
Are you busy?

What do you feel when you use or say the word busy? I have found the word and the act of being “busy” so jarring to my senses that I have taken it out from my vocabulary entirely. This blog is its written farewell.

Think about casual conversations with your friends: Hi! How are you? Oh, I am well; busy! How about you? Yea, I’ve been busy too.

It seems like the state of being “busy” has become a national phenomenon. A badge of honor, as we frenetically move mostly by momentum versus thoughtful purpose.

We don’t stop until we hit a wall. That wall could be a car accident, an illness, a divorce and even then, those moments serve as mere speed bumps before we accelerate into the fast lane once again.

Ask yourself what might be hiding behind the curtain of busy?

Could it be an uncomfortable conversation? An inevitable separation? A decision we are reluctant to make?

Let’s close our eyes for a moment and remember when was the last time we sat and did nothing at all. I mean absolutely NOTHING; what I call the art of BE-ing… a human BEing.

How did that feel? What did you attune yourself to that you might have missed otherwise? Too busy to try the exercise? Do it, you will not regret it, and I promise you have 30 seconds.

It is in those rare moments when we are moved by inspiration, revelation, restitution and a sense of self. For instance, ‘what is happening with me these days?’ Checking-in with oneself.

It is in these precious moments that we hear life whispering to us. Life can lead us gently by the hand because it knows that we are paying attention. In the moments when life stops; life actually begins. Does that make sense?

These moments of “BEing” show us why we are HERE and connects us to a greater perspective. It’s probably why we feel one with all when we look at the sunset or a gripping vista. Breathtaking beauty prompts us to STOP and for seconds, we just are. Ahh…

And, although, it is normal for life to hasten from time to time, the mindless state of “busy” becomes the thief of LIFE, which robs us of the vitality that comes from following our inner guidance, which leads to PEACE. Can we have one more… Ahh?

Therefore, it could be concluded that in the absence of the “B” word mentioned 9 times previously, the outcome could be PEACE.

And PEACE… comes to us when we are PRESENT.

What are some ways you have found to slow down and just BE? Let us know in the comments to be eligible to win a year’s free Calm subscription, the number one app for meditation and mindfulness.


He isn’t walking around like a zombie

Written by Taylor’s family

Taylor’s health has improved drastically since starting the cannabinoid therapy. He went from being on 8 medications, including psych medications, to just one medication and the CBD oil. The only pharmaceutical medication he is on now is a weaning off dose of his seizure medication. He’s happy, healthy, mentally stable (more so than he’s ever been), and is no longer overweight.

He isn’t walking around like a zombie. Meltdowns are about once every 3-6 months when previously it was 3-6 a month. The entire family has had a change. Our family dynamic went from chaotic to happy and healthy. For the past year, we have truly gotten to meet the REAL Taylor for the first time ever. He has about 98% seizure control. Without you, the grant, and this life-saving oil, Taylor would not have quality of life, would not be in school, could be in a mental hospital or possibly not be with us from constant seizures.

Thank you for giving our son a chance at life and quality of life. This therapy has breathed life into our son and the entire family. You gave us hope when hope was lost.


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I was sleep deprived for 6.5 years of his illness, my level of sleep now is intoxicating

Written by mom Linda

THIS IS THE BEST PART!!! NO, NONE, NADA… ahhhhh I could fill this whole block with just this and sit back in my chair and stare at it for days…truly. Isaac is doing MARVELOUS. NO SEIZURES SINCE OIL!!!!! Can I write it in the sky, or carve it in a pie?? His Neuro Doctor and I are reducing Keppra, he was on 4 a day huge amount 750 mg each we are now down to only one and Isaac will be free of it in one week. With each reduction we are increasing the oil a bit.

We have done so many things we have not been able to for the 13 years of his seizures. One being free movies in the fall at the Imax theatre. I thought he has done so well I think he could handle it if he uses his ear plugs (he could not tolerate an inside theatre, he is very optically triggered). We made 7 out of 9 of the free Saturday morning matinees they offered. Isaac thanked me each trip home after probably 20 times. He is the sweetest.

Each reduction of drug I see another piece of him emerge that has been buried for 13 years. He no longer requires sleeping in my bed on the weekend because most of his seizures would be at night. I was sleep deprived for 6.5 years of his illness, my level of sleep now is intoxicating. We are” Livin Large” I tell him.

I use the entire grant for his oil. Each month I face his oil or the mortgage. The grant is massive in our lives. I am grateful with my every breath and for Isaac’s every breath. My closest dear friends are amazed and in awe. They share in our joy.


The last MRI shows a 25% reduction in tumor size

Provided by RoC Care Specialist on behalf of an anonymous client

Yesterday, a nice lady from Pueblo called to talk about her next order of CBD oil. During the conversation, she shared with me that she has been on CBD for 6 months and she is taking it because she has a brain tumor.

The last MRI shows a 25% reduction in tumor size. She says her primary care physician was furious that she chose to try cannabis.  She didn’t elaborate on that but says she doesn’t care because “IT’S WORKING!!!!!!!!”


After a few doses of CBD oil he was calm not stressed, and best of all the OCD and ticks ended.

Provided by an anonymous family

I wanted to let you know something very important and wonderful that just happened. My son is 14 and has suffered from severe OCD since about age 7 and his life has been impaired and he suffered terribly. At age 7 he also had a severe breakdown triggered by an increase in Zoloft. He ended up much worse and was put on Risperadol and Lexapro for a couple years it only worked for a short time, then he was put on Prozac. Nothing worked very well at all and he still had very bad episodes and motor ticks. We took him to many very good doctors and specialists but it wasn’t until this year that we got him to one that gave us a prescription after seeing no meds worked. We have known about Charlotte’s Web CBD since we saw the first CNN show about the Stanley Brothers. The oil worked like a miracle. After a few doses of CBD oil he was calm not stressed. And best of all the OCD and ticks ended. He’s been doing great, feels good, and doesn’t have any OCD problems or ticks. I am so grateful for the work you do and I’m hoping it will help others with OCD. God Bless you.


She is calling me Mom regularly when she has never called me Mom before

Provided by Jennifer’s mom

My 27-year-old daughter, Jennifer, has been taking CBD since July and she’s learning to talk. She’s playing with toys and is intact with her world. She follows directions. She can point with her finger. She is calling me Mom regularly when she has never called me Mom before. I’ve waited a long time to hear this, so very long! It brings tears to my eyes because it has been such a long road. She’s doing great. She has autism and limbic seizures. Her seizures are dramatically reduced. This is amazing.

I have my daughter back! I needed to tell you how much this means to me.

Thank you so very much.


Our sweet boy has been given a chance to live

Provided by an anonymous family

I’m at a loss for words in how to truly express what your work has done for our son. He was diagnosed with generalized myoclonic epilepsy (with four different types of seizures) that has been very difficult to treat. He has failed many meds and at one point he was having 100+ seizures a day along with a lot of facial injuries due to the forcefulness of his myoclonic seizures.

He had been delayed in his speech and with the development of his epilepsy just before he turned 2 1/2, he had stalled, and at times regressed. He had started preschool only weeks before his first seizure and we had to end up pulling him because his epilepsy became too much for him to attend. He had his longest seizure of 16 minutes and had another seizure in the ER that night when he stopped breathing and they had to bag him to get him breathing again. We spent over half of that month in the hospital.

Our son has experienced a lot of ups and downs since that time, but it has been horrific watching our sweet boy injure himself and not be able to do things a boy of three should be able to do. We began using CBD oil and we have since titrated up to the 0.75 level. Since this last and final titration, we have experienced our miracle. It has been three weeks and three days since our son’s last visible seizure. We honestly were not sure if we would ever even experience a day without seizures again. Because of your dedication and hard work at helping families like ours, Our sweet boy has been given a chance to live.

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Momma goat stopped breathing during a seizure after giving birth

Provided by RoC Care Specialist

Cool story from Ruth Ann in Alabama! I spoke with Ruth Ann who lives in rural Alabama, and suffers from Fibromyalgia and uses CBD. She has a small family farm and they have miniature goats. One of the goats went into labor and it was a really tough, many-hours-long labor. Eventually, the owner intervened and helped pull the baby out. Throughout that process, the momma goat began having seizures, and basically went into one long seizure.

The momma goat stopped breathing. The owner ran into the house and grabbed her CBD oil. She gave the 40lb goat 0.3mL of oil and curled up with the goat, as she waited for it to die. The CBD stopped the seizure, and three minutes later the goat was totally fine! She stood up and called for her new baby and the baby started nursing like nothing ever happened. Momma goat and baby are doing great!!

Note: Photo is a stock image and not one of Ruth Ann’s goats

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So Many Visitors, SO Little Time

Our client base is growing and it’s growing fast! To help maintain great customer service we are now requesting that those who wish to visit at our office first schedule an appointment. Thanks for your understanding and patience! The Realm of Caring Team

Client Spotlight

Client Spotlight: Ciara

Miss Ciara has had seizure’s since birth, she has a CP diagnosis, a seizure disorder, microcepholoptomy and recently was re-diagnosed with LGS – Lennox-Gastaut Syndrome… we have faced challenges since the beginning and given no hope or encouragement of healing they just painted a glim picture… But I told them her life will be what we make of it & I am doing my best to give her the best life she can have with the challenges we face. When I heard about the Marijuana – CBD- Hemp Oils helping with seizures, I was excited and filled with hope, especially after reading testimony after testimony of it working for all these kids just like my Ciara… Since the first dose, the first day I have been seeing a huge reduction of seizures, like almost obsolete! Seen an increase in her keeping her eyes open, seeing her happier and laughing. Seeing her kick her legs with excitement. It is a true God given gift what God has given us in this plant. It’s time to debunk the myths, time to end the prohibition on Marijuana…. for my Ciara, and for all those like her & others facing/dealing with other situations in their lives. I am thankful for this CW Everyday Advanced, it is the miracle we have been waiting a lifetime for.