
Did I mention she can see again?

Born happy and healthy, Jaqie was stricken by the first of what would be thousands of seizures just days after a normal well check which included scheduled vaccines. Up to that point, Jaqie had progressed normally according to the doctor’s growth charts. After that first seizure, Jaqie was only four months old and would never be the same. She would actually regress.

Over the years, through pharmaceutical trial and error, Jaqie would lose her fine motor functions, unable to hold her own head up. She couldn’t scratch her own butt if it itched, nor vocalize it to someone who could. She never learned to sit, scoot, crawl or walk. The medicines, forced as the only option for relief, proved to make her worse. By the time she was two years old, she was pronounced legally blind.

The doctors threw their hands in the air and said there was nothing more to be done.  In April of 2014, unwilling to believe she was a lost hope, we put cannabis oil in our toddler’s mouth.

Today, Jaqie not only scratches her own butt when it itches, but she also rolls over, cries, laughs, babbles, kisses, hugs, stands with help (that’s huge for a child that previously had zero muscle tone) and she takes no pharmaceutical drugs. Cannabis only.

Did I mention she can see again?

Story provided by Jaqie’s parents


She is usually sick all winter long

This winter my daughter has not gotten sick with the flu, cold, or illness.  In other years she was sick all winter long. This is absolutely amazing and I believe it is because of the CBD.  My daughter’s seizures have decreased but the wean off of the pharmaceutical medications has been very difficult.

This RoC grant has made a huge impact on our family.  We are seeing so many better days with my daughter than we have ever seen.  Her brother and sister, who are several years younger, have also noticed that she is talking more clearly and they are able to understand her.

Maricella’s story


He had his first full week of NO seizures day or night!!

Jensen has improved over this last year, and especially this last month. I am giving a ton of credit to the hemp oil that we are giving him at night.  Jensen almost always has had seizures every night- but since adding this cannabis oil only at night, he had his first full week of NO seizures day or night!! This is huge for Jensen.  We are grateful that we have found this product, this program, and Realm of Caring. Every time we have called in, the customer service people are so helpful and understanding!  

This grant money has absolutely helped our financial situation as it has allowed me to have more money to go towards other medical bills, groceries and for the rest of our kids.  Over the past 2 years of searching for something to help my son and his seizures, our savings account and anything extra has been depleted.

The greatest blessing has been allowing us to do some extra activities as a family- as we have not been able to do anything like that for a while.  

Story provided by Jensen’s family


His mood seems to be better

The cannabinoid therapy has helped my son stay stagnant in regards to his seizure medication and only progress slightly in his gabapentin, that helps him with his leg pain. He is having shorter and less frequent seizures than when he started as well. His mood seems to be better. He doesn’t fuss as much as he used to, even after a seizure. Before, he would cry and scream and be agitated for an hour or two after a seizure. Now, it almost seems to not affect him once it’s over.

The biggest impact for me has been the ability to tell Canaan’s doctors that I want to try this “alternative” medication instead of going up on his seizure medication every time we go for a check-up. Also, he hasn’t had an increase in the medication he takes for leg pain since he’s been taking CBD oil. He’s calmer, more content, if you ask me. And that’s everything!! One of my biggest fears of having a child who is non-verbal was him being in pain and me not know it and/or not know what was hurting and how to help.

Canaan’s story


Jayden has meltdowns with her autism

Jayden did really well with the CBD oil when we first started it last year. As we increased the oil, she continued to do well. Then after about 4 months, she seemed to become immune to the oil. We ran out of the oil after 5 months of use and we decided to give it a break. Jayden has autism and has severe meltdowns. The days that the oil seemed to get in her system, she had less severe meltdowns. She has once again increased her speech. We are super excited about starting the CBD oil therapy again!

Jayden’s story


Chloe is now seizure free

Story provided by Chloe’s family

Chloe has been taking cannabinoid therapy for three years and after an EEG to measure seizures, we were told Chloe is now seizure free! To put the icing on the cake, her neurologist admitted to us that she truly believes it was all the oil! She said she has never seen someone with the type of seizures that Chloe has recover so well.  


Improved Health Outcomes!

Celeste’s autism symptoms and seizures have improved greatly since starting Charlotte’s Web CBD oil and she has been taken off one of her traditional medications since being on the oil.

If we didn’t receive the grant we wouldn’t be able to afford Charlotte’s Web for Celeste. We would be stuck with the traditional medications that were no longer working. I like Charlotte’s Web because it has no negative side effects.

My kids feel that it is really cool that y’all help us so they don’t have to go without some of the extras that the grant has allowed us to have. I am just grateful that people like you exist and are so generous.

Celeste’s story


In a time when we had lost all hope

Thank you so kindly for your random act of kindness and love.  You are more amazing than you will ever know. We’ve never come across or met anyone like you or a group of people so amazing as you and the RoC team. It’s like having an extended family that has more kindness, love, and compassion in their hearts than some of our own blood family members.  Thank you!

In a time when we thought we had lost all hope for a cure, for a chance at life, RoC was there, helping us with this miracle oil.   You have opened your hearts and arms to us and truly made us feel welcome, appreciated, and loved. We appreciate you and thank you and the entire team from the deepest depths of our hearts.   You have kindness and an inner shine that sets you apart from the world, a presence that needs to be recognized, for all that you do and for being “you.”  Thank you!

Story provided by Stacey


Parkinson’s Disease symptoms are improving!

My health has improved all over. I have Parkinson’s Disease and my illness was very poor; ie: my limbs, feet, hands, and fingers constantly shook, along with the feeling of swelling in my throat, biting my inside cheeks and tongue to where they bleed, eye twitching, mouth opening and closing. All of the above is remarkably improving! It’s amazing! I can NOT take Parkinson’s medicines, because I get horrific side effects, so thank you from the bottom of my heart for this medicine!!

Without this grant from Realm of Caring, I would be mostly bedridden. The 24/7 pain I was enduring, along with all of the above ailments are slowly subsiding. It brings tears to my eyes as to how grateful I am, and my caregiver son is so grateful, too! For example, my son had to help me get up out of chairs, the couch, etc., but now I can do it by myself most of the time.Although he had to help me walk from point A to point B, this is subsiding also!!!

Sonya’s story


Juliana’s tumor has shrunk 90%!!

Juliana’s tumor has shrunk 90%!! The grant helps with medically related expenses not covered by our health insurance, like gas to get to the hospital, parking at the hospital and supplements. Without the grant it would be extremely difficult to afford the CBD oil for Juliana. We very much appreciate Realm of Caring’s help.

Juliana’s story