
I cried and cried happy tears. Finally…relief!

Written by Brianna

Degenerative disc disease is honestly the most painful thing to ever plague my body. I suffered for 10 years before anyone diagnosed me. It was always brushed off as cramps, sleeping in an odd position, or standing too long at work. I believed it was more than muscle aches but no one trusted my pain level because I was just a teenager.

Growing up in Kentucky, medicinal marijuana was NOT an option. I grew up being told it was a gateway drug and the ultimate platform for addiction to hard drugs. I was terrified of marijuana for all of my life until I moved to Los Angeles at age 22. I kept going to doctors who would give me powerful narcotics and chiropractors who would twist my neck until it popped. Nothing gave me the relief I desperately needed.

It wasn’t until I saw a nature-oriented doctor in Hollywood that I heard about the medical benefits of marijuana. I couldn’t believe what he was saying. Was he actually suggesting I smoke the “big bad drug” I grew up avoiding? The first time I smoked I felt the pain in my lower back ease.I cried and cried happy tears.Finally…relief!

This villainized plant brought me what I had been searching for, for over a decade. I became angry that this valid form of pain management is looked down upon and lied about from the time we enter school. I lived in pain for so many years for no real reason. The legalization of marijuana should be the most pressing issue in America today. The amount of people living in unnecessary pain and battling true addiction from pain pills is criminal.


Things that I had to force myself to do I now do naturally

Written by Patricia

When I was 28 (in 1988), I came down with CFIDS/Fibromyalgia. The first 7 years I was bedridden. I slowly improved, but I’ve never enjoyed good health since then. I stopped driving about 5-6 years ago due to severe brain fog. Bodily pain varies. What afflicted me most has been frequent migraines, severe fatigue, a definite feeling of malaise, light and sound sensitivity (so bad I had to quit going to church and other functions); the list goes on and on.

Due to some swelling I couldn’t walk from the pain for over 2 years. On “good days” I’d try to go for nightly walks but usually had to turn back after just walking past 3 or 4 houses. It wasn’t fun, living in the dark and trying to find fulfillment doing basically nothing.

At the urging of my oldest daughter, I purchased a bottle of hemp oil. I started taking it six days ago; half a dropperful twice daily. I cannot even begin to tell you the improvement I’ve seen in that short time!! I feel mentally alert again. I no longer have that deathly morbid fatigue. My mood is …dare I say it… almost happy! Things that I had to force myself to do I now do naturally and without thought. And best of all I have taken 1 mile walks every day since taking it with absolutely no problem! Smiling, no pain, no fatigue, for the first time in many years! No way could any placebo effect cause this. I have tried so many things with sometimes disastrous results, and to tell the truth, had resigned myself to a lifetime of misery.

I’m so confident in this product I bought the big bottle of the highest dosage, which should last me quite awhile. It is awesome to feel like my old self after more than 28 years.


I can now laugh again and have almost zero thoughts of suicide

Written by Jeremy

I have been diagnosed with PPPD (Persistent Postural-Perceptual Dizziness), PTSD, high blood pressure, Diabetes Type 2, and high LDL and triglycerides. I have lived with migraines and severe dizziness 24/7 since 2011 and have suffered from the migraines as long as 2005. I was prescribed twelve different antidepressants and antipsychotics and they all made me extremely suicidal and depressed. I was out of ideas and was ready to call it quits. My doctor, neurologist, and two psychiatrists recommended I check out CBD oil for help. I started doing research and about 2 months went by before I contacted Realm of Caring. They were very friendly and helpful through the entire process.

After about 2 months on the CBD oil, I began to realize that my horrible thoughts were going away. I have been on CBD since July and can now laugh again and have almost zero thoughts of suicide anymore. For someone who lived with these thoughts every single day of his life this is a wonderful change. My blood pressure checks out perfect every time I visit the doctor now. My blood sugars are easier to control. The only things left that I struggle with are the high LDL/triglycerides and the dizziness, which is extremely bad, but that’s MUCH better than where I was just a few months ago. It’s been worth it to me and my family and friends. I’m so glad that I decided to give this a try!


Not only has CBD helped control my daughter’s seizures but I also notice an improvement in her mood and quality of sleep.

Written by Maggie’s mom

Not only has CBD helped control my daughter’s seizures but I also notice an improvement in her mood and quality of sleep.

This aid allows me to provide my daughter with a medicine that is natural and has no negative side effects. It helps offset the negative side effects of her other (prescribed) seizure medicines. It is expensive but worth every penny. The grant has been a huge blessing for us as I am a single mom of a special needs child and I just want her to have the best.

I spend the money directly on the oil. She goes through a 100 mL bottle every month and a half and the grant pays for the majority of the oil which helps take stress off of me so I can make sure she has everything else she needs.


Renew, Reboot, Restart

Written by: Realm of Caring

Do you need to reboot your cannabinoid therapy regimen?

Do you need to renew your existing dose?

Do you want to try a new quality product?

Join the Realm of Caring’s LiveEducation, RENEW, REBOOT, RESTART, Tuesday, January 15th, from 1 pm to 2 pm MST. Join


You will need to sign in using your existing client account or create one for free.

WHAT IS IT? A Care Specialist will inform new and existing clients about cannabinoid therapies and strategies to renew, reboot, and/or restart their regiment in a live webinar. We will discuss titration, tolerance, quality products, managing results, and expectations. You will have an opportunity to ask questions live about cannabinoid therapies.

WHEN IS IT? : January 15th from 1:00 PM – 2:00 PM Mountain Time



Cannabis is much better than any prescription medicine I’ve ever tried.

Written by Alice

My health has improved dramatically and as long as I take a daily dose my symptoms are manageable.Much better than any prescription medication I’ve ever tried.

Without the grant (Realm Cares™ Financial Aid) I wouldn’t be able to buy CBD oil, so I’m extremely grateful. It has made my quality of life much better and my desire to live has come back. You literally saved my life.


Thanks to CBD he’s happy, healthy and full of life. Thank you all for giving our child and our family our life back.

Written by Stacey

We used the CBD oil as soon as the seizure started and they instantly stopped it. All of the people in the restaurant saw the miracle of cannabis stopping a seizure, even though they had no clue what I was using to stop it. If it weren’t for this amazing oil, we would have spent the evening in an ER with Taylor being poked, prodded, and pumped full of pharmaceuticals.

We cannot thank you all enough for this. Without the oils, Taylor may not be here with us and if he was, he’d be a shell of a person with his quality of life diminished. Thanks to CBD he’s happy, healthy and full of life. Thank you all for giving our child and our family our life back.

Without the Realm of Caring and CBD we would be in a very rough spot and nowhere to turn for help for Taylor and I. I’m 2 months seizure free, back on track, and doing well. I’ve started driving again! We all thank you from the bottom of our hearts for everything. Love to the entire RoC team!


His sleep habits are so much better and he’s able to control his temper

Written by Damian’s mom

He continues to improve. His sleep habits are so much better and he’s able to control his temper. He even got his first job!

We don’t have to stress about paying our bills when we need to purchase CBD [because of the Realm Cares grant]

. Damian doesn’t have to go without for a period of time while we struggle to get the money. We can’t thank you enough for giving us this aid. It truly has helped my son get past his Asperger’s symptoms and learn and grow.

CBD has changed our lives. Without the grant, he wouldn’t be able to use it.


I noticed my hands weren’t hurting any longer even after working outside in my garden or doing strenuous work around our property

Written by Margaret

My husband Kenneth and I started taking Charlotte’s Web (CW) original hemp formula in April 2017. He’s now been seizure-free since May of 2018. I also take Charlotte’s Web for arthritis in my hands and fingers. A couple weeks after starting the oil, I noticed my hands weren’t hurting any longer even after working outside in my garden or doing strenuous work around our property. I help with my husband’s daily personal care and CW has improved my ability to do this. I would never consider stopping taking this product unless it became financially impossible.

This financial grant has been such a gift for my husband and myself, it allows us to purchase the oil consistently so we can take it every day without the financial worries. We are able to pay our other bills without having to choose what not to pay that month. Without the grant, we probably wouldn’t be able to do this.

It has allowed my husband to decrease some of his other prescription medications and start to feel better since some of the pharmaceutical medications were making him so lethargic. It has also allowed me to take care of his daily needs without the pain I used to experience in my hands. I look forward to taking my dose each day knowing it makes each day better for us both.


Cannabis has helped ease my anxiety and lessen my Asperger’s symptoms

Written by Megan

Cannabis has helped ease my anxiety and lessen my Asperger’s symptoms. I am in treatment for Lyme disease and have to go slow with the dose, but it supports my treatment by helping keep the bacteria at bay. CBD oil has been a wonderful and enjoyable part of the treatment for Lyme disease and Asperger’s.

I was able to receive the product for free as opposed to the grant because I live in Canada. This came as a huge gift because the treatment for Lyme disease is very expensive. It has been a huge blessing and I feel so grateful to have been a part of this program. It’s allowed me to use an aspect of treatment I wouldn’t have otherwise been able to use, and one I value greatly.