
I was contemplating suicide because of the pain and feeling hopeless

Now my worst days are better than my best days before CBD. My fibromyalgia symptoms have decreased by 80% with some days not having any symptoms. That hasn’t happened in over 25 years! My headaches and the pressure in my head are gone. I no longer suffer from interstitial cystitis or any painful bladder symptoms or the regular UTIs I was having. My blood pressure has returned to normal and I sleep like a baby. Arthritis and other joint pain has gone from a 7-10 on the pain scale to 2-4.  

I think the biggest miracle is that I’ve been able to stop all pain and sleep medications and had no withdrawal symptoms. I had been taking 4 Norcos a day for over 25 years and stopped them within a couple of months. I had tried stopping them in the past but the withdrawal symptoms were too much. I NO LONGER HAVE TO TAKE OPIATES OR AMBIEN!!

Before taking CBD I was contemplating suicide because of the pain and feeling hopeless. I’ve been able to start a Facebook group for seniors helping seniors and encourage members to look into using CBD. Most are low-income and feeling desperate so I referred them to RoC for help. Your kindness and generosity have made me feel hopeful again and I look forward to helping others.  

Story from Alice


I wasn’t aware of CBD

Jazzlyn’s seizures are pretty much kept to baseline. She’ll have maybe 1 or 2 every 1 – 2 weeks except for when she gets sick. Her immune system is weak so it’s very easy for her to get sick and when she does she can have a seizure every day for however many days she’s sick with multiple seizures some days day.  Maybe increasing the dosing when she is sick will help. I usually give her clonazepam, which her neurologist recommends when this happens, and it doesn’t help but I’m working on it.

This aid really makes a difference given CBD isn’t covered by medical insurance and it’s pricey. AED’s do not work for my daughter to their full potential alone, she’s currently on 4, and CBD does. It’s unfortunate that for a lot of families the difference between seizure free and not is being able to afford CBD products. Of course, the legality part of it plays a part as well depending on where you live but the financial burden is definitely impactful. I mean, for the longest I stuck to just AED’s because I wasn’t aware of CBD and when I became aware, I couldn’t afford it. So thank you to the RoC!

Jazzlyn’s Story


Liam’s Story

Since I began taking CBD oil, my complex partial seizures have been REDUCED to about half as often. I used to have them about twice a week but only about once a week since CBD. It has also reduced my auras a lot. I used to have auras almost every day but now it’s down to about twice a week thanks to the CBD oil.

The grant helped me save enough money to see a chiropractor for my back pain, pay the housing bills, and feed my hungry body. I have the grant helping me afford some of the other neurologist prescribed medicine that I take with my CBD oil.

When I first decided to take CBD oil, I started out with Charlotte’s Web  “least powerful but more affordable” dosage. Unfortunately, nothing was getting better until I went all the way up to their most powerful but highest price dosage. I chose to keep paying the high price so things would be better for my health but financially got worse. Thanks to the grant, I have been able to stay healthy while overcoming my financial challenge.

Liam’s story


Alternative to antidepressants

The cannabinoid therapy has helped me in many ways such as constipation relief from rare illness (SMAS) and a better sense of well being. My current health prognosis is I will not get better as I have dealt with this rare illness since 11/2010 and struggle daily with severe fatigue, abdominal pain, constipation, lack of normal digestion, etc. Plus cancer, aneurysm, and damaged spinal cord T6. I stopped using the oil and I got back on it as it helps with many things such as increased energy, sense of well-being, and helps a little with severe chronic pain.

This treatment gives me a better mood without taking antidepressants. I notice a huge difference when I take it daily and when I stop for a week so I can tell the difference. It does help once I load in my system (endocannabinoid) and I have also tried taking more such as 1 mL three times a day but it affected my liver so I dropped back down to .5 mL twice a day.

Zane’s Story


She is usually sick all winter long

This winter my daughter has not gotten sick with the flu, cold, or illness.  In other years she was sick all winter long. This is absolutely amazing and I believe it is because of the CBD.  My daughter’s seizures have decreased but the wean off of the pharmaceutical medications has been very difficult.

This RoC grant has made a huge impact on our family.  We are seeing so many better days with my daughter than we have ever seen.  Her brother and sister, who are several years younger, have also noticed that she is talking more clearly and they are able to understand her.

Maricella’s story


Less aches and pains

The cannabinoid therapy has helped me a great deal. Although I have not been able to determine my therapeutic dosage because I cannot afford to take more at this point. However, taking it consistently I have noticed a difference as far as the aches and pains I used to feel.

Adele’s story


Chronic pain has wreaked havoc on Sheila’s life

I have only recently been able to begin experimenting with the CBD tincture but my initial results are incredibly encouraging!  Even if the only benefit derived is an increase in my ability to achieve sleep for longer than an hour or two at a time (which has been the norm for nearly 2 decades, constant waking and poor sleep) it would be more than worthwhile!  However, I am still hopeful and expectant that it may have other benefits, especially in relation to calming my overactive neurological system, with muscle spasm and constrictor. I expect part of the reason for the intensity of my pain is a constant state of muscle tension, caused by both chemical aspects of the disease and my unstable musculature and body alignment. It causes me to spend probably 3 of every 4 weeks bedbound in a state of torture, gripped by pain and unable to move or do anything.  Nothing has been able to touch it and muscle relaxers only make me sick and loopy but don’t ease the muscle tightness, certainly not enough to outweigh the negative side effects.

This treatment is my only hope for relief in this area, and so far it seems it will help. My concern is how much I’ll have to continually increase the dosage in order to outpace the adaptation to it. The dispensary told me that will be a factor. I have been tested genetically to have resistance to opioid medications, which partially explains why even with large doses of Oxycontin, etc, I have very limited relief. Hopefully, the tincture will be a way to get around the lack of efficacy of opioids, and also help me avoid their terrible side effects, including constant opioid-induced constipation and many other problems.  This would be a more natural, less harmful solution; the only inhibitor is cost, which is why this aid is so important and appreciated!

This financial aid of $150 per month has been the difference between being locked into the old methods of treatment that have been ineffective or under effective and trying new solutions.  It allows me to purchase CBD tincture to explore other ways to alleviate symptoms that cause such tremendous pain and disability. I am only able to get out of bed a couple of days per week around the house, and if I’m lucky, to get out of the house for errands approximately one day a week for 2 or 3 hours.  This is not enough window to accomplish even the basic tasks to sustain life, even one as sedentary as mine. I am always behind, always struggling and letting things fall between the cracks. It’s stressful and devastating. If the tincture can give me even hours of function, it’s well worth it. Anything more is gravy!!

When you have as little functional time available to you as I do, and have for 2 decades now, it takes a huge toll on yourself but also, and more so, family members.   My beautiful daughter, Allegra, was only four years old when I was injured and has gone through so much with having a mother who was around but not really around and able to do things. She had become my caretaker, and that’s a role she cannot handle any longer, it’s taken a terrible and devastating toll on her.   She is the second victim of my injuries and subsequent illness. My mother, 85 years of age, having lived through bombings in England during WWII, even having her school bombed into oblivion at age 10, has been more affected by my prolonged, extreme state of illness than anything in her long, not always easy life! It means everything to us, and others, friends and community, who are affected, inconvenienced, saddened by my suffering.  It takes a village to raise a child, but also to care for a sick person. The more that burden can be reduced the better for everyone!

Sheila’s story


My insulin requirements have been cut in half.

My insulin requirements since June have been cut in half.  In June my A1c was 7.0 and in October was 6.4. My type 1 diabetes, multiple sclerosis, colitis, Crohn’s and adrenal gland cancer have gotten a little better.  Last week when I got the dosing high enough, I started sleeping a few hours a night.

Your grant for CBD gave me the chance to try a natural approach to lowering inflammation.   It is amazing that I just started sleeping again! Instead of laying on the bed most of the day, I am able to accomplish things.  Thank you!

Lynn’s story


Improved Health Outcomes!

Celeste’s autism symptoms and seizures have improved greatly since starting Charlotte’s Web CBD oil and she has been taken off one of her traditional medications since being on the oil.

If we didn’t receive the grant we wouldn’t be able to afford Charlotte’s Web for Celeste. We would be stuck with the traditional medications that were no longer working. I like Charlotte’s Web because it has no negative side effects.

My kids feel that it is really cool that y’all help us so they don’t have to go without some of the extras that the grant has allowed us to have. I am just grateful that people like you exist and are so generous.

Celeste’s story


She is more active with more verbal communication

Story provided by Grace’s family

Grace is doing so well since she has been on her CBD, I can’t even explain how appreciative we are. We have not seen any seizures, and her skin is looking so much better. She is more active with more verbal communication and seems to be getting her milestones caught up. Her bloodwork is improving, we are feeling so blessed! Sending the RoC team HUGS <3


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