
His mood seems to be better

The cannabinoid therapy has helped my son stay stagnant in regards to his seizure medication and only progress slightly in his gabapentin, that helps him with his leg pain. He is having shorter and less frequent seizures than when he started as well. His mood seems to be better. He doesn’t fuss as much as he used to, even after a seizure. Before, he would cry and scream and be agitated for an hour or two after a seizure. Now, it almost seems to not affect him once it’s over.

The biggest impact for me has been the ability to tell Canaan’s doctors that I want to try this “alternative” medication instead of going up on his seizure medication every time we go for a check-up. Also, he hasn’t had an increase in the medication he takes for leg pain since he’s been taking CBD oil. He’s calmer, more content, if you ask me. And that’s everything!! One of my biggest fears of having a child who is non-verbal was him being in pain and me not know it and/or not know what was hurting and how to help.

Canaan’s story


The cannabis oil kept the pain away completely

Story provided by Mary Lou

I didn’t use any more opioids, just cannabis oil. I was able to work from home the day following surgery without any impairment from medication. I was able to reduce the dosage after about a week. The next surgery I had was to remove 2 adjoining molars, she had to cut into the jawbone to remove a twisted root. This time I increased the dosage of cannabis oil without taking any opiates at all. The cannabis oil kept the pain away completely. This could really help the post-surgery opioid addiction problems we have in this country, and this is a completely viable alternative to pain medication.


CBD has improved my child’s life

Bradley is autistic. Health wise he is okay, as far as I know, he can’t tell me. Cannabinoid therapy has helped with his violent meltdowns, eye contact, and his concentration. It has not helped with his language, still non-verbal. I would say his meltdowns have improved by 90%.

This is my theory: autistic children have lots of inflammation. Inflammation causes pain and the pain caused his violent meltdowns. CBD reduces inflammation, which took his pain away. I kept taking Bradley to doctors saying it looks like he’s in pain and all these doctors just ignored me and wanted to put him on psych meds, which I never did. I’m so happy I found CBD, it has improved my child’s life.

CBD is expensive. I’m a single mother of a severely autistic child. I am a nurse but had to quit my job because I couldn’t find daycare for my child. Plus, trying to work full-time and take care of a disabled child all by yourself is extremely physically and mentally exhausting. I want the best for my child and it so hard to do that when you can’t work. I am so grateful for this grant.

Bradley has violent meltdowns and as he gets older he gets stronger. If I didn’t find CBD Bradley could have been seriously injured or dead from his meltdowns. I believe it has saved his life.

Bradley’s story


Chloe is now seizure free

Story provided by Chloe’s family

Chloe has been taking cannabinoid therapy for three years and after an EEG to measure seizures, we were told Chloe is now seizure free! To put the icing on the cake, her neurologist admitted to us that she truly believes it was all the oil! She said she has never seen someone with the type of seizures that Chloe has recover so well.  


Fibromyalgia pain is crippling

For years I have dealt with chronic pain, muscle spasms and nerve pain and my doctors couldn’t figure out what was wrong. Along with severe fatigue, I had a hard time managing daily life activities and work.  Brain fog consumed me. I couldn’t concentrate or keep my train of thought. I lost the ability to carry meaningful conversations because I couldn’t grasp my words.  Eventually my doctor diagnosed me with fibromyalgia.  

I started taking cannabis oils and using vape pens a couple of years ago and have seen an incredible difference.  I use a combination of THC and CBD in addition to topical balms for the pain. 

After a few weeks I starting seeing changes and in a few months I could say confidently that I have my life back! 

Jessica’s story


Jason knows that he MATTERS!!

Being on CBD has given Jason hope. He hasn’t had that in quite some time and being accepted into this program and starting to take CBD he has found hope. He knows that someone out there cares and is listening. He knows he matters!

The grant money has helped him with everyday needs like food and medication. People with disabilities get pushed aside a lot and don’t get nearly the amount of help they need. The fact that the Realm of Caring exists and that there is someone out there pushing boundaries to help people is a wonderful boost. It reminds him, and me, that if we just have faith, everything is going to be okay.

Story provided by Jason’s family


Juliana’s tumor has shrunk 90%!!

Juliana’s tumor has shrunk 90%!! The grant helps with medically related expenses not covered by our health insurance, like gas to get to the hospital, parking at the hospital and supplements. Without the grant it would be extremely difficult to afford the CBD oil for Juliana. We very much appreciate Realm of Caring’s help.

Juliana’s story


In a time when we had lost all hope

Thank you so kindly for your random act of kindness and love.  You are more amazing than you will ever know. We’ve never come across or met anyone like you or a group of people so amazing as you and the RoC team. It’s like having an extended family that has more kindness, love, and compassion in their hearts than some of our own blood family members.  Thank you!

In a time when we thought we had lost all hope for a cure, for a chance at life, RoC was there, helping us with this miracle oil.   You have opened your hearts and arms to us and truly made us feel welcome, appreciated, and loved. We appreciate you and thank you and the entire team from the deepest depths of our hearts.   You have kindness and an inner shine that sets you apart from the world, a presence that needs to be recognized, for all that you do and for being “you.”  Thank you!

Story provided by Stacey


Living with #Lyme disease

Since starting the hemp oil, I have had some days when I have been free of pain; not what has been usual for me since having Lyme.  This seems to last until the next change in barometric pressure – not long, this is the midwest, where we say “if you don’t like the weather, wait a few minutes, it’ll change.” I have also noticed that my ability to sleep is improving, and the timing of my hours of sleep is more normal than it has been since I’ve been ill.

The financial assistance is allowing me to make a fair attempt at using cannabinoid therapy for Lyme disease, which I would not have been able to do without it.  The good results so far give me hope. I look forward to seeing what will happen after I have worked up to the full recommended dose.

Sharon’s story


Cannabis is much better than any prescription medicine I’ve ever tried.

Written by Alice

My health has improved dramatically and as long as I take a daily dose my symptoms are manageable.Much better than any prescription medication I’ve ever tried.

Without the grant (Realm Cares™ Financial Aid) I wouldn’t be able to buy CBD oil, so I’m extremely grateful. It has made my quality of life much better and my desire to live has come back. You literally saved my life.