
#Community Matters Bringing Everyone Together

Episode 7 of 7


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This episode concludes our end of year giving campaign and we hope you are feeling inspired by every one of these families!

The end of the year brings reflection and goals for the next year.  Here at Realm of Caring Foundation (RoC), we help people find answers to tough questions like administration and dosing guidelines for cannabinoid therapies. We don’t give answers “because we heard it somewhere” we give data-driven answers from the research we’ve been collecting for years. This Observational Research Registry (ORR), in collaboration with institutions like Johns Hopkins University, takes hundreds of thousands of dollars to implement each year. Those dollars come from donors like you who give $12 a year as a RoC Friend. Also, all of our programs and services are completely free and the only way to sustain free programs is through additional RoC Friends in 2019.

Another thing we LOVE to do is give money away to families in need. This can be in the form of a relocation grant (Joy Fund) like the Jerger’s received this summer which relieved the pressure of moving from Indiana to Colorado so Jaelah could access products and services that weren’t available in her state.  We also give away grants to families to offset the cost of their therapies that aren’t covered by insurance through the Realm Cares program. Anyone in need can apply, and the average amount is $100 directly deposited into the recipient’s account over a one year period.  To date, we have given back over $300,000.00 in grant programs because of RoC Friends!

This is all super AHHHmazing, EXCEPT, we don’t have enough money to give every person that applies for the grant and this breaks our hearts.?  We hope in 2019 we can raise enough funding to close the gap and no longer have to turn desperate families away. To give a grant to every person who applies, we need around $2,600,000.00. You read that right. 2.6 million dollars.  Every dollar counts.

We know this end of year giving campaign is running a little late and our biggest ask of the year is the week before Christmas. But, we aren’t asking you to donate $10,000 or even $500. We aren’t asking you to donate $20 (which is the average secret Santa gift exchange cost.)

We are asking for $12 and that covers your donation for the year! It doesn’t seem like a lot, but it is the MOST IMPACTFUL way to give.

Side note: According to a new Workonomix survey by Accounting Principals, 50% of the American workforce spends approximately $1000 a year oncoffeeor a weekly coffee habit of more than $20. WOW!

It’s not $12 a month – it’s $1 a MONTH. Of course, if you have more to give, please do – your donation is completely tax-deductible because we are a 501c(3) nonprofit. Do you have a rich Uncle Ron who needs to move some money around at the end of the year for tax purposes?Send him our direction.

But for YOU – the average person who probably struggles to pay the mortgage every month, we are asking for $1.

To give some more perspective, we have more than 90,000 followers on our social media accounts. If each one would donate $1 we would have $90,000 to expand our research program for 1 year, or help 18 more families relocate to a state with medical cannabis laws so they don’t live in fear of their child being taken away.

This is our ask: If you aren’t already, become a RoC Friend for $12/year. Tell your friends, family, co-workers, neighbors, whoever is in your community about this wonderful video series. Share these stories and inspire your community to also give $12/year.  See where we’re going with this? Be the change. Pay it forward. Give a tremendous gift we call the gift of time.  Many of the families we serve around the world are running out of time, out of options, out of hope.

Help us to help them. You are the hero of this story. Thank you.

Sign up todayORDONATE any amount

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We are seeing our daughter come back to life!

Written by mom Lisa

We have a 5-year-old daughter who was diagnosed with a rare form of epilepsy when she was 2 1/2-years-old. Her condition was intractable meaning resistant to treatment. We tried many medications. None of them helped. They only made her seizures worse and the side effects were unbearable – she regressed cognitively, was irritable, had mood swings and rage. We tried the ketogenic diet in which she was restricted to 10 grams of carbohydrates a day. She was having hundreds of seizures a day – all day long. Please imagine a small child suffering through so many seizures and nothing you did helped.

The financial, mental, physical, emotional, social impacts of a diagnosis like this are more than one can bear. After two years we were left with two options – another pharmaceutical that came with known side effects or medical marijuana specifically Charlotte’s Web (low THC). Since our daughter failed multiple pharmaceuticals the chance of another working was less than 5%. Charlotte’s Web had only beneficial side effects in the short term but unknown side effects in the long term. What it came down to is we needed to save her life. The seizures and medications were taking her away from us. And it was only a matter of time.

Charlotte’s Web worked. Within five months she went COMPLETELY seizure free. We are now weaning her off of the harsh pharmaceuticals and are seeing our daughter come back to life! It has changed our lives so much that she is starting Kindergarten in the fall – something we didn’t think would be possible two years ago! I don’t know a single parent who wouldn’t search under every rock to try to save their child. And every parent should have that right regardless of their zip code. The desperation of patients wanting the chance to try a medication that has been beneficial to others when pharmaceuticals haven’t is understandable. They are suffering. Marijuana is a schedule 1 substance, but it doesn’t warrant that classification. No one has died from the overdose of marijuana, but people die every day from the overdose of pharmaceuticals. From the research that has been done, we also understand that CBD is a natural neuro-protectant and protecting our daughter from brain damage. The opposite of what her pharmaceuticals were doing. I urge anyone to read the research that has been done – it does exist. Education and awareness on this topic are crucial and mind changing.

Note: Lisa wrote to us in 2015 when Charlotte’s Web CBD oil was manufactured as medical marijuana (cannabis) prior to it being grown as hemp. In 2015 families were still moving to medical marijuana states to obtain Charlotte’s Web. Thankfully the laws have since changed and CW is being shipped to most states.


5 Reasons to Join RoC for Administration and Dosing Education

Are you interested in learning more about how to administer and dose with cannabis for you, a patient, or a loved one? Join us on Tuesday, September 11th, at 1pm MST, for our continuing education class called “Administration & Dosing Education.”

Register here

Plan ahead and register for our next session on 9/25: Cannabinoid Therapy and Your Pet.

Here are 5 reasons why you should watch this deep dive into Administration & Dosing:

#1 ASK QUESTIONS LIVE: Did you know that as you watch, you can ask questions by typing them into the live chat? We will answer your individual questions and concerns as they arise during the class. Contribute to the discussion! Register here: Also you can speak with a Care Specialist: 719-347-5400, Option 1.

#2 EVIDENCE-BASED:  Did you know that we have the largest Observational Research Registry (ORR) in the United States? Clients have an opportunity to participate in data collection and research. Our data drives our education, especially our administration and dosing guidelines, providing clients with practical applications for humans. Learn more here:

#3 CHANGING INFORMATION: Did you know that new cannabis information, especially about administration and dosing, emerges every day? Since we experience change on a daily basis it is important to stay informed and up-to-date on current information. Register to get the most up to date facts about cannabis and cannabinoid therapies:

#4 FREE TO LEARN: On September 11th, watch the free education class “Administration & Dosing” and take a deeper dive into the following topics: 

-Realm of Caring Organization Overview

-Importance of Quality Products

-Quality Products

-Administration Methods

-Administration and Dosing

-Guidelines and Calculators

-CBD & THC Ratios


-Slow & Steady, Special Considerations

-Donate, Volunteer, and Register

#5 QUALITY OF LIFE MATTERS: You have the ability to choose and make decisions that affect the quality of your life. Learn more about effective administration and dosing and use our tools and resources to help you navigate this journey. We are here for you every step of the way, Register today: 
Realm of Caring Foundation specifically invokes the First Amendment Rights of Freedom of Speech and of the Press without prejudice. These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. The products discussed are not intended to diagnose, cure, prevent or treat any disease. RoC always recommends when and wherever possible that licensed local healthcare professionals be consulted.   The Realm of Caring Foundation is an independent nonprofit with its own governing board. We do not produce or sell cannabinoid products, nor do we receive funds from the sale of other company’s products.  



I am no longer depressed or suicidal

Written by Laura 

I joined the Navy in 1994. Seven years before retirement I fell down a flight of stairs and severely injured my spine and neck. I didn’t receive proper treatment until the pain was so bad I was removed from sea commands permanently and placed on medical board for removal from service. After physical therapy, extensive cortisone shots throughout my body, psychological pain therapy, TMS therapy, and 18+ pain medicines, muscle relaxers and SSRIs, I was honorably retired.

I attempted suicide in 2011 and again in 2013 – the second time was right after my retirement. For six months, I cut myself off from the world and began to detox my body. I suffered from extreme pain and extreme physiological effects from the prescription pills but I was convinced that if I didn’t, I would die; even if it was my own hand. I had a dear friend recommend cannabis, a plant that I have never seen, let alone tried as an adolescent or young adult. At 39 years old, I learned how to make edibles and it has changed my life.

Today, I am no longer depressed or suicidal. I have regained the ability to perform basic daily functions to include showering and dressing myself. I am a cancer survivor, a fibromyalgia survivor, a military sexual trauma survivor and I KNOW that cannabis saved my life. Because I took the chance and used cannabis, I am not a statistic. I am not one of the veterans who took their own life. I am now a mom, a wife, a retiree, a college student (Master’s) and an educator of everyone I meet that cannabis is a wonderful plant.


We now know this oil is a true blessing and one day soon we will wean off of some seizure meds.

Written by mom Tracie

What does Realm of Caring mean to you?

Realm of Caring has given me and my family so much hope. They have given us so much support, help, love, and kindness. For all this our family is very grateful, we are very blessed, and thank God every day this company and these wonderful people have come to help all of us parents, caregivers, and families and given much-needed hope!!!!!

Tell us your story.

My name is Tracie, and I am mother and caregiver to our son, Alex, who has a Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) due to a motor vehicle accident in 1997 when he was age 4. He is now 26 and he is a wonderful, happy young man. He loves the outdoors, jeeping, and 4×4. We recently tried Charlotte’s Web CBD oil. I gave Alex his last dose on July 21st, 2018 because we wanted to see if it was working or if it was the seizure meds. We found when we stopped using it, his seizures came back. This time his seizures are harder and more frequent.

We now know this oil is a true blessing and one day soon we will wean off of some seizure meds. I am one happy momma. There are no words that can express how happy and excited we are. One day our goal with Alex is to visit the amazing farm and the young men responsible for getting our son back. Much love and happiness.

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Marijuana gave me my life back

Written by Morgan in 2015

My name is Morgan and I am a 28-year-old with Multiple sclerosis (MS). I’ve had MS for 11 years and I have been on various medicines including several narcotic pain pills and sleeping pills. At one point I was taking 28 pills a day and not functional. In addition to being a business owner, I am a mother of two and a wife. I never smoked marijuana or was interested in it my entire life until the pain became so unbearable and I was literally becoming a zombie with prescription medicines.

Marijuana gave me my life back. I cannot be any clearer. I am able to smoke and feel a difference in pain within seconds and still have functionality. I rub CBD balm on my legs to stop the pain from crippling me – all illegally. I am a law-abiding citizen but risk myself every day. It is important that we move in a direction that helps and serves people. Regulations can determine the rest, but we need a forward outcome. Imagine laying naked on steel and feeling that cold burn up against your skin — you would do anything to take that dull pain away. I am now able to be a mother, business owner, and wife because of my choice in unconventional medicine. I do not think I should also be jailed for that.

Note: Morgan wrote to us in 2015 and lived in Nebraska at the time. Currently, medical marijuana (products containing more than 0.3% THC) is not an option for residents of Nebraska, but thanks to the Farm Bill passing in 2018, CBD products made from industrial hemp (containing less than 0.3% THC) are legal in all 50 states.


Cannabinoid Therapy and Your Pet

Did you know that anything with a spine has an endocannabinoid system? And even a few things without a spine – like slugs! On September 25th, from 1pm to 2pm MST, join the Realm of Caring for the next educational opportunity: Cannabinoid Therapy and Your Pet.


The purpose of this education is to inform new and existing clients about cannabinoid therapies and their pet, specifically about:
-quality products,
-administration methods and dosing,
-tracking pet symptoms and behavior,-safety tips,
-a short review of current pet research.

Ask questions LIVE! We provide opportunities to ask questions to a Realm of Caring representative about cannabinoid therapies and your pet. The knowledge gained from this education should make you feel more confident in administration methods and dosing with cannabinoid products with their pet as well as give you a better understanding of how the product might work for you.

Participate in person at the Realm of Caring, 3515 N Chestnut Street, Colorado Springs, CO, 80907,or View  (your RSVP confirmation email will contain instructions to view online).

Create a Client Portal to gain exclusive access to RoC’s Resources for Clients. If you have immediate questions about access, dosing and administering, you can reach the Care Team at or (719) 347-5400 opt. 1


In just a few weeks on the CBD oil, I am already seeing more movement in my foot and leg.

Written by Molly

I am a 29-year-old woman who has had intractable epilepsy (resistant to medication) for 19 years. I had my first of six brain surgeries at age 10 to stop a pretty severe brain bleed. The damage to surrounding brain tissue is what has lead to my seizure disorder. In the last 19 years, I have tried all of the anticonvulsant drugs available to me, including several drug studies. I had little or no success.

I have recently found some success with my current drug combination as well as the addition of CBD oil. I feel very fortunate to live in a state that allows people with epilepsy to obtain CBD oil. I feel that it should be allowed for those children and adults with epilepsy and other chronic conditions that could benefit from its use. I have had about an 80% reduction in seizure activity but, what I am also seeing are the restorative benefits of the CBD oil. One of the brain surgeries I had as a teenager left me completely paralyzed on the left side of my body. I needed to learn to walk, talk, and use all the muscles of that side of my body again.

In just a few weeks on the CBD oil, I am already seeing more movement in my foot and leg. Something I never got in years of physical therapy! I am a big believer in the benefits of CBD oil for individuals with epilepsy because I have experienced it first hand. I hope more individuals get access soon.


We have been able to go out and travel without being worried sick about her seizures.

Written by a mom who wishes to stay anonymous

You have no idea how grateful we are with this CBD oil, our daughter has changed in a significant way. She´s sleeping better, her appetite is amazing, she´s more aware of her surroundings, and her squint eye seems to get better every day. Not to mention that her seizures have dropped to about 1 every 3 months (WOW!!!). The most exciting thing is that pre-school is now a reality, she has recently started and she´s enjoying it tons!

We have also been able to go out and travel without being worried sick about her seizures. I would love to mention that my relatives are also doing better than ever, it was hard for them to know that we were always on alert and that we might have to run to the hospital because she would seize.

Buying a bottle of CBD oil meant that I had to look for extra shifts and a bank loan. The currency exchange during recent months has been outrageous, one dollar meant 19 pesos for us (we live in Mexico). Now we have been able to focus on other things like house adaptations for our daughter. We have also been able to buy her splints as she has some stiffness in both of her Achilles’ tendons. We´ve also been able to pay for her doctor´s appointments. We have a sort of Medicaid but unfortunately, the doctor they allocated us wasn’t ok with cannabidiol (CBD) treatment so we had to look for another doctor which is outside coverage but is giving us a small discount. So now we can follow-up with him even more often. We´ve been able to redeem the coupon code you’ve provided to us and only pay for shipping. The assistance the RoC is giving us is such a blessing.

The impact from the RoC is way too much! Like I´ve mentioned previously we can now see for a better way of living for us and our daughter. The whole family is just overwhelmed by how she has progressed and how her seizures have decreased. They have been through a lot with us, going to the hospital, staying with her for days in the hospital, etc. I have to tell you, we had to cancel two of her birthday celebrations as she seized either the night before or on her birthday. We are all very happy with her progress. You can´t imagine how happy her cousins are as she can now attend various events, she even went to a baseball game last week!! My whole family and I would like to thank you from the bottom of our hearts for the opportunity you are giving our daughter for a better chance at life. We can’t express and thank you enough for how much you are doing for us.

Note: This family receives financial assistance through our Realm Cares™ Grant Program.


The attacks stopped and he began to smile again

Written by RoC clients in Bulgaria

Hello, I am writing from Bulgaria to inform you that we started giving the drug scheme [regimen] you sent me and the attacks stopped and he began to smile again, I feel that more of course! Thanks for the help! His muscle tone is much better now. I began to give 0.33mL/cc two times a day, morning and evening.

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