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Chronic Fatigue Syndrome & Cannabinoid Therapy

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS) or Myalgic encephalomyelitis (ME) is a debilitating, long-term illness causing severe fatigue and sleep problems. While it is most commonly found in individuals between ages 40 and 60 years old, anyone can be affected by CFS. It is estimated that around 90 percent of people with CFS have not been diagnosed. While there is no cure, symptoms may be treated or managed.


Symptoms of CFS include:


Post-exertional Malaise (PEM)

Sleep disorders


Depression, stress, and/or anxiety

Memory and concentration difficulties


There is a fair amount of research on how cannabinoid therapy may alleviate these symptoms and more, including results from data collected in Realm of Caring’s Observational Research Registry (ORR). Our research has shown that Cannabis Users reported lower baseline depression, significantly better past-month sleep quality, a higher overall quality of life, and lower past-month average pain compared to Controls. Here we will take a closer look at the aforementioned symptoms and how cannabinoid therapy may benefit. 


Post-exertional Malaise (PEM)


It is recommended by the medical community to find individual limits for mental and physical activity, if you suffer from CFS. The worsening of CFS symptoms may lead to what is called Post-exertional Malaise (PEM), where physical, mental, or emotional exertion could exaggerate symptoms and cause them to last for days or even weeks. One way to find individual limits that is recommended, is by journaling. This is also a welcome practice with cannabinoid therapy; as it is not a one size fits all approach. If you choose to take this journey it is recommended that you journal symptoms, products you are using, how much you are taking, and how you are feeling overall. Our care specialists are here to walk you through this process as well. 


Sleep disorders


Common sleep complaints from sufferers of CFS include difficulty falling or staying asleep, extreme sleepiness, vivid dreaming, restless leg syndrome, and muscle spasms. Certain cannabinoids have shown through studies the ability to benefit our sleep-wake cycles, decrease nightmares, lessen the conditions that interfere with our sleep, and assist in actually falling asleep. 


Among the several researched properties, cannabidiol (CBD) may benefit as an anxiolytic, anti-inflammatory, and analgesic. The anxiolytic properties of CBD may help to improve sleep by mitigating anxiety or stress-induced insomnia as well as limiting muscle tension anxiety that can lead to spasms or restless legs. Stress induces a sleep-related feature known as rapid eye movement (or REM) sleep rebound. This is an increase in REM sleep during the nightly sleep cycles. People experiencing REM sleep rebound may spend more time in REM than they would during a night of normal, healthy sleep. Studies show that therapeutic levels of CBD administration may increase total sleep time and decrease frequency of arousals at night – leading to an increase in total percentage of sleep overtime. 




People living with CFS, often mention the joints and muscles being areas of the highest pain. They may also suffer from pressure headaches. Cannabis use for pain can be traced back thousands of years. In 2900 B.C. ancient Chinese texts show written records of cannabis as a medicine. More recently, data from clinical trials on synthetic and plant-derived cannabis-based medicines have suggested that they are a promising approach for the management of chronic pain of various origins. Pain is produced by pro-inflammatory agents that also lead to an increased sensitivity to feeling pain and an extreme response to pain, or hyperalgesia. The anti-inflammatory properties of cannabinoids are becoming more well known through increased research to combat pain induced by inflammation.


Cannabinoids that may perform best as potent anti-inflammatory agents are CBD, Tetrahydrocannabonolic acid (THCa), Cannabidiolic acid (CBDa), and THCV (Tetrahydrocannabivarin). Therapy to include these cannabinoids may help to ease the inflammation on the surrounding tissue of the joints, as well as muscles to decrease tension, soreness, and pain. 


Depression, stress, and/or anxiety


CBD works as a modulator to our physiological processes. This includes how effectively our body may facilitate the serotonin it creates, allowing more of that “happy chemical” to be made available for our brains and, therefore, regulating our moods. Just as it helps to move serotonin along, CBD may also help with the functioning of GABA, the neurotransmitter that regulates our nerve signals; therefore aiding in the reduction of our anxiety, panic, and stress response.


Data show that repeated administration of CBD may produce effects consistent with results from studies that test traditional anti-anxiety and antidepressant medications. These are known as clinically relevant findings because CBD is known to benefit while exhibiting few side effects, supporting the initiation of clinical trials testing the efficacy of CBD-based compounds for the treatment of mood disorders. 


Memory and concentration difficulties


Prolonged CBD therapy has shown positive improvements in psychological symptoms and cognition. Currently, using cannabinoids to benefit neurological issues and serve as a neuroprotectant is being studied. The antioxidant properties of cannabinoids, such as CBD, may have the ability to provide neuroprotection. As well, research is showing that elevation of cannabinoid receptor activity could potentially slow down the progression of brain aging and alleviate symptoms associated with neurodegenerative disorders, therefore cannabinoids with the ability to activate receptors may provide these additional benefits. 


While struggling with a condition as debilitating as CFS, it is important to talk with a medical professional about your options. Complementary therapies and a strong focus on wellness may improve cannabinoid therapy results as well as decrease symptoms further. If you would like to discuss more about the potential benefits of cannabinoid therapy, please reach out to our care team!






The Realm of Caring Foundation specifically invokes the first amendment rights of freedom of speech and of the press without prejudice. These statements have not been evaluated by the food and drug administration. The products discussed are not intended to diagnose, cure, prevent or treat any disease. Realm of Caring always recommends when and wherever possible that licensed local healthcare professionals be consulted.


The Realm of Caring Foundation is an independent nonprofit with its own governing board. We do not produce or sell cannabinoid products, nor do we receive funds from the sale of other company’s products.