Our little boy who we call Baby Luke, is 4.5 years old, and the apple of our eye. He was born what we believed to be a happy handsome little boy and as parents do we loved him unconditionally.
After a few months we noticed that there were issues in Baby Luke’s development, so we brought him to the doctors. Approximately 2 years later, baby Luke was diagnosed with Profound Non-Verbal Autism, massive sight issues and a vestibular condition. We were heartbroken as we knew too well what this meant in Ireland and the hardships both Luke (and us as his parents) would have to face to get schooling, OT, speech, and language etc.
Shortly after Luke’s diagnosis, we noticed a massive shift in Luke’s behavior, not eating, not sleeping, hurting himself and others, we could see his sensory issues explode in front of us driven by the severe anxiety of his surroundings.
We, at this point, have been surviving on 3 hours of sleep a night, at our complete wits end- the continual crying, the no sleep, the violent outbursts, the self-harming- our little boy was not there anymore; he had changed, he was lost in his own mind, his own condition trapping him to this behaviour.
So, we reached out to doctors, the prescriptions kept coming but nothing worked! So at the last point, we tried Charlottes Web Advanced Solution, starting at 0.2ml twice a day and adjusting the dosage along the way. In the first night, Baby Luke slept 9.5 hours! He was 24 hours away from being admitted to a hospital by our GP for refusing to eat in over 5 weeks and what did our boy do? He started to eat ! Yogurt, apples, bananas, fries, pasta, we couldn’t believe it. We cried and cried, as parents angry at ourselves for not trying this sooner, but then tears of joy that our boy would not require a feeding tube.
The results were and still are so amazing that we had to share our story with everyone who would listen. ASD parents have to see with the own eyes to believe what it does.
We started an awareness campaign called Life Being Blue on Facebook. I would recommend any parents in Europe that are on the fence to look at the daily videos look at what it has done for our son and family! Our little boy had gone from skin and bones and riddled with social and neurological disorders, to a child that is trying to communicate trying, to learn and nearly singing! Seeing is believing and Baby Luke’s Videos are there for everyone to see!
There is nothing to loose and much to gain!
Please share our page! Education on this is key people who live with severe ASD need to realize that CW is a possible solution to regain a standard of life. And this is key it’s about potentially gaining a standard of life.
Daddy Luke, Mommy Donna and Baby Luke