Blog Client Spotlight Featured Stories

My Pathway to Being Pain-Free with CBD

This blog was written by Debra Dullaghan, founder of 55plus.


As the population ages, the pursuit of holistic well-being among older adults has become more prevalent than ever. My own interest was piqued in 2015 with my experience dealing with an increase of chronic pain issues stemming from my neck that affected all areas of my body. Turning to cannabis, I visited countless dispensaries in search of THC-free CBD but found the process frustrating and challenging. All of the products had at least a trace of THC, which always ended up making me feel stoned. 


After being given a sample of Hemp CBD with 0.0% THC the benefits were immediate. I was symptom-free and embarked on a mission to research and gain a better understanding of the Endocannabinoid System. 


A noteworthy trend I noticed was the increasing adoption of alternative medicine, with a particular focus on CBD and cannabis-derived products. This trend emerged as a promising solution for various age-related health issues such as: chronic pain, arthritis, inflammation, and sleep disorders. Additionally, CBD was popular for its potential role in promoting mental well-being and reducing the symptoms of anxiety and depression, common issues that I constantly see among older adults. 


I decided to do a deep dive into the research and found various studies indicating that CBD possessed non-intoxicating, anti-inflammatory, analgesic, and anxiolytic properties, making it an appealing option for older adults, like myself, seeking relief without the drawbacks of conventional medications that often come with unwanted side effects and risks.


According to a survey conducted by Forbes Health, 49% of participants aged 58–76 years old use CBD. These numbers speak to a fervent search for alternative medicines among the older demographic.


My Take on CBD Consumption Methods and Bioavailability


In my own exploration of the industry, I found a confusingly diverse range of products, including tinctures, soft gels, gummies, and topical solutions with so many options including full-spectrum, broad spectrum, 0.0% THC etc. 


This led to the inspiration to create my own company, 55plus CBD, which attempts to make CBD products accessible, affordable and easy to understand with simple labeling and succinct messaging surrounding our premium product lineups. Our products are specifically tailored to suit the preferences and requirements of older individuals. While the industry is still confusing, the right products make incorporating CBD into daily routines seamless. 


As I dug deeper I discovered many interesting things regarding the effectiveness and make up of CBD products. Bioavailability, a lesser known aspect of CBD consumption, is defined as the degree and rate at which a substance is absorbed into the bloodstream leading to an overall improvement in effectiveness. This is important to understand because different products have different bioavailability. 


As many of us have experienced, aging bodies experience changes in metabolism and digestive efficiency, affecting the absorption of cannabinoids. Innovations in product formulations have led to increased bioavailability and effectiveness. As an example, 55plus nanoemulsion softgels have four times the bioavailability of a Gummy because of the way it is absorbed in the system, potentially making it more effective.


My View on Sourcing the Best CBD Products


In my own experience with exploring the CBD industry, I found that identifying the source and quality of CBD products was essential for ensuring safety and effectiveness. High-quality CBD is always derived from organically grown hemp, free from pesticides and harmful chemicals. 


I began to find it crucial to look for products with clear, transparent labeling that includes access to third-party lab testing results. These lab tests (Certificates of Analysis) verify the CBD content and screen for contaminants like heavy metals, molds, and pesticides. Understanding these distinctions helped me avoid ineffective or potentially harmful products.


Simplifying CBD with Education


Having a little over three years in the industry now, the biggest hurdle has been the many misconceptions and a lack of knowledge about the benefits and uses of CBD. These misconceptions can and have hindered its acceptance amongst older adults. 


With so many confusing and negative experiences in the oversaturated CBD market, I created 55plus CBD with the intent to center around educating older demographics on CBD and all of its many benefits. We are not alone as a few other companies are doing their part to close the public information gap and simplify CBD like our friends at Realm of Caring.


At 55plus, our education program highlights CBD’s safety profile, its distinction from THC-containing products, and offers insight on current research and studies around its efficacy for common ailments. The importance of CBD and its supplemental use in holistic well-being cannot be overstated.

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Blog Client Spotlight Featured Stories

Client Spotlight: Trevon Ferguson

Client Spotlight

Client Spotlight: Helen

I have been having muscle spasms severely since I was about 15 years old. I’m now 45 so that is a long time. Most days it feels like all my muscles are going to rip off my body at any moment. I ruptured a disc in my thoracic spine in my mid 30’s. T7, T8. I was told this is not common, but from all my research it is more common than doctors say. My ruptured disc is causing spinal cord compression. I can NOT have surgery because I have some kind of bleeding disorder. No doctor will touch it. To make matters worse I do not have health insurance.

I have been suffering a very long time. It is bad when you wake up and all you think about is the pain. People are talking to you and you are in so much pain you do not even know what is being said.

Three days! it has only been 3 days! and I feel so much better. It was about 3am this morning, when I just kind of felt as if someone was putting a soft cloth over the screaming pain. I’m excited. I may get to enjoy some of my days. I know it has only been three days, but I have never felt this kind of relief. It’s a numbing sensation I guess is the best way to describe how It feels. Best money I have spent in eight years. Thank you, Thank you.


Client Spotlight

Client Spotlight: Aline

Aline was diagnosed with hydrocephalus, a build up of fluid in the brain, when her mom was seven months pregnant. At one-month old, Aline had a Pudenz valve placed which got infected within two weeks. She was in the hospital for about seven months under antibiotics and she started having seizures by the third month that she was in the hospital due to the severity of the infection. Since starting cannabinoid therapy, Aline has changed in a significant way. She’s sleeping better, her appetite is just amazing, she’s more aware of her surroundings and her squint eye seems to get better everyday. Not to mention that her seizures have dropped to 0 in over 6 months!!! The most exciting is that pre-school is now a reality; she has started the past week and she’s enjoying it tons! We have also been able to go out/travel without being worried sick about her seizures. I would love to mention that my relatives are also doing better than ever, as it was hard for them to know that we were always alert and that we might have had to run to the hospital because Aline would seize. The impact is just so much! I’ve mentioned previously we can now see for a better way of living for us and Aline. The whole family is just overwhelmed of how Aline has progressed and how her seizures have dropped. They have been through a lot with with us, going to the hospital, staying with Aline at the hospital (as an emergency room visit we knew for sure that she’d stay in for at least 3 days). We are all just very happy with Aline’s progress. You can’t imagine how happy her cousins are, as she can now attend various events, she even went to a baseball game last week!! We (my whole family and I) would like to thank you from the bottom of our hearts for the opportunity you are giving Aline for a better chance at life. We cant express and thank you enough for how much you are doing for us.

Client Spotlight

Client Spotlight: Ciara

Miss Ciara has had seizure’s since birth, she has a CP diagnosis, a seizure disorder, microcepholoptomy and recently was re-diagnosed with LGS – Lennox-Gastaut Syndrome… we have faced challenges since the beginning and given no hope or encouragement of healing they just painted a glim picture… But I told them her life will be what we make of it & I am doing my best to give her the best life she can have with the challenges we face. When I heard about the Marijuana – CBD- Hemp Oils helping with seizures, I was excited and filled with hope, especially after reading testimony after testimony of it working for all these kids just like my Ciara… Since the first dose, the first day I have been seeing a huge reduction of seizures, like almost obsolete! Seen an increase in her keeping her eyes open, seeing her happier and laughing. Seeing her kick her legs with excitement. It is a true God given gift what God has given us in this plant. It’s time to debunk the myths, time to end the prohibition on Marijuana…. for my Ciara, and for all those like her & others facing/dealing with other situations in their lives. I am thankful for this CW Everyday Advanced, it is the miracle we have been waiting a lifetime for.

Client Spotlight

Client Spotlight: Benjamin

A New Journey – Learning, Love and Policy

Sadly just 10 days after our son’s story was published in the local Highlands Ranch Herald for making it four years and nine months seizure-free, Benjamin started having seizures again Thanksgiving night 2015 which was nine months after he was weaned from all pharmaceuticals.

Benjamin 14 years old began to have Tonic-Clonic type seizures every few days with some lasting up to four minutes in length; he had four of these within 14 days into December. It was advised by his neurologist at the Denver Children’s Hospital that we put him back on pharmaceuticals. After some research and a new article that expressed recent warnings from the FDA in regards to suicidal thoughts and actions as a side effect of 11 anti-epileptic drugs, three of which Benjamin had been on before and was being asked to take again, did not seem like an option any longer! So in mid-December I made the decision to start Benjamin on Charlotte’s Web Hemp Extract after contacting the Realm of Caring in Colorado Springs on how to purchase Charlotte’s Web, and help me with dosing so that we could keep Benjamin seizure-free once again in a natural way without side-effects!

Within a couple of days I shared the news of our new therapy change for Benjamin with his school nurse as I had for any other medication change over 10yrs since pre-school (I also included in the email, his teachers and principal). I knew we lived in Colorado and marijuana itself is legal and though I am giving my son hemp extract which is considered a dietary supplement that can be mailed to all 50 states; I did not think that we would have legal issues surrounding our choice for our son to have an alternative medicine.

To my surprise I received a call from Child Protective Services three days before Christmas asking me if I had a prescription to give my son Charlotte’s Web. In my inquiry to find out who reported us I would eventually be threatened with a caseworker if I did not comply with the child welfare administrators request for me to provide two doctors notes. I quickly realized that she was expecting me to have a registration card for my child taking a dietary supplement which she was requiring under article XVIII in section 14 of the Colorado Constitution as it applies to medical marijuana. I was able to point out to her that if she just read a little further in section 16 of the Colorado Constitution as it talks about hemp, it is exempt from being referred to as marijuana and therefore I was not required to provide a registration card to give my child a dietary supplement of hemp extract. This would later be confirmed through the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment (CDPHE) who provide the registration cards to medical marijuana patients and they would also tell me that if our child is taking hemp we do not need a registration card! So after educating our local Department of Health and Human Services on the differences between hemp and what they consider to be a marijuana derivative she changed her tune and asked for a list of prescriptions that my son was taking and only then would she closed my case but not until after Christmas. She let us believe through the whole Christmas holiday weekend that we might be paid a visit. We feared that if the caseworker came to our house that we would have lost our son over a dietary supplement they knew nothing about, all in retaliation for asking questions.

By asking questions it would be revealed to us that we were reported for a “suspicion of abuse and neglect” because we told the school that we were giving our child Charlotte’s Web. We were not asking to give it to him on school grounds or asking a nurse to administer it, we were just merely stating that we were changing his therapy at home but they could watch for any changes at school since they were with him the majority of the day! We figured out it was the school nurse based upon what she said in the transcript read back to us, since CPS could not give us a name of who reported. It would be expressed to me that nurses are mandatory reporters in the community, in an effort to mitigate any wrong doing. However, I would discover the school district had actually recommended that all school nurse report ALL FAMILIES on a suspicion of abuse and neglect regardless of whether they thought parents like me were abusing or neglecting my child. The school district actually felt by having their nurses report families to CPS they were protecting themselves, whether a family was providing their child with what they consider a marijuana derivative including hemp.

Of course I had every right to report the school nurse to the Department of Regulatory Agency (DORA) for false reporting. In her report, the nurse stated that “the child is very safe and family very loving” which would be a contradiction to why she would report based upon a suspicion of abuse and neglect. She also added, she was only reporting us on a recommendation by her employer so that she would not lose her job. Since I have a history of working with nurses in my past position as an administrative assistant (in the healthcare field); I did not feel it was ethical for an employer to demand their nurses to report families like ours when they did not equip them with the educational tools to make the right decision, on cannabis or the laws surrounding it. I never reported the nurse. It has been very important for me to not only look out for my family, but also for those who are responsible for looking after my child. Part of my mission was to make sure the school district was not pinning nurses against families and vice versa or families would be hiding in the shadows due to a lack of trust!

Within the first couple of weeks into the New Year 2016 I would be introduced to Stacey Linn and hear her story with son Jack Splitt, a young man just a little older than Benjamin with cerebral palsy who was not allowed to have his medical marijuana patch on at school. Stacey Linn passed Jack’s Amendment in 2015, so school districts could start writing medical marijuana policies for their students and allow medical marijuana to be administered on school grounds in a discrete location. Unfortunately no school district wrote policy for medical marijuana because it was only recommended at that time.

Stacey Linn would accompany me to meetings at the school district where we asked questions why they would demand their school nurses to report families like us to Child Protective Services for giving our children alternative yet legal medicine. The school district felt it was a liability for their nurses and they were in fear of losing Federal funding if we brought cannabis on campus to give to our medically fragile children. I would eventually file a case with the ADA (Americans with Disabilities Act) manager at the school district since I found it discriminatory for nurses to reporting children to Child Protective Services when most of these children are medically fragile, are usually on an IEP (Individual Education Plan) and the school district gets Federal funding for these children. It was quickly realized that the school district like others in Colorado had not written a policy surrounding medical marijuana, cannabis, or hemp etc… My job turned to working with school board president Meghann Silverthorne and vice president Judith Reynolds to get a policy rolling in Douglas County, and I had their support right away! I attended every school board meeting since February to bring light and educate the other school board members what happened to us and how we would like to see a policy not only implemented here, but our nurses educated so what happened to us would never happen to another family!

Stacey Linn would eventually start working with Representative Jonathan Singer to bring forth HB16-1373 “Students Medical Marijuana Use At School” also known as “Jack’s Law” to legislators at the State Capitol, so that school districts in the entire state of Colorado would have to write medical marijuana policy! I and a lobbyist by the name of Cindy Sovine-Miller were brought into help with the grassroots efforts in spreading the word about this new bill along with many other parents who were fighting for this too! One day with Benjamin at the Capitol, we ran into our Conservative Senator in Douglas County, Chris Holbert. After hearing our story, offered to Co-sponsor HB16-1373 in the Senate especially for Benjamin. Since the bill mainly laid out plans for medical marijuana in regards to Article XVIII in section 14 of the Colorado Constitution it was not applicable that hemp in section 16 of the Colorado Constitution be brought into the bill since they are different. It was still up to me to make sure that when my school district was writing their policy that they differentiated hemp from marijuana, but the question remained if they would since a Colorado Springs school district D49 would be the first in the state to adopt a medical marijuana policy though they did not differentiate hemp as I suggested in a school board meeting they held in the spring.

After 91 of 100 legislators between the House and Senate voted YES on HB16-1373, on Monday, June 6th 2016 with Benjamin looking over Governor John Hickenlooper’s shoulder, he sealed the deal by signing HB16-1373 “Students Medical Marijuana Use At School” into Colorado law! We were a very proud family to be there at that moment in time, with Jack, Stacey, along with other families watching history being made! Benjamin and Jack would be given one of the pens the governor used to sign the bill with as well!

Our job was not done just yet, we are now in the implementation stage. We received word that the Douglas County School District board of directors will be presenting what we call, “Benjamin’s Policy” at the next school board meeting on Tuesday, July 19th 2016! Not only will the school district be taking into account Jack’s Law (we just passed regarding medical marijuana), they have also heard my request to differentiate hemp oil, cannabinoid products as well as add the following to protect the nurses and staff:

    “District employees shall not be obligated under district policy for reporting suspected child abuse or neglect based solely on the parent or guardian administering medical marijuana, hemp oils or other cannabinoid products in compliance with this policy. This is not intended to alleviate any employee from his or her reporting obligations under applicable state law.”

Even though D49 was the first to vote on their Medical Marijuana policy, Douglas County is actually the first to write a comprehensive Cannabis policy that includes the Administration of Medical Marijuana, Hemp Oils and/or Cannabinoid Products as well as protecting their staff and end the criminalization of families trying to give their medically fragile children a better quality of life!!!

We are proud of our school district that heard our requests and wrote a policy that fits the need in our community, this way families who have been hiding it can come out of the shadows, and nurses do not have to fear losing their jobs when they know we are actually helping our sick kiddos!!! As of Saturday, July 16th 2016, Benjamin will be seven months seizure-free, but not only is he free from seizures again, this time his world has opened up more thanks to Charlotte’s Web Hemp Extract, his memory has improved to the point he can sing along to songs on the radio because he can remember the words. He was able to read short speeches before legislators this year, but he would have never been able to do that prior to Charlotte’s Web. He is communicating, learning and building things…without any adverse side-effects…life is good for Benjamin and it was worth the fight so others would not have to worry about what we went through!

When I think back to the mom I was 11yrs ago when Benjamin was first diagnosed with Epilepsy at 3yrs old. On how the pharmaceuticals scared me and changed my son in negative ways…I realized my fight this year was for the scared mom I was 11yrs ago. I wanted this alternative back then, but if I had to fight this fight for cannabis back then I would have not been strong enough to do what I did this year!!! It was worth it all; even for the parents who do not yet know they might need this same alternative one day, but will not have to fight for access in schools in Colorado!!!

Written by Amber Wann Permission is given to share all or parts of our story in a way that would benefit others!

Client Spotlight

Client Spotlight: Patricia

At the urging of my oldest daughter, I purchased Charlotte’s Web 1 oz, 200mg bottle of hemp oil. When I was 28 (1988), I came down with CFIDS/Fibromyalgia. The first 7 years I was bedridden. I slowly improved, but I’ve never enjoyed good health since then. I stopped driving about 5-6 years ago due to severe brain fog. Bodily pain varies; what afflicted me most has been frequent migraines, severe fatigue, a definite feeling of malaise, light and sound sensitivity (so bad I had to quit going to church and other functions); the list goes on and on. Due to some swelling, I couldn’t walk from the pain for over 2 years. On ‘good days’ I’d try to go for nightly walks but usually had to turn back after just walking past 3 or 4 houses. It wasn’t fun; living in the dark and trying to find fulfillment doing basically nothing. I started taking the hemp oil six days ago: half a dropper full twice daily. I cannot even begin to tell you the improvement I’ve seen in that short time!! I feel mentally alert again. I no longer have that deathly morbid fatigue. My mood is …dare I say it… almost happy! Things that I had to force myself to do I now do naturally and without thought. And best of all….I have taken 1 mile walks every day since taking it with absolutely no problem!!!!! Smiling, no pain, no fatigue, for the first time in many years!! No way could any placebo effect cause this. I have tried so many things with sometimes disastrous results, and to tell the truth, had resigned myself to a lifetime of misery…It is awesome feeling like my old self after over 28 years.

Client Spotlight

Client Spotlight: Hyrum

Hyrum used to have 15 or more seizures a day. Doctors tried more than 10 pharmaceuticals to try to get them to stop. Sometimes he was on up to 6 meds at a time, that made little difference to his seizure control. We were at a dead end. We just had to live with watching him seize multiple times a day, every day.

In October 2014, Hyrum had so many back to back seizures that he had to be placed in an induced coma to give his brain some rest before it just completely shut down. He was in the hospital for 3 months.

That’s when Hyrum’s mom decided enough was enough. She consulted with Hyrum’s neurologist and he helped her with information and dosing of CBD oil.

Today, Hyrum has only had 2 seizures in 3 years. He has been weened off most of his pharmaceutical drugs and he has come a long way from being so lethargic from the combination of medicines and uncontrollable seizures that he couldn’t hold his head on his own or stay awake for more than 2 hours at a time. Today Hyrum rarely takes naps and is happy, attentive, and very socially interactive. He is learning how to use a communication tablet and enjoys going to school.

Client Spotlight

Client Spotlight: Jeremy

I have been diagnosed with PPPD (Persistent Postural-Perceptual Dizziness), PTSD, high blood pressure, Diabetes Type 2, and high LDL and Triglycerides. I have lived with migraines and severe dizziness 24/7 since 2011 and have suffered from the migraines as long as 2005. I was prescribed twelve different antidepressants and antipsychotics and they all made me extremely suicidal and depressed. I was out of ideas and was ready to call it quits.
My doctor, neurologist, and two psychiatrists recommended I check out CBD oil for help. I started doing research and about 2 months went by before I tried contacting Realm of Caring. They were very friendly and helpful through the entire process of me asking questions, etc. After about 2 months on Charlotte’s Web Everyday Advanced CBD Oil, I began to realize that my horrible thoughts were going away. I have been on CBD since July of this year and can now laugh again and have almost zero thoughts of suicide anymore. For someone who lived with the thoughts every single day of his life since he was very little, this is a wonderful change. My blood pressure checks out perfect every time I visit the doctor now. My blood sugars are easier to control.
The only things left that I struggle with the high LDL/Triglycerides and the dizziness, which is extremely bad, but that’s MUCH better than where I was just a few months ago. It’s been worth it to me and my family and friends. I’m so glad that I decided to give this a try!