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Cannabinoid Therapy & ADHD

“Picture a room with 1,000 TVs with each TV showing something different. Now try and concentrate on just one TV without getting distracted.”  –Damian DaViking Aird



Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is the most frequent neuro-developmental disorder among children and often continues into adolescence and adulthood. It’s most often characterized by an inability to sit still, properly manage behavior, and difficulty focusing. Presently, there are a number of medications prescribed to help better manage symptoms of the disorder, with those searching for alternative options looking to cannabis for relief. 


Many adults with ADHD choose to self-treat with cannabis, claiming that it helps some of their more severe symptoms (e.g., agitation, irritability, lack of control) while also carrying fewer side effects to prescription medications. 


Can Cannabis Help With ADHD?


The current research available gives somewhat of a mixed answer to whether or not cannabinoid therapy can be used as an alternative therapy for ADHD, although there are reports in favor of the plant medicine. 


  • One study of 59 patients revealed that high doses of cannabinol (CBN) was associated with lower self-reported ADHD symptoms as well as an ADHD medication reduction.
  • Another larger study of 1,700 students found that cannabis had beneficial effects on ADHD symptoms (e.g., hyperactivity, impulsivity), and improved medication side effects (e.g., irritability, anxiety)
  • A 2019 study comparing THC:CBD to a placebo found that there were no significant effects on ADHD symptoms
  • A 2020 study of 112 adult ADHD patients reported those who took higher doses of cannabinoid therapies, like CBD, took fewer traditional medications for ADHD
  • Three adult patients reported substantial benefits to treating ADHD with cannabis. Quality of life improved, attentiveness scores rose up to 30%, depression improved by up to 81%, and they were able to obtain or excel at a new job with more responsibility. 


Why Do People Seek Alternative Therapies for ADHD?


Traditional treatments for ADHD can include stimulants such as Adderall and Ritalin, which can produce unwanted side effects. Common side effects include trouble sleeping, loss of appetite, and increased heart rates. In fact, 21% of parents surveyed reported discontinuing the use of ADHD medication for their children due to psychological side effects. Using these prescription stimulants can also lead to substance abuse or dependence. 


In addition to prescription medication, doctors often recommend behavioral therapy, either as its own treatment or in conjunction with medication. Behavioral therapy may be limited in desired results, as it offers no solution to symptoms, but rather a set of skills to manage ADHD more easily. 


Cannabis Compounds and Terpenes


The levels of THC and CBD in varying strains of cannabis plants have differing effects on the brain and body. Ongoing research suggests that CBD may alleviate anxiety, promote better sleep, and improve overall quality of life. Most research in favor of treating ADHD symptoms with cannabis emphasizes the benefits of CBD rich products. This means high CBD low THC ratio options and whole-plant cannabis (containing a range of cannabinoids and terpenes) may provide relief.


Currently, a clinical trial on how CBD-rich oil given to adults orally will affect the symptoms of ADHD disorder is underway. The objectives of the study are listed as follows: 

  • to characterize the effects of treatment with cannabis oil on symptoms of ADHD
  • to compare safety and efficacy of cannabis oil products with different CBD, Cannabidivarin (CBDV), cannabigerol (CBG) and THC ratio;
  • to measure endocannabinoids, THC and CBD and metabolites levels in the blood of the participants


Research trials like these provide the necessary opportunity to pair hard data with what appears to be promising possibilities for treating ADHD symptoms. In the meantime, we recommend speaking with a medical professional before starting new treatment options such as described above. If you would like to discuss more about the potential benefits of cannabinoid therapy, please reach out to our care team!


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Ask the Patient

On May 14, 2021 a bipartisan bill was introduced in the Colorado House to more strictly regulate high-potency THC products, imposing barriers to access for medical consumers as well as negatively affecting recreational buyers and cannabis businesses in Colorado. The detrimental language of the bill unfairly targets medical cannabis patients, medical cannabis doctors and clinics, and cannabis dispensaries in the state. The Speaker of the House and the President of the Senate both signed this bill on June 23, 2021 and Governor Polis signed on June 24, 2021. 


There were great efforts put in place to oppose the bill, to delay implementation, and to sue the state challenging 25 significant breaches to the Constitution of the State of Colorado, Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act. Now, nearly one year since the bill was signed, we have seen the damage it has caused. 


This bill has turned doctors away from medical cannabis for fear of breaking five laws and losing their DEA license. Businesses have been forced to close and patients were left completely out of the conversation that affects their right to privacy and access to medicine. 


On July 14, 2022 at 5pm MT, Realm of Caring will be hosting an “Ask the Patient” webinar that anyone can join. We will begin this webinar by previewing a segment of NOVA’s The Cannabis Question, looking at the social acceptance of cannabis. Following, we will be speaking directly with the individuals who have suffered harmful consequences that came from this specific bill, HB21-1317.  



This does not just affect Colorado. As a leading example of how legalized cannabis can be carried out professionally and responsibly, Colorado also serves as an example of how those very rights can be chipped away with regressive policies that sail through the legislature. We are witnessing a grim foreshadowing. 

We encourage you to write in your questions to and, no matter where you reside, join us with this registration link. Continue reading for more detailed information on what this act requires. 


For a medical patient in the state to be approved for a medical cannabis card, this act requires


  • A full assessment of the patient’s medical history, to include their mental health history;
  • The maximum THC potency level recommended by the physician;
  • The recommended product and directions for use;
  • The daily authorized quantity. 


For medical patients ages 18 to 20 years old, this act requires:


  • Two physicians from different medical practices to diagnose the patient after having in-person consultations where one physician must provide written documentation specifying the condition and benefit of medical cannabis;
  • The patient attends follow-up appointments every 6 months after the initial visit with one of the physicians unless the patient is homebound.


This act also requires:


  • A report to be created from emergency room and hospital discharge data of patients who presented with “conditions or a diagnosis that reflects marijuana use”;
  • Coroners to test for the presence and quantity of THC in each case of a non-natural death and make recommendations;
  • Medical cannabis dispensaries to immediately record transactions to monitor patient data for identifying discrepancies with daily purchase limits and potency authorizations;
  • Limitations on the amount of cannabis concentrate that a patient can purchase in one day to 8 grams, with a 2 gram daily limit to those 18 to 20 years old. 
  • Limitations on the amount of retail cannabis concentrate sold to 8 grams; 
  • A tangible educational resource regarding the use of regulated cannabis concentrate to be distributed to purchasers. 


This act appropriated the following budget for the 2021-2022 fiscal year: 


  • $4,000,000 from the marijuana tax cash fund to the department of higher education for use by the Colorado school of public health and any unexpended money from the appropriation is further appropriated to the department for the same purpose;
  • $541,826 to the department of public health and environment for use by the center for health and environmental information: $265,656 of the appropriation is from the general fund and is $276,170 from the medical marijuana program cash fund;
  • $50,000 from the general fund to the department of public health and environment for use by disease control and public health response;
  • $255,167 from the marijuana cash fund to the department of revenue to implement the act;
  • $95,706 and allocates 0.5 FTE to the department of law from reappropriated funds from the department of revenue; and
  • $2,000,000 from the first time drunk driving offender account to the department of transportation.


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Sustainability in the Cannabis Industry

The cannabis industry is a growing industry and the fastest growing in the United States. Cannabis sales are expected to reach $99 billion in 2022 and projected to reach upwards of $155 billion in 2026. As more and more states pass legislation to legalize cannabis, there is an abundance of cannabis products on the market. The scale of cannabis grows requires more resources, bringing up environmental and societal impacts to be considered in the process.


The Environmental Impact of the Cannabis Industry


To put into perspective the impacts the cannabis industry can have on the environment, the city of Denver reported in 2018 that nearly 4% of the city’s total electricity usage was a result of cannabis production. A study published in Nature Sustainability estimated that 1.3% of Colorado’s total greenhouse gas emissions were generated by indoor cannabis growing operations. Presently, Denver is seeing a 45% increase in energy electricity demand specifically related to cannabis cultivation.


To compare this to other popular industries, cannabis has the highest footprint per unit as opposed to one serving of beer, wine, or cigarettes. The Journal of Cannabis Research reported that cannabis plants use around twice as much water as maize, soybeans, wheat and wine grapes. 


“Indoor cannabis cultivation requires a jaw-dropping amount of energy. It’s an antiquated remnant from prohibition that is neither financially nor environmentally sustainable.” – Amy Zents, Director of Cultivation for Progressive Plant Research


Currently, the biggest challenges the cannabis industry faces are the energy efficiency, waste management, and water usage required to grow plants. It is projected that by 2025, the cannabis industry will see an 86% rise in water use. The cultivation output is attempting to keep up with the growing demand for cannabis, as it is used both medicinally and recreationally, while simultaneously needing to minimize the impact of resources used. With the cannabis industry still being considered in its infancy, this is an important time for pacemakers to begin to educate and ingrain best practices in their cannabis operations. 


Creating a Sustainable Future for Cannabis


Through the use of data and science backed technology, the cannabis industry has a hope for a sustainable future. Sustainability will need to be a priority in every part of the industry, from production to packaging to the supply chain. Understanding the amount of resources used to make a cannabis product will vary from business to business, and so it falls in the hands of the establishments to measure and report on their metrics. 


Unfortunately, with many small businesses in their early stages, their priorities are often focused on getting the operation up and running, as opposed to understanding the challenges of environmental impact or the opportunities available in sustainable grows. When comparing indoor cultivation to greenhouse growing sites, there are both economic and environmental benefits to the latter. The numbers don’t lie, and greenhouses or hybrid growing sites can require 134 kilowatt hours per square foot, versus 262 for indoor cultivation. 


Along with education and acquiring production data metrics, there are a number of ways to achieve a more sustainable cannabis industry. 


To start, cultivators should focus on optimizing their energy use. This can be done by upgrading equipment, something that ends up being cost efficient over time, or analyzing performance numbers to see where there is room for improvement in an operation. Identifying trends in business metrics allows for opportunities to improve on energy efficiency. 


Understanding and utilizing the technological innovations available is another circumstance for sustainable improvements. Companies often market products that can lower costs and enhance production, for example LED lighting systems with sensors and in depth control options to better regulate grows or switching to solar panels on-site. Technology like this is becoming more and more available, and cultivators are waking up to the realization that these assets can help them not only yield more product but also reduce their energy costs.


“Through the use of energy-efficient equipment, integrated controls, and system automation, along with strategic energy management and data analysis, we have reduced our total energy use by over 50%.” – Shawn Cogan, Facilities Director for Progressive Plant Research


Energy and water usage aren’t the only sustainability issues cannabis and hemp farmers need to consider. Waste management also poses a huge environmental threat. Chemical waste and pesticides used on crops end up seeping into waterways, causing serious harm. Leveraging an understanding of the plant’s biology data during plant selection can improve agronomic traits, including lower risk of pests, thus resulting in less pesticides needed. Another best practice is to really research the nutrients used for cannabis cultivation. Product knowledge is an important step in ensuring the safest and most sustainable options are used in the production process. 


In order to see a truly sustainable future in cannabis, it will require an industry wide effort. Widespread shared ideology on the importance of these practices (energy efficiency, waste reduction, utilizing technologies, etc.) and an implementation of said solutions is the key to success.


How Consumers Can Help


As a consumer, you can speak with your dollar by shopping from brand’s that prioritize environmental concerns in their cannabis operation. Many businesses market themselves as sustainable and organic, and in some occasions may be greenwashing, so doing your due diligence to confirm these statements are true can help ensure you are purchasing from a brand you can trust. 


At Realm of Caring we have a list of Supported Brands on our website. These products have passed our strict quality control guidelines and it is with confidence that we recommend them to you.

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Chronic Fatigue Syndrome & Cannabinoid Therapy

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS) or Myalgic encephalomyelitis (ME) is a debilitating, long-term illness causing severe fatigue and sleep problems. While it is most commonly found in individuals between ages 40 and 60 years old, anyone can be affected by CFS. It is estimated that around 90 percent of people with CFS have not been diagnosed. While there is no cure, symptoms may be treated or managed.


Symptoms of CFS include:


Post-exertional Malaise (PEM)

Sleep disorders


Depression, stress, and/or anxiety

Memory and concentration difficulties


There is a fair amount of research on how cannabinoid therapy may alleviate these symptoms and more, including results from data collected in Realm of Caring’s Observational Research Registry (ORR). Our research has shown that Cannabis Users reported lower baseline depression, significantly better past-month sleep quality, a higher overall quality of life, and lower past-month average pain compared to Controls. Here we will take a closer look at the aforementioned symptoms and how cannabinoid therapy may benefit. 


Post-exertional Malaise (PEM)


It is recommended by the medical community to find individual limits for mental and physical activity, if you suffer from CFS. The worsening of CFS symptoms may lead to what is called Post-exertional Malaise (PEM), where physical, mental, or emotional exertion could exaggerate symptoms and cause them to last for days or even weeks. One way to find individual limits that is recommended, is by journaling. This is also a welcome practice with cannabinoid therapy; as it is not a one size fits all approach. If you choose to take this journey it is recommended that you journal symptoms, products you are using, how much you are taking, and how you are feeling overall. Our care specialists are here to walk you through this process as well. 


Sleep disorders


Common sleep complaints from sufferers of CFS include difficulty falling or staying asleep, extreme sleepiness, vivid dreaming, restless leg syndrome, and muscle spasms. Certain cannabinoids have shown through studies the ability to benefit our sleep-wake cycles, decrease nightmares, lessen the conditions that interfere with our sleep, and assist in actually falling asleep. 


Among the several researched properties, cannabidiol (CBD) may benefit as an anxiolytic, anti-inflammatory, and analgesic. The anxiolytic properties of CBD may help to improve sleep by mitigating anxiety or stress-induced insomnia as well as limiting muscle tension anxiety that can lead to spasms or restless legs. Stress induces a sleep-related feature known as rapid eye movement (or REM) sleep rebound. This is an increase in REM sleep during the nightly sleep cycles. People experiencing REM sleep rebound may spend more time in REM than they would during a night of normal, healthy sleep. Studies show that therapeutic levels of CBD administration may increase total sleep time and decrease frequency of arousals at night – leading to an increase in total percentage of sleep overtime. 




People living with CFS, often mention the joints and muscles being areas of the highest pain. They may also suffer from pressure headaches. Cannabis use for pain can be traced back thousands of years. In 2900 B.C. ancient Chinese texts show written records of cannabis as a medicine. More recently, data from clinical trials on synthetic and plant-derived cannabis-based medicines have suggested that they are a promising approach for the management of chronic pain of various origins. Pain is produced by pro-inflammatory agents that also lead to an increased sensitivity to feeling pain and an extreme response to pain, or hyperalgesia. The anti-inflammatory properties of cannabinoids are becoming more well known through increased research to combat pain induced by inflammation.


Cannabinoids that may perform best as potent anti-inflammatory agents are CBD, Tetrahydrocannabonolic acid (THCa), Cannabidiolic acid (CBDa), and THCV (Tetrahydrocannabivarin). Therapy to include these cannabinoids may help to ease the inflammation on the surrounding tissue of the joints, as well as muscles to decrease tension, soreness, and pain. 


Depression, stress, and/or anxiety


CBD works as a modulator to our physiological processes. This includes how effectively our body may facilitate the serotonin it creates, allowing more of that “happy chemical” to be made available for our brains and, therefore, regulating our moods. Just as it helps to move serotonin along, CBD may also help with the functioning of GABA, the neurotransmitter that regulates our nerve signals; therefore aiding in the reduction of our anxiety, panic, and stress response.


Data show that repeated administration of CBD may produce effects consistent with results from studies that test traditional anti-anxiety and antidepressant medications. These are known as clinically relevant findings because CBD is known to benefit while exhibiting few side effects, supporting the initiation of clinical trials testing the efficacy of CBD-based compounds for the treatment of mood disorders. 


Memory and concentration difficulties


Prolonged CBD therapy has shown positive improvements in psychological symptoms and cognition. Currently, using cannabinoids to benefit neurological issues and serve as a neuroprotectant is being studied. The antioxidant properties of cannabinoids, such as CBD, may have the ability to provide neuroprotection. As well, research is showing that elevation of cannabinoid receptor activity could potentially slow down the progression of brain aging and alleviate symptoms associated with neurodegenerative disorders, therefore cannabinoids with the ability to activate receptors may provide these additional benefits. 


While struggling with a condition as debilitating as CFS, it is important to talk with a medical professional about your options. Complementary therapies and a strong focus on wellness may improve cannabinoid therapy results as well as decrease symptoms further. If you would like to discuss more about the potential benefits of cannabinoid therapy, please reach out to our care team!






The Realm of Caring Foundation specifically invokes the first amendment rights of freedom of speech and of the press without prejudice. These statements have not been evaluated by the food and drug administration. The products discussed are not intended to diagnose, cure, prevent or treat any disease. Realm of Caring always recommends when and wherever possible that licensed local healthcare professionals be consulted.


The Realm of Caring Foundation is an independent nonprofit with its own governing board. We do not produce or sell cannabinoid products, nor do we receive funds from the sale of other company’s products.

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One Tool in Your Tool Kit

Have you ever been so desperate for your medicine or therapy to work that you place all your eggs in one basket? We all have! You might be thinking, “I hope this pill cures my insomnia,” or “this oil better take away my chronic pain!” Often times we put so much hope, confidence and faith in a single mechanism, when we should really be including multiple tools to “fix” our system. That is why we created this comprehensive infographic to help our clients understand our Wellness Tool Kit; it is a comprehensive set of tools that are vital to maintaining and managing your health. Even though Realm of Caring’s primary expertise is cannabinoid therapy, we want to acknowledge the multiple assets that can support a sustainable and healthy lifestyle. The tool kit is an important reminder that cannabinoid therapy alone is not a silver bullet, meaning cannabis on its own may not be the magical solution to your problem. Healthy diet, sleep, exercise, and water are just a few of the other tools in your kit that can help you achieve your goals. 


Why is cannabinoid therapy a powerful tool in your tool kit? 


This plant packs one powerful punch! With more than 500 different components that carry potential therapeutic qualities, this plant can affect several targeted areas in the body. A recent review titled, Cannabis for Medical Use: Versatile Plant Rather Than a Single Drug, points out that the plant can treat multiple conditions throughout the body. With so many phytocannabinoids, terpenes, and flavonoids working together with your body’s endocannabinoid system, cannabis is a multi-faceted fixer. The plant helps the endocannabinoid system modulate and regulate many processes in the body like pain, digestion, coordination and neural development. 


How will you measure the success of your tools


There are several health apps and online tools that can help you track everything you are doing in order to achieve your goals. Even a notebook will suffice; Dr. Gail Matthews led a study on goal-setting that found participants were 42% more likely to achieve their goals if they wrote them down daily. Incorporating your tools into your goal setting is a great way to ensure that you are using multiple strategies and not just relying on one method to fix your problem. Another way to track your progress is participating in the Realm of Caring’s Observational Research Registry (ORR). This online survey examines the health effects of medicinal cannabis use and is open to anyone in the world with internet access. If you choose to participate, you will be asked questions about your use of cannabis/hemp products, other medications, and general health. 


How can Realm of Caring help you? 


Our Care Team is here to help you navigate cannabinoid therapy as one tool in your tool kit. Based on data from our IRB approved observational research registry, we can help you dial in this therapeutic approach to wellness. Call us at 719-347-5400 option 1, email us at, or visit our website and sign up for a free client account at





The Realm of Caring Foundation specifically invokes the first amendment rights of freedom of speech and of the press without prejudice. These statements have not been evaluated by the food and drug administration. The products discussed are not intended to diagnose, cure, prevent or treat any disease. Realm of Caring always recommends when and wherever possible that licensed local healthcare professionals be consulted.


The Realm of Caring Foundation is an independent nonprofit with its own governing board. We do not produce or sell cannabinoid products, nor do we receive funds from the sale of other company’s products.


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Curbing Tobacco Addiction with Cannabinoid Therapy

Tobacco use is responsible for more than 480,000 deaths each year in the U.S., according to the CDC, which estimates that it accounts for nearly one of every five deaths annually.


Tobacco use is responsible for more than 480,000 deaths each year in the U.S., according to the CDC, which estimates that it accounts for nearly one of every five deaths annually. It is the leading cause of preventable death in this country; there are approximately 1,300 deaths from smoking each day. Tobacco use is a major risk factor for heart disease, cancer and lung disease—and these diseases kill more people than any other health problem. The good news is that by quitting smoking and tobacco use, you can reduce your risk of developing many serious health problems. Even better news? Cannabinoids may help curb tobacco addiction and even assist you in this process.


New research shows that compounds found naturally in cannabis plants reverse attentional bias to cigarette cues in a human experimental model of tobacco withdrawal.


New research shows that compounds found naturally in cannabis plants reverse attentional bias to cigarette cues in a human experimental model of tobacco withdrawal. The study, published in the National Library of Medicine, shows that treatment with cannabidiol (CBD), a non-psychoactive cannabinoid found naturally in cannabis, may be a promising novel smoking cessation treatment due to its anxiolytic properties, minimal side effects and research showing that it may modify drug cue salience.


Researchers used an experimental medicine approach with thirty non-treatment seeking dependent cigarette smokers, by administering 800 mg oral CBD or matched placebo (PBO) in a counterbalanced order. Withdrawal, craving, side effects, heart rate and blood pressure were repeatedly reviewed. The results showed that a single 800‐mg oral dose of cannabidiol reduced the salience and pleasantness of cigarette cues, compared with placebo, after overnight cigarette abstinence in dependent smokers. Cannabidiol did not influence tobacco craving or withdrawal or any subjectively rated side effects. These findings suggest that cannabidiol may hold promise for aiding in nicotine withdrawal, and may also be effective in improving other addictive behaviors.


Further promising results from preclinical studies suggest that manipulation of the endocannabinoid system could be a potential therapeutic strategy for treating nicotine addiction.


Further promising results from preclinical studies suggest that manipulation of the endocannabinoid system could be a potential therapeutic strategy for treating nicotine addiction. The possible involvement of the endocannabinoid system in the rewarding effects of nicotine was evaluated by using the conditioned place preference (CPP) in mice.


Researchers set out to examine the role of cannabinoid receptors in the brain’s reward circuitry by evaluating the CPP in mice, and were surprised to learn how critical they are for mediating nicotine reinforcements in the rodents. The scientists found that the brain’s response to nicotine triggers the activity of cannabinoid receptors and increased levels of an important enzyme called cPLA2, which is involved in activating these receptors. They then demonstrated that inhibiting cPLA2 activity dramatically reduced nicotine reinforcement by preventing the activation of cannabinoid receptors. Such findings suggest that promoting cannabinoid receptor signaling in the brain could be useful in treating nicotine addiction and other substance abuse disorders, although it is too soon to recommend cannabis as a solution to curbing tobacco addiction.


When quitting smoking, CBD may be a promising therapeutic tool to help ease withdrawal symptoms.


CBD seems to be a promising therapeutic tool due to its anti-inflammatory, anxiolytic, neuroprotective, and non-psychoactive effects. In humans, treatment with CBD has been reported to reduce cigarette consumption and pleasantness of cigarette cues after overnight abstinence.


Kicking a nicotine addiction is hard, and often the hardest part for addicts is getting through the uncomfortable withdrawal symptoms that many fall victim to, thus keeping them in a cycle of dependency on cigarettes and nicotine-containing products. Some symptoms of nicotine withdrawals that CBD can aid in relief of may include anxiety, irregular sleep patterns, headaches, nausea, and irritability.


For those looking for a natural ally in curbing tobacco addiction, CBD could be an effective aid. Choosing quality products from reliable retailers is an important part of this process. We recommend checking out our list of supported brands.


At Realm of Caring, we believe in taking an individual approach to cannabinoid therapy to find a product and dose that works for each of us! If you would like to reach out to our Care Team (719-347-5400 option 1), they would be happy to help you individualize your therapy and find a product that is right for you.

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Delta-8 THC Legal Update

Delta-8 tetrahydrocannabinol (delta-8 THC) has become a growing topic of discussion due to its legal controversy and recently issued warning letters by the FDA. The FDA’s growing concerns stem from companies reported to have illegal marketing and drug misbranding. Delta-8 is currently legal in 32 states, however this could change rapidly as states are beginning to regulate or create legislation to prohibit products containing the compound completely. Before we dive into the legal gray area, let’s review what exactly delta-8 THC is.


What is delta-8 THC?


Delta-8 THC is one of the cannabinoids produced naturally by the cannabis plant, but is not found in significant amounts of the cannabis plant. Concentrated amounts of delta-8 THC are typically manufactured from hemp-derived cannabidiol (CBD). However less psychoactive than delta-9 THC, delta-8 THC still has similar psychoactive and intoxicating effects to delta-9 THC, the cannabinoid most popular in the cannabis plant for getting people “high”.


The two compounds are almost identical in structure except for the location of a double bond. The double bond is found on the 8th carbon in delta-8’s structure and the 9th carbon in delta-9. This difference of the double bond location makes delta-8 less potent, meaning that individuals may be able to tolerate more per administration. The effects of delta-8 have been reported by users as mild euphoria, happiness, uplifting feelings, and relief of pain.


Is Delta-8 THC a synthetic cannabinoid?


Because delta-8 THC is not found in significant amounts in cannabis some assume that it is a synthetic cannabinoid, or man made, but it is a natural compound. Delta-8 products do, however, require manual intervention for there to be a consumable amount available. While it is not a synthetic cannabinoid, it is synthetically derived. 


Delta-8 THC Federal Legal Standing


Delta-8’s current legal standing is controversial on the federal level. Interpreting it as legal is due to a loophole through The Farm Bill. In 2018, the Farm Bill removed hemp with very small concentrations of THC from the definition of marijuana in the Controlled Substances Act. Hemp is defined as products derived from the cannabis plant containing less than 0.3% of delta-9 THC. Tetrahydrocannabinol’s are listed by the DEA as a Schedule I drug, “except for tetrahydrocannabinols in hemp“. Because of the federally legal status of hemp, manufacturers have derived delta-8 using a conversion process from CBD. 


Delta-8 THC State Legal Standing 


Many states have begun to regulate delta-8 THC due to the lack of research on its effects and considering it is synthetically derived. 


Delta-8 THC is currently prohibited or illegal in these 13 states: Alaska, Colorado, Delaware, Idaho, Iowa, Montana, Nevada, New York, North Dakota, Rhode Island, Vermont, Utah and Washington. The reasoning for the ban of Delta-8 THC products can be summed up by the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment as “chemically modifying or converting any naturally occurring cannabinoids from industrial hemp is non-compliant with the statutory definition of ‘industrial hemp product’.”


Connecticut and Michigan regulate Delta-8 THC the same way they do recreational cannabis. State authorities in Arizona, California and Mississippi have not released a clear statement on whether delta-8 is legal, partially illegal, or completely illegal. 


Finally, Delta-8 THC is currently legal in these 32 states:  Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Hawaii, Illinois, Indiana, Kansas, Kentucky, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Minnesota, Missouri, Nebraska, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New Mexico, North Carolina, Ohio, Oklahoma, Oregon, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Virginia, West Virginia, Wisconsin, Wyoming, and in Washington D.C.


What does this all mean for the future of Delta-8 THC?


It should come as no surprise that the legality surrounding this newly popularized cannabinoid is confusing and even contradicting in some states. The legal gray area is something the cannabis industry knows intimately and it is suggested to keep an eye on your state’s legislation because that is likely to change before the federal level. Overall, at the Realm of Caring we always advocate for more research so that we can have a better understanding of all aspects of the cannabis plant. If you support the research & education of cannabis, please consider making a donation here or joining our Observational Research Registry (ORR).




The Realm of Caring Foundation specifically invokes the first amendment rights of freedom of speech and of the press without prejudice. These statements have not been evaluated by the food and drug administration. the products discussed are not intended to diagnose, cure, prevent or treat any disease. Realm of Caring always recommends when and wherever possible that licensed local healthcare professionals be consulted.

The Realm of Caring Foundation is an independent nonprofit with its own governing board. We do not produce or sell cannabinoid products, nor do we receive funds from the sale of other company’s products.


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Thank You For Helping Hemp Products

Update 5/11/22


We’re pleased to announce that this new version of the bill, with slight technical amendments, was overwhelmingly passed by the Colorado House and Senate during the final day of the session. Here’s the final bill. In summary, this legislation will:


  • Create a task force of hemp and marijuana industry representatives and government officials to intentionally study the topic of intoxicating compounds and propose legislative and rule recommendations. The task force will have broad representation from regulators, manufacturers, refiners, retailers, labs, consumer nonprofit organizations, and adult-use patients, and is intended to ensure that all viewpoints are captured and incorporated in whatever recommendations develop.
  • Provide immediate authority to the Colorado Department of Public Health & Environment to develop regulations to prohibit the sale of chemically-converted and synthetically-derived intoxicating THC isomers.
  • Provide immediate authority—and nearly $600,000 in funding—to the Colorado Attorney General to crack down on deceptive trade practices and other consumer protection issues regarding hemp products.


The legislation has been sent to Governor Jared Polis, who is expected to sign it shortly. We are grateful to the Governor, his staff, legislative leaders, and especially YOU, for your swift take action.  They listened to the hemp industry’s concerns and helped transform a flawed bill into one that will address our mutual concerns.



UPDATE 5/3/22:


In policy, if everyone is only a little unhappy, you probably are in a good place. We worked hard with the hemp industry, stakeholders, lobbyists as well as President Fenberg to come to consensus language on SB205 on 5/2/22.


You are the HERO: Your rapid take action allowed this committee to see that what they were being told by the Big Marijuana Lobby, (we agree with their 15-page bill that would secretly kill hemp in CO)  was… in fact –  a lie.  The committee, and particularly President Fenberg took control of the circus along with Mark Ferrandino, Executive Director at the Colorado Department of Revenue to get to a place most people could live with and do the three things that we felt were most important:


  1. Protect access to the products that our families have grown to rely on for the last decade. 
  2. Allow the regulatory body to have the clarity to regulate the bad actors masquerading their intoxicating, and chemically synthesized (Delta 8 and Delta 10 THC) products as hemp. 
  3. Create a Task Force so that Colorado can develop more regulatory structures around hemp with all the stakeholders at the table. 



Do you or a loved one rely on hemp products everyday? This week’s blog is all about the Colorado Bill: SB 22-205 and what you can do to help us take action now! The products you rely on are in jeopardy. With your voice, effort and support, we can let our Colorado representatives know that we will not stand for this.



What is the name of the bill and where can I read about it online? 




Intoxicating Hemp And Tetrahydrocannabinol Products: Concerning the regulation of cannabis-related products that may potentially cause a person to become intoxicated when used. SESSION: 2022 Regular Session


Read it here:



Who does this affect? 


  • Hemp companies that operate in Colorado and ship nationwide. 


  • Consumers who buy these hemp products. 



What does the bill do? Why is it a problem? 



  • Non-intoxicating hemp extract tinctures would be limited to 20 mg of THC per bottle, with criminal penalties and/or civil rights of action for violations.  This would virtually wipe out full spectrum hemp tincture commerce.


  • The bill would require Colorado CBD manufacturers to immediately destroy much of their stock of non-intoxicating full-spectrum products that exceed the 20 mg THC package cap (including tinctures, caplets, gummies, etc.), prohibiting them from selling these products to states where they are legal, and potentially imposing criminal and civil penalties on their storage and distribution.


  • In determining whether future cannabinoid products are intoxicating, the law would not require a scientific analysis and could lead to improperly classifying some novel non-intoxicating compounds as adult-use cannabis. For example, CBN that naturally occurs in hemp products. 


  • The legislation does not provide a certain path to protect the retail sale of CBN products that are demonstrably non-intoxicating. Protections for non-intoxicating products are limited to CBD, CBG, and CBC (and acids), stifling all innovation.


  • There would be no grace period whereby retailers could sell non-intoxicating products that are packaged legally as of today but would fall outside the new limits.  There are also no safe harbors for manufacturers handling in-process or bulk ingredients. This would require small businesses to immediately destroy intoxicating products that complied with the rules when they were manufactured or face possible criminal penalties.



What is happening right now? 


Fortunately, we were able to work with the Hemp Industry to get new language in and we need to shout loud and clear to support the Hemp Industry amendment.  

The new amended language would:


  1. Allow the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment (CDPHE) in conjunction with the Attorney General’s Office be empowered with the authority to immediately enforce against both retail and online sales of hemp products that contain substantially more than 2.0 mg of delta-9 THC per serving, as well as other products that are likely to cause intoxication or marketed as intoxicating, such as delta-8 and delta- 10 THC.
  2. Will also require CDPHE and the Marijuana Enforcement Division (MED) within the Department of Revenue (DOR) to work together on a collaborative, stakeholder-driven rulemaking process that utilizes science-based standards to determine which hemp products should be designated as intoxicating.


What is the bottom line?


Intoxicating hemp products for retail sale in Colorado are increasingly becoming an issue and the Colorado Hemp Industry as a whole is united behind addressing this problem. However, Senate Bill 205 was hastily drafted with input only from the Marijuana industry and out of state interests who seek to disadvantage hemp manufacturing in the state of Colorado and would cause irreparable economic damage to thousands in our state whether it is from consumers who rely on affordable access to full spectrum hemp products or manufacturers who provide over a thousand jobs in rural communities. This bill is overreaching and will prevent you and I from getting the hemp products you have trusted for the last 10 years.





If you would like to talk to a care specialist about this please call 719-347-5400 ext 1 or email


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End the Stigma, Participate in Research

There is no question that we, as a country, have a moral obligation to build restorative measures for those who have been negatively impacted by the War on Drugs. Black and brown individuals and communities have been unfairly targeted and are still paying the price for an exploding industry that the majority of Americans believe should be legal for recreational use. If we want to re-invest in these communities fully, we need to accept responsibility for the decades-long stigma as well.


Legitimate research to understand the medicinal benefits of cannabis allows for an opportunity to truly de-stigmatize the plant. It is not enough to decriminalize or legalize and then free the incarcerated of cannabis crimes. Changing the mindset of society so that these individuals are accepted and feel welcome on the other side is critical. And that is a job that should not fall on the shoulders of the already disadvantaged. This is a job for those who know the power of the plant and are ready to prove it. Cannabis is utilized as a medicine, and it needs to be recognized as such. The cannabis industry is accountable and there needs to be the realization that research should be a priority, not an afterthought. 


There are frustrations among industry advocates and stakeholders because we still find ourselves caught in an era of prohibition. However, it has been written about by universities that advocacy research is necessary to influence the formal and informal policies established by policymakers. Not only does the research need to be conducted but there needs to be collaboration in the scientific and political communities where research is translated into law and policy, a gap that widely hinders advances in public health. 


Realm of Caring serves to fill this gap with our Observational Research Registry (ORR). Alongside Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, we are gathering and publishing compelling data on how individuals are using cannabis for their ailments in everyday life. 


Read below our Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) statement on industry accountability so you may learn more about Realm of Caring’s initiatives, and how you can get involved. 


Industry Accountability


The Realm of Caring is committed to extending DEI efforts to engage the industry in its responsibility to appropriately represent the history, research, and future of cannabis. 


Our Commitment


We will play an active role in righting the wrongs of our industry’s past by speaking loudly about the injustices of our legal system and the impact on families and communities, particularly those of color. Our goal is to transform society by understanding our fears and challenging oppressive ideologies, policies, and systems.


  • Through research and education, we will actively pursue the legalization and acceptance of cannabis use.
  • Through research and education, promote a culture that destigmatizes and normalizes cannabis use for medical or recreational purposes.
  • Through partnering with stakeholders and sponsors to embody the collective message that speaks to cannabis legalization and acceptance.
  • Through advocacy for the rights and dignity of all people by rejecting criminalization and stigma of drug use.
  • By openly influencing social and legislative reforms that represent the industry’s supporters and customers.


You, too, can take part in these efforts. Here is how:


Join research.

Whether you are a cannabis user or non-user you can join. Cannabis and hemp users may report on what product they are using and how they are using it in their everyday lives. Caregivers may report on behalf of cannabis and hemp users. For non-users, this is an excellent way for you to advocate on behalf of someone who is using cannabis or hemp – your participation is equally as important. 


Donate so that we may continue to publish research.

As of now, we have published 3 compelling articles. It is our goal to continue to recruit and publish more so we may further legitimize cannabinoid therapy. Our research also fuels our free call center where we help individuals worldwide with their questions about cannabis. Our work is far from done, help us keep it going. 


Are you a product company? Get your product in research! 

ORR data represents an alternative solution to profile medicinal use of cannabinoid products on individuals’ health conditions in their natural environment. Repeated assessments provide a rich opportunity to examine the impact of cannabinoid therapy over time among individuals with a diverse list of health conditions. ORR data also provides the opportunity to examine product dosing over time and between products.


View the results from our published research papers:


A Cross-Sectional and Prospective Comparison of Medicinal Cannabis Users and Controls on Self-Reported Health, 2020


Cross-Sectional and Longitudinal Evaluation of Cannabidiol (CBD) Product Use and Health Among People with Epilepsy, 2021


Antidepressant and Anxiolytic Effects of Medicinal Cannabis Use in an Observational Trial, 2021




The Realm of Caring Foundation specifically invokes the first amendment rights of freedom of speech and of the press without prejudice. These statements have not been evaluated by the food and drug administration. the products discussed are not intended to diagnose, cure, prevent or treat any disease. Realm of Caring always recommends when and wherever possible that licensed local healthcare professionals be consulted.

The Realm of Caring Foundation is an independent nonprofit with its own governing board. We do not produce or sell cannabinoid products, nor do we receive funds from the sale of other company’s products.

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Charlotte’s Impact

Dearest Charlotte, 


We thank you, we thank you, we thank you! You changed the world in your short 13 years. Today is your day, April 7th, Charlotte Figi day. We would much rather you be here with us with your laughter, your ability to devour an entire plate of french fries, us – trying to pry the fork out of your chunky little fist and finally giving in because if you did shank someone they likely deserved it and we usually did give in to your perseverance.  Or maybe an opportunity to read you one more story… perhaps The Bear Snores On. But instead we will light a candle for you dear one, we will continue to tell your story and the story of tens of thousands and try our damndest to carry on your legacy. Thank you. 


You showed us what it was to discover a new path, one filled with empowerment over our health care decisions and the ability to use a plant to change our lives. You showed us we could reclaim our health and our quality of life. That we had sovereignty of choice over our healthcare. That we did not need to keep doing the things that were not working. If not for you dear Charlie, hemp could very well still be illegal. If not for you the progress that has been made in the name of cannabis would not be where it is today. Thank you. 


We are sorry your journey was so full of challenges. The early seizures that lasted hours at only three months old. Having to try so many medications that failed you many of which making you worse. This made the eventual success so much sweeter for your family. Thank you. 


From the moment your mom administered your first dose of CBD at 5 years old, the movement began. You started a movement, precious one. Quietly, you didn’t say a word. You just got better. It started with families moving here to Colorado for access to achieve the same life-saving results you had and growing to federal legislation legalizing hemp. We could not have said it better than your friend Dr. Sanjay Gupta, “Charlotte Figi was more than an individual, she was an entire movement wrapped up into a sweet girl with a big smile and an even bigger heart.” Thank you for the movement you inspired. Thank you for the candle that you lit that continues to light our path forward to this day. 


You showed us Charlotte that cannabis could serve as a legitimate medicine. You helped all of us to move from a place of stigma to a place of compassion. After decades of prohibition, cannabis was more widely making its way into daily conversation, the medical community, and scientific research. The power of the plant that our ancestors, centuries before us, knew to be sacred was making a name for itself once again as a natural solution. And this was all because the world witnessed you Charlotte as you reclaimed your quality of life. We are so thankful your parents shared you with us. For their courage, which they surely learned from you, we thank you.


Lovingly and in your service, 

Your Realm of Caring family


On April 7th, 2020, Charlotte very suddenly and tragically passed away. The globe shook as it mourned the loss of this mighty individual and it was felt across continents. Tributes were made, a day was named in her honor, hearts outpoured with emotion for Charlotte, celebrating the path she paved. 


Today, and every day, Realm of Caring is guided by our North Star, Charlotte, reminding us why we fight for access for all – through education, research, and advocacy. We continue because everyone deserves the dignity of choice. We continue because Charlotte’s impact remains the footprint of our path forward; toward care for all through the healing power of the Earth.


Charlotte Figi, we love you. 


If Charlotte and/or Realm of Caring have personally touched your life, please feel free to send a message to We will share messages to Charlotte with her family.