
He is able to sleep through the night and allow mommy to be able to rest as well

Written by Ayren’s mom

Ayren is now in the full phases of potty training, since he had kidney cancer it’s expected to be delays. He has learned to count to 20, is learning his colors, his ABC’s plus he is able to keep a short conversation, say his name, and now tell how old he is.

The financial assistance has helped immensely. Often times you hear of families that go through hard times and some marriages make while other do not. The strain of Ayren’s diagnosis has sadly tore my family apart and I am now doing it as a single mother. Having the financial aid has given me one less worry on how I’ll manage my son’s aftercare. Of course beyond the grant I have no clue what I will do, but Ayren has been blessed thus far in healing and having a somewhat normal life.

This therapy has allowed Ayren to resume a new normal. His anxiety has subsided, he has progressed immensely in his speech and ability to communicate. He is able to sleep through the night and allow mommy to be able to rest as well. I anticipate he being able to begin school, with the assistance of a school teacher’s aid. We are entering his 2 year remission mark and with the continuance of his oils I expect him to progress even farther. He has some areas of pain in his joints and limbs but I know his body is growing. Ayren has an older brother that he is now able able to communicate with and play with more as well.

365 JAN 28 2


Renew, Reboot, Restart

Written by: Realm of Caring

Do you need to reboot your cannabinoid therapy regimen?

Do you need to renew your existing dose?

Do you want to try a new quality product?

Join the Realm of Caring’s LiveEducation, RENEW, REBOOT, RESTART, Tuesday, January 15th, from 1 pm to 2 pm MST. Join


You will need to sign in using your existing client account or create one for free.

WHAT IS IT? A Care Specialist will inform new and existing clients about cannabinoid therapies and strategies to renew, reboot, and/or restart their regiment in a live webinar. We will discuss titration, tolerance, quality products, managing results, and expectations. You will have an opportunity to ask questions live about cannabinoid therapies.

WHEN IS IT? : January 15th from 1:00 PM – 2:00 PM Mountain Time



The first day taking the CBD I noticed I was not anxious

Written by Christine

I had been in two rear end collisions and then hit in the head at work. I have herniated discs in my neck and now in my lower back. My pain was all about getting around it so I could support my family. Taking pills was just a part my life. Finally it was too much to bear and I had to go on a leave of absence.

I have been on the big pharma rollercoaster. They do not tell you that you will indeed become dependent and you will not know why you feel the way you feel. A person has no clue that pills only mask what your body is telling you and that you will get an entirely new set of issues by taking synthetic pain relief.

I was at my rapidly fraying rope. The darkness was unbearable. Anxiety and physical pain ruled my life. I got on my knees and kept asking the Lord to help me or just take me home to Heaven. I had spent a few thousand dollars on other alternatives, nothing helped and I was ready to try one last time. So I ordered a high CBD oil online.

The first day taking the CBD I noticed I was not anxious. I had stopped taking Xanax. Then at the end of the first day I noticed I did not reach for the pain meds. I was shocked to say the least. This was a historical event that I never thought possible. Then came the second day, the third day…and now I am on my 20th day and I only had to take my pain meds once in the last 20 days and that is only because I sat on a sidewalk to watch a parade at Disneyland!

CBD is a truly amazing alternative to healing one’s body and or just changing the way the pain feels, if that makes any sense. I still have pain but it’s different and I can tolerate it now. The Realm Of Caring opened a door I did not think was accessible.

I hope my story will help others to understand the healing properties of CBD and also help cut the stigma. CBD does not get you high. I am not able to tolerate THC. Plus I am in the medical field so I need to be up on my game. Thank you.


Her Crohn’s disease and arthritis are in remission

Provided by Michelle’s family

Michelle is our only child. She became sick at 15 months old following an encephalopathy that destroyed her health. Michelle is now 23. She’s been diagnosed with severe autism (non-verbal), intractable grand mal epilepsy, Crohn’s disease, spondyloarthritis, uveitis, legal blindness, osteoporosis, severe deformity bilateral (feet bones), stage III steatohepatitis (liver disease) and severe static encephalopathy.

When Michelle was 10 years old she had her first grand mal seizure. It was so strong that it caused her to drop straight down twisting her legs beneath her, causing a compound open fracture (bone busting right through her shin). She was in the hospital for 6 weeks following this seizure and surgery. She was put on anti-seizure medication during that time. This point was really the beginning of a worsening overall in Michelle’s health. She had trouble healing from the bone break. She continued to have severe Crohn’s, painful arthritis, painful foot deformities, insomnia, and increasing grand mal seizures. Of everything that she had going on, the seizures were the most terrifying to us. We took her to five different neurologists to try to get her help for the seizures. All they could offer was more anti-seizure medications and brain surgery. We were told that she was at a high risk to die from SUDEP.

A few years ago I began researching medical marijuana, with an emphasis on CBD. I saw the CNN specials with Dr. Gupta and felt this was something that may be able to help. Michelle’s health was not good and continued to decline. She was on several strong anti-inflammatory drugs including Humira and Remicade, as well as very high doses of anti-seizure medications. She was feeding tube dependent yet severely overweight (steroids beginning at 8 years). She had horrific pain just to walk. She was in a wheelchair when outside of the home. It took two people to help her walk because she had to hold on. She continued to have grand mal seizures, clustering while she was sleeping to as many as nine at a time. She was repeatedly hospitalized for abdominal wall abscesses at the feeding tube sight. Her body couldn’t fight the infections because her immune system had been suppressed for so long. She continued to have seizures. She didn’t feel good. She was having horrible self-injurious behaviors because of pain. Michelle was completely debilitated at this point. None of her specialists could offer anything more for her. I had only one hope and that was to try medical marijuana. I had already been researching it off and on for several years. But I wasn’t sure where to start. I saw a presentation online from a doctor in California who was treating children with CBD, Dr. Goldstein, and we made an appointment to see her.

From the beginning of taking CBD we could see a difference. The first thing we saw was Michelle began to smile. We titrated weekly for a few months to reach a therapeutic level. The seizures began to decrease with seizure-free periods. Two months after starting CBD, Michelle began to taste food by mouth. Previously, she was feeding tube dependent with only rice crackers and water by mouth. Now she was tasting cooked food, pot roast with vegetables. Within a few months, we had her GI’s permission to discontinue tube feedings and feed only by mouth! So now Michelle was eating meat, chicken and a variety of vegetables!

Because of the constant infections, we had to consider discontinuing Humira. We stopped Humira but Michelle continued to improve with the Crohn’s disease symptoms. Although she was eating by mouth, she no longer was having chronic diarrhea. She began having regular bowel movements and still does! By the end of the first year, she was no longer showing signs of active arthritis. She began to walk more, lose weight and become very alert. She continued to have good seizure control with only occasional breakthroughs. I was able to get her into adaptive exercise classes. She lost more weight and began to improve overall. Today, she is no longer taking any anti-inflammatory medication. She is slowly weaning off of her seizure medications. Her seizures are well controlled. She had her feeding tube removed after 13 years!! Her doctors say her Crohn’s disease and arthritis are in remission. She has imaging and lab results showing her liver to be improving. She is able to sit through speech and OT therapy because her autism symptoms are lessening and she is able to participate now. She has begun using an AAC iPad device. She is happy and laughs with us. Her quality of life has improved by 1000%, and she is healing. This treatment has been a real life changer for Michelle.


Not only has CBD helped control my daughter’s seizures but I also notice an improvement in her mood and quality of sleep.

Written by Maggie’s mom

Not only has CBD helped control my daughter’s seizures but I also notice an improvement in her mood and quality of sleep.

This aid allows me to provide my daughter with a medicine that is natural and has no negative side effects. It helps offset the negative side effects of her other (prescribed) seizure medicines. It is expensive but worth every penny. The grant has been a huge blessing for us as I am a single mom of a special needs child and I just want her to have the best.

I spend the money directly on the oil. She goes through a 100 mL bottle every month and a half and the grant pays for the majority of the oil which helps take stress off of me so I can make sure she has everything else she needs.


Don’t be SAD…

Have the winter blues hit you hard?

Are you feeling sluggish, tired and discouraged lately?

Join the Realm of Caring’s Live Education, SEASONAL AFFECTIVE DISORDER (SAD), Tuesday, January 29th, from 5 pm to 6 pm MST. Click here: We will discuss how cannabinoid therapy can support “winter blue” type symptoms.

You have an opportunity to ask questions to a Realm of Caring representative about cannabinoid therapies and SAD. We encourage all individuals and their family to participate because the information is invaluable. Since we experience change on a daily basis it is important to stay informed and up-to-date on information related to cannabinoid therapies and SAD, a topic that many new and existing clients contact us about. The knowledge gained from this education should make you feel more confident in what is happening in cannabis. We hope to see you at the next education series!

You will need to sign in using your existing client account or create one for free.

WHEN IS IT? : January 29th from 5:00 PM – 6:00 PM Mountain Time



We are seeing our daughter come back to life!

Written by mom Lisa

We have a 5-year-old daughter who was diagnosed with a rare form of epilepsy when she was 2 1/2-years-old. Her condition was intractable meaning resistant to treatment. We tried many medications. None of them helped. They only made her seizures worse and the side effects were unbearable – she regressed cognitively, was irritable, had mood swings and rage. We tried the ketogenic diet in which she was restricted to 10 grams of carbohydrates a day. She was having hundreds of seizures a day – all day long. Please imagine a small child suffering through so many seizures and nothing you did helped.

The financial, mental, physical, emotional, social impacts of a diagnosis like this are more than one can bear. After two years we were left with two options – another pharmaceutical that came with known side effects or medical marijuana specifically Charlotte’s Web (low THC). Since our daughter failed multiple pharmaceuticals the chance of another working was less than 5%. Charlotte’s Web had only beneficial side effects in the short term but unknown side effects in the long term. What it came down to is we needed to save her life. The seizures and medications were taking her away from us. And it was only a matter of time.

Charlotte’s Web worked. Within five months she went COMPLETELY seizure free. We are now weaning her off of the harsh pharmaceuticals and are seeing our daughter come back to life! It has changed our lives so much that she is starting Kindergarten in the fall – something we didn’t think would be possible two years ago! I don’t know a single parent who wouldn’t search under every rock to try to save their child. And every parent should have that right regardless of their zip code. The desperation of patients wanting the chance to try a medication that has been beneficial to others when pharmaceuticals haven’t is understandable. They are suffering. Marijuana is a schedule 1 substance, but it doesn’t warrant that classification. No one has died from the overdose of marijuana, but people die every day from the overdose of pharmaceuticals. From the research that has been done, we also understand that CBD is a natural neuro-protectant and protecting our daughter from brain damage. The opposite of what her pharmaceuticals were doing. I urge anyone to read the research that has been done – it does exist. Education and awareness on this topic are crucial and mind changing.

Note: Lisa wrote to us in 2015 when Charlotte’s Web CBD oil was manufactured as medical marijuana (cannabis) prior to it being grown as hemp. In 2015 families were still moving to medical marijuana states to obtain Charlotte’s Web. Thankfully the laws have since changed and CW is being shipped to most states.


I can now laugh again and have almost zero thoughts of suicide

Written by Jeremy

I have been diagnosed with PPPD (Persistent Postural-Perceptual Dizziness), PTSD, high blood pressure, Diabetes Type 2, and high LDL and triglycerides. I have lived with migraines and severe dizziness 24/7 since 2011 and have suffered from the migraines as long as 2005. I was prescribed twelve different antidepressants and antipsychotics and they all made me extremely suicidal and depressed. I was out of ideas and was ready to call it quits. My doctor, neurologist, and two psychiatrists recommended I check out CBD oil for help. I started doing research and about 2 months went by before I contacted Realm of Caring. They were very friendly and helpful through the entire process.

After about 2 months on the CBD oil, I began to realize that my horrible thoughts were going away. I have been on CBD since July and can now laugh again and have almost zero thoughts of suicide anymore. For someone who lived with these thoughts every single day of his life this is a wonderful change. My blood pressure checks out perfect every time I visit the doctor now. My blood sugars are easier to control. The only things left that I struggle with are the high LDL/triglycerides and the dizziness, which is extremely bad, but that’s MUCH better than where I was just a few months ago. It’s been worth it to me and my family and friends. I’m so glad that I decided to give this a try!


Are you busy?

What do you feel when you use or say the word busy? I have found the word and the act of being “busy” so jarring to my senses that I have taken it out from my vocabulary entirely. This blog is its written farewell.

Think about casual conversations with your friends: Hi! How are you? Oh, I am well; busy! How about you? Yea, I’ve been busy too.

It seems like the state of being “busy” has become a national phenomenon. A badge of honor, as we frenetically move mostly by momentum versus thoughtful purpose.

We don’t stop until we hit a wall. That wall could be a car accident, an illness, a divorce and even then, those moments serve as mere speed bumps before we accelerate into the fast lane once again.

Ask yourself what might be hiding behind the curtain of busy?

Could it be an uncomfortable conversation? An inevitable separation? A decision we are reluctant to make?

Let’s close our eyes for a moment and remember when was the last time we sat and did nothing at all. I mean absolutely NOTHING; what I call the art of BE-ing… a human BEing.

How did that feel? What did you attune yourself to that you might have missed otherwise? Too busy to try the exercise? Do it, you will not regret it, and I promise you have 30 seconds.

It is in those rare moments when we are moved by inspiration, revelation, restitution and a sense of self. For instance, ‘what is happening with me these days?’ Checking-in with oneself.

It is in these precious moments that we hear life whispering to us. Life can lead us gently by the hand because it knows that we are paying attention. In the moments when life stops; life actually begins. Does that make sense?

These moments of “BEing” show us why we are HERE and connects us to a greater perspective. It’s probably why we feel one with all when we look at the sunset or a gripping vista. Breathtaking beauty prompts us to STOP and for seconds, we just are. Ahh…

And, although, it is normal for life to hasten from time to time, the mindless state of “busy” becomes the thief of LIFE, which robs us of the vitality that comes from following our inner guidance, which leads to PEACE. Can we have one more… Ahh?

Therefore, it could be concluded that in the absence of the “B” word mentioned 9 times previously, the outcome could be PEACE.

And PEACE… comes to us when we are PRESENT.

What are some ways you have found to slow down and just BE? Let us know in the comments to be eligible to win a year’s free Calm subscription, the number one app for meditation and mindfulness.


I am no longer depressed or suicidal

Written by Laura 

I joined the Navy in 1994. Seven years before retirement I fell down a flight of stairs and severely injured my spine and neck. I didn’t receive proper treatment until the pain was so bad I was removed from sea commands permanently and placed on medical board for removal from service. After physical therapy, extensive cortisone shots throughout my body, psychological pain therapy, TMS therapy, and 18+ pain medicines, muscle relaxers and SSRIs, I was honorably retired.

I attempted suicide in 2011 and again in 2013 – the second time was right after my retirement. For six months, I cut myself off from the world and began to detox my body. I suffered from extreme pain and extreme physiological effects from the prescription pills but I was convinced that if I didn’t, I would die; even if it was my own hand. I had a dear friend recommend cannabis, a plant that I have never seen, let alone tried as an adolescent or young adult. At 39 years old, I learned how to make edibles and it has changed my life.

Today, I am no longer depressed or suicidal. I have regained the ability to perform basic daily functions to include showering and dressing myself. I am a cancer survivor, a fibromyalgia survivor, a military sexual trauma survivor and I KNOW that cannabis saved my life. Because I took the chance and used cannabis, I am not a statistic. I am not one of the veterans who took their own life. I am now a mom, a wife, a retiree, a college student (Master’s) and an educator of everyone I meet that cannabis is a wonderful plant.