Episode 7 of 7
[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qpY9q-PhWt8]
This episode concludes our end of year giving campaign and we hope you are feeling inspired by every one of these families!
The end of the year brings reflection and goals for the next year. Here at Realm of Caring Foundation (RoC), we help people find answers to tough questions like administration and dosing guidelines for cannabinoid therapies. We don’t give answers “because we heard it somewhere” we give data-driven answers from the research we’ve been collecting for years. This Observational Research Registry (ORR), in collaboration with institutions like Johns Hopkins University, takes hundreds of thousands of dollars to implement each year. Those dollars come from donors like you who give $12 a year as a RoC Friend. Also, all of our programs and services are completely free and the only way to sustain free programs is through additional RoC Friends in 2019.
Another thing we LOVE to do is give money away to families in need. This can be in the form of a relocation grant (Joy Fund) like the Jerger’s received this summer which relieved the pressure of moving from Indiana to Colorado so Jaelah could access products and services that weren’t available in her state. We also give away grants to families to offset the cost of their therapies that aren’t covered by insurance through the Realm Cares program. Anyone in need can apply, and the average amount is $100 directly deposited into the recipient’s account over a one year period. To date, we have given back over $300,000.00 in grant programs because of RoC Friends!
This is all super AHHHmazing, EXCEPT, we don’t have enough money to give every person that applies for the grant and this breaks our hearts.
We hope in 2019 we can raise enough funding to close the gap and no longer have to turn desperate families away. To give a grant to every person who applies, we need around $2,600,000.00. You read that right. 2.6 million dollars. Every dollar counts.
We know this end of year giving campaign is running a little late and our biggest ask of the year is the week before Christmas. But, we aren’t asking you to donate $10,000 or even $500. We aren’t asking you to donate $20 (which is the average secret Santa gift exchange cost.)
We are asking for $12 and that covers your donation for the year! It doesn’t seem like a lot, but it is the MOST IMPACTFUL way to give.
Side note: According to a new Workonomix survey by Accounting Principals, 50% of the American workforce spends approximately $1000 a year oncoffeeor a weekly coffee habit of more than $20. WOW!
It’s not $12 a month – it’s $1 a MONTH. Of course, if you have more to give, please do – your donation is completely tax-deductible because we are a 501c(3) nonprofit. Do you have a rich Uncle Ron who needs to move some money around at the end of the year for tax purposes?Send him our direction.
But for YOU – the average person who probably struggles to pay the mortgage every month, we are asking for $1.
To give some more perspective, we have more than 90,000 followers on our social media accounts. If each one would donate $1 we would have $90,000 to expand our research program for 1 year, or help 18 more families relocate to a state with medical cannabis laws so they don’t live in fear of their child being taken away.
This is our ask: If you aren’t already, become a RoC Friend for $12/year. Tell your friends, family, co-workers, neighbors, whoever is in your community about this wonderful video series. Share these stories and inspire your community to also give $12/year. See where we’re going with this? Be the change. Pay it forward. Give a tremendous gift we call the gift of time. Many of the families we serve around the world are running out of time, out of options, out of hope.
Help us to help them. You are the hero of this story. Thank you.
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