
Things that I had to force myself to do I now do naturally

Written by Patricia

When I was 28 (in 1988), I came down with CFIDS/Fibromyalgia. The first 7 years I was bedridden. I slowly improved, but I’ve never enjoyed good health since then. I stopped driving about 5-6 years ago due to severe brain fog. Bodily pain varies. What afflicted me most has been frequent migraines, severe fatigue, a definite feeling of malaise, light and sound sensitivity (so bad I had to quit going to church and other functions); the list goes on and on.

Due to some swelling I couldn’t walk from the pain for over 2 years. On “good days” I’d try to go for nightly walks but usually had to turn back after just walking past 3 or 4 houses. It wasn’t fun, living in the dark and trying to find fulfillment doing basically nothing.

At the urging of my oldest daughter, I purchased a bottle of hemp oil. I started taking it six days ago; half a dropperful twice daily. I cannot even begin to tell you the improvement I’ve seen in that short time!! I feel mentally alert again. I no longer have that deathly morbid fatigue. My mood is …dare I say it… almost happy! Things that I had to force myself to do I now do naturally and without thought. And best of all I have taken 1 mile walks every day since taking it with absolutely no problem! Smiling, no pain, no fatigue, for the first time in many years! No way could any placebo effect cause this. I have tried so many things with sometimes disastrous results, and to tell the truth, had resigned myself to a lifetime of misery.

I’m so confident in this product I bought the big bottle of the highest dosage, which should last me quite awhile. It is awesome to feel like my old self after more than 28 years.


He isn’t walking around like a zombie

Written by Taylor’s family

Taylor’s health has improved drastically since starting the cannabinoid therapy. He went from being on 8 medications, including psych medications, to just one medication and the CBD oil. The only pharmaceutical medication he is on now is a weaning off dose of his seizure medication. He’s happy, healthy, mentally stable (more so than he’s ever been), and is no longer overweight.

He isn’t walking around like a zombie. Meltdowns are about once every 3-6 months when previously it was 3-6 a month. The entire family has had a change. Our family dynamic went from chaotic to happy and healthy. For the past year, we have truly gotten to meet the REAL Taylor for the first time ever. He has about 98% seizure control. Without you, the grant, and this life-saving oil, Taylor would not have quality of life, would not be in school, could be in a mental hospital or possibly not be with us from constant seizures.

Thank you for giving our son a chance at life and quality of life. This therapy has breathed life into our son and the entire family. You gave us hope when hope was lost.


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We now know this oil is a true blessing and one day soon we will wean off of some seizure meds.

Written by mom Tracie

What does Realm of Caring mean to you?

Realm of Caring has given me and my family so much hope. They have given us so much support, help, love, and kindness. For all this our family is very grateful, we are very blessed, and thank God every day this company and these wonderful people have come to help all of us parents, caregivers, and families and given much-needed hope!!!!!

Tell us your story.

My name is Tracie, and I am mother and caregiver to our son, Alex, who has a Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) due to a motor vehicle accident in 1997 when he was age 4. He is now 26 and he is a wonderful, happy young man. He loves the outdoors, jeeping, and 4×4. We recently tried Charlotte’s Web CBD oil. I gave Alex his last dose on July 21st, 2018 because we wanted to see if it was working or if it was the seizure meds. We found when we stopped using it, his seizures came back. This time his seizures are harder and more frequent.

We now know this oil is a true blessing and one day soon we will wean off of some seizure meds. I am one happy momma. There are no words that can express how happy and excited we are. One day our goal with Alex is to visit the amazing farm and the young men responsible for getting our son back. Much love and happiness.

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I cried and cried happy tears. Finally…relief!

Written by Brianna

Degenerative disc disease is honestly the most painful thing to ever plague my body. I suffered for 10 years before anyone diagnosed me. It was always brushed off as cramps, sleeping in an odd position, or standing too long at work. I believed it was more than muscle aches but no one trusted my pain level because I was just a teenager.

Growing up in Kentucky, medicinal marijuana was NOT an option. I grew up being told it was a gateway drug and the ultimate platform for addiction to hard drugs. I was terrified of marijuana for all of my life until I moved to Los Angeles at age 22. I kept going to doctors who would give me powerful narcotics and chiropractors who would twist my neck until it popped. Nothing gave me the relief I desperately needed.

It wasn’t until I saw a nature-oriented doctor in Hollywood that I heard about the medical benefits of marijuana. I couldn’t believe what he was saying. Was he actually suggesting I smoke the “big bad drug” I grew up avoiding? The first time I smoked I felt the pain in my lower back ease.I cried and cried happy tears.Finally…relief!

This villainized plant brought me what I had been searching for, for over a decade. I became angry that this valid form of pain management is looked down upon and lied about from the time we enter school. I lived in pain for so many years for no real reason. The legalization of marijuana should be the most pressing issue in America today. The amount of people living in unnecessary pain and battling true addiction from pain pills is criminal.


I was sleep deprived for 6.5 years of his illness, my level of sleep now is intoxicating

Written by mom Linda

THIS IS THE BEST PART!!! NO, NONE, NADA… ahhhhh I could fill this whole block with just this and sit back in my chair and stare at it for days…truly. Isaac is doing MARVELOUS. NO SEIZURES SINCE OIL!!!!! Can I write it in the sky, or carve it in a pie?? His Neuro Doctor and I are reducing Keppra, he was on 4 a day huge amount 750 mg each we are now down to only one and Isaac will be free of it in one week. With each reduction we are increasing the oil a bit.

We have done so many things we have not been able to for the 13 years of his seizures. One being free movies in the fall at the Imax theatre. I thought he has done so well I think he could handle it if he uses his ear plugs (he could not tolerate an inside theatre, he is very optically triggered). We made 7 out of 9 of the free Saturday morning matinees they offered. Isaac thanked me each trip home after probably 20 times. He is the sweetest.

Each reduction of drug I see another piece of him emerge that has been buried for 13 years. He no longer requires sleeping in my bed on the weekend because most of his seizures would be at night. I was sleep deprived for 6.5 years of his illness, my level of sleep now is intoxicating. We are” Livin Large” I tell him.

I use the entire grant for his oil. Each month I face his oil or the mortgage. The grant is massive in our lives. I am grateful with my every breath and for Isaac’s every breath. My closest dear friends are amazed and in awe. They share in our joy.


Marijuana gave me my life back

Written by Morgan in 2015

My name is Morgan and I am a 28-year-old with Multiple sclerosis (MS). I’ve had MS for 11 years and I have been on various medicines including several narcotic pain pills and sleeping pills. At one point I was taking 28 pills a day and not functional. In addition to being a business owner, I am a mother of two and a wife. I never smoked marijuana or was interested in it my entire life until the pain became so unbearable and I was literally becoming a zombie with prescription medicines.

Marijuana gave me my life back. I cannot be any clearer. I am able to smoke and feel a difference in pain within seconds and still have functionality. I rub CBD balm on my legs to stop the pain from crippling me – all illegally. I am a law-abiding citizen but risk myself every day. It is important that we move in a direction that helps and serves people. Regulations can determine the rest, but we need a forward outcome. Imagine laying naked on steel and feeling that cold burn up against your skin — you would do anything to take that dull pain away. I am now able to be a mother, business owner, and wife because of my choice in unconventional medicine. I do not think I should also be jailed for that.

Note: Morgan wrote to us in 2015 and lived in Nebraska at the time. Currently, medical marijuana (products containing more than 0.3% THC) is not an option for residents of Nebraska, but thanks to the Farm Bill passing in 2018, CBD products made from industrial hemp (containing less than 0.3% THC) are legal in all 50 states.


Now he drives, goes to school, works and leads a normal healthy life

Written by: Mom Kirsten

My son, Kellen, has epilepsy and was diagnosed at age 11. We didn’t want to put him on any of the medications out there due to the side effects.  We chose a route of eating certain foods and chiropractic care. That worked til this year.

His triggers are lack of sleep, dehydration, and stress. It seemed to have gotten better because Kellen wasn’t having grand mal seizures during the day. He had a lot of partial seizures and seizures during sleep.  We realized we needed to get something else for him to help him live the life he wants to live.

I watched the documentary WEED on CNN and I was instantly intrigued and inspired to get more information. As I did, I started to see the benefits that medical marijuana has for my son and others that struggle with seizures. I don’t let this define him, but he knows he needs help to control it. Kellen takes high CBD oil and it already blocked a partial seizure the day after he started. Now he drives, goes to school, works, and leads a normal healthy life. No side effects. No stoned results, just a healthy, happy kid that wants to make the world a better place.

Please consider making this available to those in your community. It is a life saver. It works. It is safe and effective. I have proof and I know many others do too. Why would anyone want to withhold something that could help someone, especially a child, have a normal happy life?

Thank you for listening to our story. I know in the beginning I was a bit skeptical but after researching, talking to many doctors, and watching these documentaries my son is now using it and having success. I would not choose anything else and have full trust in this product.


The last MRI shows a 25% reduction in tumor size

Provided by RoC Care Specialist on behalf of an anonymous client

Yesterday, a nice lady from Pueblo called to talk about her next order of CBD oil. During the conversation, she shared with me that she has been on CBD for 6 months and she is taking it because she has a brain tumor.

The last MRI shows a 25% reduction in tumor size. She says her primary care physician was furious that she chose to try cannabis.  She didn’t elaborate on that but says she doesn’t care because “IT’S WORKING!!!!!!!!”


In just a few weeks on the CBD oil, I am already seeing more movement in my foot and leg.

Written by Molly

I am a 29-year-old woman who has had intractable epilepsy (resistant to medication) for 19 years. I had my first of six brain surgeries at age 10 to stop a pretty severe brain bleed. The damage to surrounding brain tissue is what has lead to my seizure disorder. In the last 19 years, I have tried all of the anticonvulsant drugs available to me, including several drug studies. I had little or no success.

I have recently found some success with my current drug combination as well as the addition of CBD oil. I feel very fortunate to live in a state that allows people with epilepsy to obtain CBD oil. I feel that it should be allowed for those children and adults with epilepsy and other chronic conditions that could benefit from its use. I have had about an 80% reduction in seizure activity but, what I am also seeing are the restorative benefits of the CBD oil. One of the brain surgeries I had as a teenager left me completely paralyzed on the left side of my body. I needed to learn to walk, talk, and use all the muscles of that side of my body again.

In just a few weeks on the CBD oil, I am already seeing more movement in my foot and leg. Something I never got in years of physical therapy! I am a big believer in the benefits of CBD oil for individuals with epilepsy because I have experienced it first hand. I hope more individuals get access soon.


My Grave’s disease went into remission

Written by Barbi

I was diagnosed with Grave’s Disease in 1999. The doctor said that I would have to take pills for it for the rest of my life. Pills that have side effects. I stopped taking those pills after a few months and decided to treat my disease with cannabis. That was 16 years ago. My Grave’s disease went into remission immediately, and it hasn’t come back since. The doctors tell me that my body is still attacking my thyroid due to auto-immune disease, but there’s a sort of “shield” (for lack of a better term) that is protecting my thyroid. That protection is due to this miraculous plant. I’ll defend it for life.