Reese, has suffered from seizures since she was born. She was at one time having 20 seizures a day while on 3 anti-seizure meds. We have tried 12 pharmaceuticals to control her seizures. We had to acknowledge our acceptance of their side effects which included possible blindness, liver failure, kidney stones, and even death. It has been a painful, gut-wrenching process making those decisions. Even worse, she still was seizing 2-4 times a day…every day.

We started her on CBD oil one year ago. We saw her first ever seizure-free week!!! She is happier than ever and is attempting to sit up and roll, communicate, and hug. Her seizures have decreased by 75% and there are no harmful side effects! It has been Reese’s peace. I want every family who needs it to have access!! Thank you so much for caring about our precious daughter.


Cannabis has helped ease my anxiety and lessen my Asperger’s symptoms

Written by Megan

Cannabis has helped ease my anxiety and lessen my Asperger’s symptoms. I am in treatment for Lyme disease and have to go slow with the dose, but it supports my treatment by helping keep the bacteria at bay. CBD oil has been a wonderful and enjoyable part of the treatment for Lyme disease and Asperger’s.

I was able to receive the product for free as opposed to the grant because I live in Canada. This came as a huge gift because the treatment for Lyme disease is very expensive. It has been a huge blessing and I feel so grateful to have been a part of this program. It’s allowed me to use an aspect of treatment I wouldn’t have otherwise been able to use, and one I value greatly.


New Education Series, Join Us Today!

“A true teacher would never tell you what to do. But they would give you the knowledge with which you could decide what would be best for you to do.” – Christopher Pike.

Register for today’s education here:

Tuesday, November 6th at 1pm mtn time

We welcome new and existing clients to participate in our Realm of Caring Education Series for Cannabinoid Therapy. We have made some changes to our Tuesday education because we saw a need to focus and dig in deeper on specific topics like endocannabinoid therapy and your pet, exploring the endocannabinoid system, major cannabinoids, dosing and administration, and women’s health. 

We will be adding more topics and are making plans to host new learning opportunities on opioids, cancer, autism spectrum disorder, pain, and men’s health. We currently use the data we collect from thousands of calls, emails, and texts to drive our education topics, but we are always open to suggestions and can prepare an education based on specific requests. Send your requests to

Do you have time to connect today? Watch and ask questions live with a Care Specialist in Getting Started With Cannabinoid Therapy, 101. The purpose of this education is to inform new and existing clients about cannabinoid therapies (cannabis/hemp/marijuana) and discuss how the Realm of Caring can support you on your journey. 

We will discuss our organization, state/federal laws, CBD & THC, the endocannabinoid system, administration, and half-life, the entourage effect, quality products, side effects, potential interactions, safety and talking with your health care provider.

We encourage all individuals and their families to participate because the information is invaluable. Since we experience change on a daily basis it is important to stay informed and up-to-date on information related to cannabinoid therapies. The knowledge gained from this education should make you feel more confident in what is happening in cannabinoid therapies. We hope to see you later today!

Log in to your account here 

If you’re a new client, you will have to create a free account.

Our next Education is Tuesday, November 20th, and we will cover Women’s Health. 


Join RoC for Administration and Dosing Education

Are you on vacation this week? Are you experiencing a slower than normal workday? Are you interested in learning more about how to administer and dose with cannabis for you, a patient, or a loved one? Join us on Tuesday, November 20th, at 1pm MST, for our continuing education class called “Administration & Dosing Education.” Log into your Realm of Caring account and register here for the free opportunity: Be sure to plan ahead and register for our next session on 12/4: Women’s Health Forum.

In order to access the Realm of Caring Education, please create a free client account or login to your existing client account, access here:

Here are 5 reasons why you should watch this deep dive into Administration & Dosing:

#1 ASK QUESTIONS LIVE: Did you know that as you watch, you can ask questions by typing them into the live chat? We will answer your individual questions and concerns as they arise during the class. Contribute to the discussion! Register here: Also you can speak with a Care Specialist: 719-347-5400, Option 1.

#2 EVIDENCE-BASED:  Did you know that we have the largest Observational Research Registry (ORR) in the United States? Clients have an opportunity to participate in data collection and research. Our data drives our education, especially our administration and dosing guidelines, providing clients with practical applications for humans. Learn more here:

#3 CHANGING INFORMATION: Did you know that new cannabis information, especially about administration and dosing, emerges every day? Since we experience change on a daily basis it is important to stay informed and up-to-date on current information. Register to get the most up to date facts about cannabis and cannabinoid therapies:

#4 FREE TO LEARN: On November 20th, watch the free education class “Administration & Dosing” and take a deeper dive into the following topics: 

-Realm of Caring Organization Overview

-Importance of Quality Products

-Quality Products

-Administration Methods

-Administration and Dosing

-Guidelines and Calculators

-CBD & THC Ratios


-Slow & Steady, Special Considerations

-Donate, Volunteer, and Register

#5 QUALITY OF LIFE MATTERS: You have the ability to choose and make decisions that affect the quality of your life. Learn more about effective administration and dosing and use our tools and resources to help you navigate this journey. We are here for you every step of the way, Register today: 



Cannabis Women’s Health Forum, Join the Discussion!

WHAT: RoC Education Series for Cannabinoid Therapy: Women’s Health Forum 

WHY: To inform new and existing clients about cannabinoid therapies and discuss topics in women’s health. This is our first-panel discussion of the latest research and information about topics related to women’s health. To provide an opportunity to ask questions to a Realm of Caring representative about cannabinoid therapies and women’s health. We encourage all individuals and their family to participate because the information is invaluable. Since we experience change on a daily basis it is important to stay informed and up-to-date on information related to cannabinoid therapies and women’s health, a topic that many new and existing clients contact us about. The knowledge gained from this education should make you feel more confident in what is happening in women’s health and cannabis. We hope to see you at the next education series! Register here:

WHO: Four Women from the Realm of Caring will provide the education. It is for new, continuing, or interested clients looking to use cannabinoid therapies with a focus on the Realm of Caring services. 

WHERE: 3515 N Chestnut Street, Colorado Springs, CO, 80907, or View Online (your RSVP confirmation email will contain instructions to view online).

WHEN: December 4th from 1:00 PM – 2:00 PM Mountain Time

We understand that our select dates in Colorado Springs won’t cater to our new clients who have to be at home, in the office or live in another state. Live-airing of the education offers, our second to best interaction, screen-to-screen time with a Realm of Caring staffer.

Please reserve tickets for each family member/guest you intend to bring (of any age). Tickets are FREE!

In the meantime, we encourage you to create a Client Portal Account to gain exclusive access to RoC’s Resources for Clients. If you have immediate questions about access, dosing and administering, you can reach the Care Team at or (719) 347-5400 opt. 1.

Register here:

Our next Education on Tuesday, December 18th, will be about Self Care and General Wellness. 


I noticed my hands weren’t hurting any longer even after working outside in my garden or doing strenuous work around our property

Written by Margaret

My husband Kenneth and I started taking Charlotte’s Web (CW) original hemp formula in April 2017. He’s now been seizure-free since May of 2018. I also take Charlotte’s Web for arthritis in my hands and fingers. A couple weeks after starting the oil, I noticed my hands weren’t hurting any longer even after working outside in my garden or doing strenuous work around our property. I help with my husband’s daily personal care and CW has improved my ability to do this. I would never consider stopping taking this product unless it became financially impossible.

This financial grant has been such a gift for my husband and myself, it allows us to purchase the oil consistently so we can take it every day without the financial worries. We are able to pay our other bills without having to choose what not to pay that month. Without the grant, we probably wouldn’t be able to do this.

It has allowed my husband to decrease some of his other prescription medications and start to feel better since some of the pharmaceutical medications were making him so lethargic. It has also allowed me to take care of his daily needs without the pain I used to experience in my hands. I look forward to taking my dose each day knowing it makes each day better for us both.


Educational Class About General Health & Wellness

Are you feeling stressed out during the holidays? It’s only December 18th! Find out how CBD can support you rest, relaxation and recovery over the next few weeks! During our live education series today, Tuesday, December 18th, from 1 pm to 2 pm MST, we will discuss General Wellness and Self Care. We will present research about how cannabinoids effect sleep, stress, anti-aging, and exercise.


During the webinar, you will have a chance to ask our Care Specialist questions, live! Log in to your Realm of Caring account and register here:


WHAT: RoC Education Series for Cannabinoid Therapy: Wellness & Self Care


WHY: To inform new and existing clients about cannabinoid therapies and discuss topics around general wellness and self-care. To provide an opportunity to ask questions to a Realm of Caring representative about cannabinoid therapies and wellness. We encourage all individuals and their family to participate because the information is invaluable. Since we experience change on a daily basis it is important to stay informed and up-to-date on information related to cannabinoid therapies and general wellness, a topic that many new and existing clients contact us about. The knowledge gained from this education should make you feel more confident in what is happening in general wellness and cannabis. We hope to see you at the next education series!


WHO: Realm of Caring, Care Specialist. It is for new, continuing, or interested clients looking to use cannabinoid therapies with a focus on the Realm of Caring services.


WHERE: 3515 N Chestnut Street, Colorado Springs, CO, 80907, or View Online (your RSVP confirmation email will contain instructions to view online).


WHEN: December 18th from 1:00 PM – 2:00 PM Mountain Time


We understand that our select dates in Colorado Springs won’t cater to our new clients who have to be at home, in the office or live in another state. Live-airing of the education offers, our second to best interaction, screen-to-screen time with a Realm of Caring staffer.

Please reserve tickets for each family member/guest you intend to bring (of any age). Tickets are FREE!


In the meantime, we encourage you to create a Client Portal Account to gain exclusive access to RoC’s Resources for Clients. If you have immediate questions about access, dosing and administering, you can reach the Care Team at or (719) 347-5400 opt. 1

Our next Education on Tuesday, January 15th, will be about Pain Management.


His sleep habits are so much better and he’s able to control his temper

Written by Damian’s mom

He continues to improve. His sleep habits are so much better and he’s able to control his temper. He even got his first job!

We don’t have to stress about paying our bills when we need to purchase CBD [because of the Realm Cares grant]

. Damian doesn’t have to go without for a period of time while we struggle to get the money. We can’t thank you enough for giving us this aid. It truly has helped my son get past his Asperger’s symptoms and learn and grow.

CBD has changed our lives. Without the grant, he wouldn’t be able to use it.


Online Class 2/26 @ 5pm

Are you curious about how cannabis affects Mood: Anxiety and Depression?

Tune in from 5 pm to 6 pm MST, on Tuesday, February 26th.


You will need to login to your Realm of Caring’s client account to access the Youtube link for this live education.  

What will I learn?

You will learn about cannabinoid therapies and exploring current research from the Realm of Caring’s Observational Research Registry (ORR) and peer-reviewed journal articles. We will recommend quality products, administration and dosing options, and leave time for live Q&A with a Care Specialist.

Mood: Anxiety & Depression, is a topic that many clients contact us about. The knowledge gained from this education will empower you in making informed decisions for you or your loved ones.


This education is for new, continuing, or interested clients looking to use cannabinoid therapies with a focus on exploring Mood: Anxiety and Depression.


Join us online or in person!

3515 N Chestnut Street, Colorado Springs, CO, 80907, or View Online

(Your RSVP confirmation email will contain instructions to view online.)


February 26th from 5:00 PM – 6:00 PM Mountain Time

We understand that our select dates in Colorado Springs won’t cater to our new clients who have to be at home, in the office or live in another state. Live-airing of the education offers, our second to best interaction, screen-to-screen time with a Realm of Caring staffer. Please reserve tickets for each family member/guest you intend to bring

Tickets are FREE!

In the meantime, we encourage you to create a Client Portal Account to gain exclusive access to RoC’s Resources for Clients. If you have immediate questions about access, dosing or administering, you can reach the Care Team at or (719) 347-5400 opt.1