
Raise the Realm Day 5: Charlotte- Epilepsy

At just three months old, little Charlotte Figi experienced her first seizure, an experience that would send her and her family on a path that would eventually change the world. Charlotte’s parents were out of options and searching for solutions. Thankfully they discovered medical cannabis. After careful research and contacts, the Figis met the Stanley Brothers. They were able to provide a high CBD extract into Charlotte’s diet, and the results were remarkable.

After the CNN WEED special with Dr. Sanjay Gupta aired in August of 2013, the family featured received an outpouring of support and questions, especially how others could obtain access as well. Enter Stanley Brothers Social Enterprises and CW Hemp.

Today, Charlotte is an outgoing little girl who is thriving and enjoying life, like every other child her age. She recently completed her first full year of school and is now in the third grade. A young fashionista in the making, Charlotte has displayed an affinity for fabulous foot fashion, looking forward to her birthday shoe-shopping trip as much for the new shoes as the chance to ride up and down the escalators. “She is a girl through and through,” says Paige. A self-proclaimed modern artist, Charlotte wakes up each day and heads straight to her paint set. Her masterpieces are influenced by her favorite color orange, and the outdoor serenity that her home in Colorado provides.



#RaisetheRealm 6 Days Left to $70K


Looking at Chloe Levine, you wouldn’t know anything was “wrong” with her.  She laughs, smiles, and plays with her older sister, Shayla, doing anything a normal pre-teen would do.  Chloe had suffered a stroke in utero, probably early in pregnancy, and this resulted in hemiplegic cerebral palsy.  For the first 2 years of her life, she was not able to use the right side of her body until she had a stem cell transfusion with her own cord blood.

Chloe also has seizures, and she uses cannabinoid therapies to help keep them under control. She has tried both Lamictal and Keppra, which her mom says almost killed her.  Chloe would sit in the corner and scream for hours on end.

They decided to try cannabis oil because traditional pharmaceuticals were wasting her precious time and using something more natural seemed appealing.  Chloe’s family had heard many incredible stories of how THCA (the acid form of THC) oil could help children like her. Chloe’s neurologist calls her a miracle patient. She went from a sleep-deprived walking zombie, because her seizures kept her up all night, to a B student who once again has the will to tackle the world.

Chloe is now 11 and Shayla is 14. #raisetherealm #siblinglove

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Client Spotlight: Brooklyn Grace

Baby Grace is truly Amazing! She has post vaccine injuries, including seizures and a severe rash. She has been through so much after she received her vaccine, and what I mean by amazing is her strength is solid even with her setbacks. She will still have a smile that will steal your heart. We are confident that we will get her to being two! Even though she is unable to go outside unless we are going to hospital or appointment (the sun affects her skin).

CW has been the most promising help for our baby Grace thus far we are all so thankful I honestly have no idea what we would be doing at this point for Grace if we didn’t have CW and RoC.

Her skin is night and day! We have not seen any seizures, skin is looking so much better she more active, more verbal communication, and she seems to be catching up to her milestones, blood work is improving. Her lab’s just came back and they are the best they have been since she’s been effected by her vaccine! We are so excited about this recovery we are seeing!