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Spring Cleaning: How to donate or dispose of unused medication

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Diversity Month: Creating Opportunity and Inclusion in the Cannabis Industry

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April 7th remembered as Charlotte Figi Day in Colorado House and Senate

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Eight Years in the Making: Realm of Caring’s Impact Over Time

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Rock the RoC

Rock the RoC is a virtual, memorial and benefit concert to pay tribute to Charlotte Figi. Here is what you should know about the April 7th event, the impactful story behind it and how YOU can get involved. 


Rock the RoC: 04/07 at 6pm MT – Livestreaming at 


Get your free tickets NOW to the largest event Realm of Caring (RoC) has ever hosted; an event that we know you will love: Rock the RoC. We have curated the perfect playlist, to come together to heal, inspire, and groove. We are excited to share this epic event of award-winning artists with our global community. 


You will see performances and appearances by: The Avett Brothers, Jason Mraz, Dr. Sanjay Gupta, Ruthie Foster, Michael Franti, Molly Tuttle, Glen Phillips, Graham Nash, Wesley Schultz of the Lumineers, Sarah Jarosz, Jeffrey Gaines, MC Flow, The War and Treaty, Nora Brown, Johnnyswim, Chris Trapper, and Johnny Helm. 



Online streaming is free for everyone. But in order to really get this going, we are speaking out to YOU, our global community.


Why is that?


Well, if you want to see this production come to life, we need your help. 


But first…


A few words about Remarkable Charlotte:


Charlotte Figi shifted the paradigm of wellness and access for all, as the world watched through the expert eyes of Dr. Sanjay Gupta and his truth-seeking docuseries, Weed. Her story of reclaiming a quality of life from pediatric epilepsy with cannabinoid therapy sparked a global effort to showcase the power of cannabis as a natural solution. Her story changed the course of compassionate care for the world. Charlotte’s sudden and tragic passing at the age of thirteen on April 07, 2020, is an urgent reminder that life is precious, that dignity of choice is critical, and that the courage of innocence is a guidepost for human wellness. 



Who is RoC?


RoC is a high-impact nonprofit that is creating a worldwide community where access to plant-based therapies is the cornerstone of helping others. Charlotte’s impact remains the footprint of our path forward, toward care for all through the healing power of the Earth. Her fight paved the foundation for research, education, and impact; our mission carries on her light and legacy through funding research, education, and community services that change lives and open minds. 


How can you help?


In a VARIETY of ways. Not only will your contribution go towards funding this massive production that is gearing up to air, but it also helps RoC to continue our mission of helping millions globally every day. 



Share your brand with millions in the most meaningful and impactful way, celebrating the life of Charlotte. Her life propelled progress for botanical solutions and advocacy for access to them. Your support helps to elevate our mission that began with Charlotte. We have three sponsorship levels available, each incentivized to put your business in the spotlight.   



Consider making a donation and sharing our Kickstarter Campaign. Rewards for backing this campaign include merchandise with our concert logo, designed by Shepard Fairey’s Studio Number One. Kickstarter funds raised (are required) to go to the production costs of the event. 




Not interested in the incentives but love the RoC and want to keep it going? Donate directly to just once or monthly in the amount that you are able to provide. Our one on one support services to clients worldwide are completely free, donations help us to keep it that way. 


Share your smile!

Be a beacon of light just like Charlotte and share your name or your loved one’s name in a quick video saying “Hi my name is ____ from _____ and I rock the RoC for _______!”. Send us your video to and post it to your social media with the hashtag #iROCKtheRoC.


Leave a message 

What are your memories of Charlotte? How has your life been impacted by her light? If you wish to share your feelings and thoughts, head to and leave your personal message there.


April 7th, 2021 at 6pm MT is a date and time you do not want to miss. Celebrate our light, Charlotte Figi and the millions around the globe just like her. 


Blog Education

Getting to Know Delta-8-THC

Delta-8-Tetrahydrocannabinol (delta-8-THC) is a cannabinoid that is growing in popularity due to its accessibility in the hemp industry. It is less psychotropic and chemically more stable than its isomer Delta-9-Tetrahydrocannabinol (delta-9-THC), while still having its own researched benefits. 


Delta-8-THC and Delta-9-THC are practically identical. They have the same molecular formula of C21H30O2; which also happens to be the same molecular formula as cannabinoids cannabichromene (CBC) and cannabidiol (CBD), and the hormone progesterone. Their metabolisms follow the same pathways and they have been researched for their like-benefits, as they both have an affinity for CB1 receptors in the brain. For example, both delta-8-THC and delta-9-THC have been studied for their benefits as antiglaucoma agents and for their ability to reduce tumor growth in rodent models. While their chemical behavior is very similar in most cases, there are a few chemical differences that set delta-8-THC and delta-9-THC apart.


First, delta-8-THC is less psychoactive than delta-9-THC, resulting in individuals being able to tolerate higher amounts per administration. In one study, children with hematologic cancers were able to take considerably higher doses of delta-8-THC than delta-9-THC to prevent vomiting due to antineoplastic treatment. They were administered 480 treatments of delta-8-THC and all participants reported feeling relief. This shows promise for delta-8-THC as an effective, yet inexpensive, option to relieve pediatric cancer patients of their nausea and vomiting from chemotherapy, with negligible side effects.


Another difference between the two are their chemical stability and how they are extracted. Delta-9-THC will readily oxidize to cannabinol (CBN) with oxygen, light, or natural aging. Delta-8-THC, on the other hand, is a stable molecule with a long shelf life. Although stable, extracting delta-8-THC is not quite as simple. Delta-8-THC grows in very small amounts in cannabis, however it may be able to be derived from hemp or from CBD; which also makes it technically legal in several states. Many delta-8-THC products are created synthetically by converting CBD into delta-8-THC through a process Dr. Raphael Mechoulam patented, called isomerization. 


A few other differences to mention are some advantages that delta-8-THC may have. A study published in 2004 tested small amounts of delta-8-THC in mouse models for its effect on cognitive function and food consumption. Over the course of the study, delta-8-THC showed a tendency to improve cognitive function without the psychoactive effects that are typically associated with cannabis. Food intake increased with a similar performance to delta-9-THC but at a significantly higher rate, showing delta-8-THC as having therapeutic potential for weight disorders. 


A question you may be curious about is: will delta-8-THC show up on a drug test that is looking for delta-9-THC? And the answer is, most likely. After cannabinoids are metabolized they are excreted for days. As THC molecules break down in the body, they become smaller molecules known as THC metabolites. The major, excreted glucuronic metabolite through the urine is THC-COOH glucuronide. The urine tests are not looking for the specific THC isomer that goes in the body, they are instead looking for the THC-COOH metabolites that come out. 


As with many cannabinoids, much research still needs to be completed and considered on delta-8-THC before we can fully understand its full potential. What we do know is that there is a lot of promise as a less psychotropic alternative to delta-9-THC. 



The Realm of Caring Foundation specifically invokes the first amendment rights of freedom of speech and of the press without prejudice. These statements have not been evaluated by the food and drug administration. the products discussed are not intended to diagnose, cure, prevent or treat any disease. Realm of Caring always recommends when and wherever possible that licensed local healthcare professionals be consulted.


The Realm of Caring Foundation is an independent nonprofit with its own governing board. We do not produce or sell cannabinoid products, nor do we receive funds from the sale of other company’s products.



5 Reasons Why Cannabinoid Therapy Might Not Be Working For You

Many people often give up on cannabinoid therapy because they are not seeing the results they are looking for. We see it a lot, people who try a product for a week and then decide it is not for them because they find no relief. So they stop taking CBD but continue to suffer from symptoms. We want you to be able to find success with your product(s), so we thought it might be helpful to discuss the five most common reasons why your cannabinoid therapy might not be working for you. 


#1: Poor Quality of Product


A very common problem is that many CBD products are not regulated. You may actually find yourself with a product that contains little to no CBD. This has been shown on Washington Post, CBS News, NBC News, and more. 


You will want to confirm the quality and consistency of a product before buying. To do this, the company should be able to provide you with a certificate of analysis or a batch report from a third party lab for the specific product you have bought or intend to buy. This testing is done to verify that what the label says is what you have in your bottle. It is also done to show that the product has been cleared for molds and pesticides. Cannabis is safe, research proves that. What is not safe is inconsistency, misleading labels, and lack of testing. 


#2: Your Dose May be Off


Have you been taking your product for some time and have yet to find relief? Maybe you are taking a dropper-full of a tincture here and there. Maybe you tried a capsule and “didn’t feel anything”. CBD works through the accumulation of the Endocannabinoid System (ECS). Through consistent, twice a day dosing, we may be able to replenish our ECS with the cannabinoids it needs to bring our bodies to homeostasis. For most, this means it will take a few increases over the course of some weeks or months to find a true “therapeutic dose”. Every individual is different so what dose works for one may not be enough (or might be too much!) for another. 


One other thing to keep in mind is that the CBD molecule is bi-phasic. Imagine a bell curve. Where you want to be is at the peak of said bell curve. This is where you are finding relief from your symptoms. Too little CBD may have no effect, so it may be a bit of a climb to get to that peak. On the flip side, too much CBD may tip you over to the other side. If this happens, from an oversaturation of cannabinoids, you may see exaggerated or new symptoms. 


In short, this reason for cannabinoid therapy not working can be summed up by the Goldilocks principle. You do not want to have a dose that is too low or too high, you need to find your individual dose that happens to be just right.


#3: Expectations


It is hard to know what to expect of cannabinoid therapy, especially when it seems so many are claiming it to be a “cure-all”. The truth is, it may take time to find relief. When someone is experiencing chronic pain or in need of seizure control, that is not necessarily something that they want to hear. However, for cannabinoid therapy to be able to consistently show day to day relief, it first needs to accumulate in the ECS. If, after giving some time, no relief is felt then it is possible you may need an increase as was mentioned in the last point. All in all, we do not want you to expect too much upfront. Just as with any lifestyle change, progress takes time. It could take days, weeks, or months before that difference is realized.


#4 Interactions


Another thing to be mindful of when starting out with CBD therapy is the other medications that you may be taking. Joanne Doyle Petorongolo, a pharmacist at the Harvard-affiliated Massachusetts General Hospital states “as the number of medications increases, the potential for drug interactions goes up, and there’s an increased potential for side effects”. CBD is not advised for everyone depending on the medication being taken, the amount of medications being taken, or the treatment one is going through.


The first possible step to avoiding potential interactions is to space the administration of CBD and pharmaceuticals away from each other. You can also check what those potential interactions may look like with your doctor, a pharmacist, or an online drug interaction checker. 


#5 Method of Delivery 


We are sure you know by now, there are so many types of CBD products out there. From tinctures to capsules to edibles to topicals to vaping and everything in between. The percentage of CBD that is absorbed by the bloodstream, also known as bioavailability, will change depending on which method you are using. A tincture that is taken under the tongue, therefore can be absorbed mostly in the mouth, may have increased bioavailability. A product that needs to be broken down by the digestive system may have decreased bioavailability. That is not to say that edibles, capsules, and other methods that need to pass through the digestive system are not effective. For some, this can be the method that works best. It all depends on you, the individual. So if you are finding that one way “does not work” or simply is not a regimen that works for you, there are plenty of other options to try before ruling CBD out. 



If you have any questions about this topic, a Realm of Caring Care Specialist is here to help. Call us at 719-347-5400 option 1, email us at, or sign up for a free client account HERE.



The Realm of Caring Foundation specifically invokes the first amendment rights of freedom of speech and of the press without prejudice. These statements have not been evaluated by the food and drug administration. the products discussed are not intended to diagnose, cure, prevent or treat any disease. Realm of Caring always recommends when and wherever possible that licensed local healthcare professionals be consulted.

The Realm of Caring Foundation is an independent nonprofit with its own governing board. We do not produce or sell cannabinoid products, nor do we receive funds from the sale of other company’s products.