Client Spotlight

Client Spotlight: Jessie

I was a hospice nurse when a work accident suddenly ended my career and altered my life drastically. It left me disabled with a spinal injury, limited mobility, and constant excruciating pain.

It seems so silly now, but I was so scared to try cannabinoid therapy. Even though I was taking opiates and benzodiazepines around the clock to manage the pain and muscle spasms.

It’s silly because I had already tried EVERYTHING else, including a major surgery that left me in an even worse condition. But the stigma of medical marijuana frightened me so much, and a risky surgery was more socially acceptable. Deep down, I didn’t believe a plant could help me when morphine barely touched the pain.

Finally, my mom convinced me to try medical marijuana. “You’ve tried everything else,” she said, “you have to try this.” The day I started MMJ is the day I stopped taking benzos and opiates. I haven’t needed them since, and it’s been nearly two years.

The first time I used medical marijuana, the spasms just melted away and the pain lifted. I knew at that moment, this plant could give me a bit of my life back.

Now, cannabinoid therapy is not a magical cure. It hasn’t healed my spine or returned my full range of motion. But MMJ has enhanced my quality of life on a massive scale. Cannabinoids control my pain and spasms without the harsh side effects of opiates.

I’ll never have my hospice nursing career back, but I created to help others buck the stereotype and try medical marijuana because this plant is changing lives around the globe. It’s time to stop fearing it.


Client Spotlight

Client Spotlight: Robin

At the age of 57 I have lived with intractable complex partial seizures for 44 years. Neurologists have had me try most of the anticonvulsants that are made and I still take three of them. When I became persistent to my epileptologist about trying CBD he finally gave me the name ‘Realm of Caring’ to contact!

RoC has been a joy to work with as well as CW and my family and I thank you. My last day of cluster seizures (5) was almost a year ago and I started taking CBD oil the next day. I have had no cluster seizures since! My doctor is happy with this outcome and we even cut down some of my other meds, but it’s a careful journey. I still have periodic seizures, 1-2 a month, but they are very mild in length, neurological effects and number compared to 5-7 a month in previous years past. Thank you RoC.


Client Spotlight: Brooklyn Grace

Baby Grace is truly Amazing! She has post vaccine injuries, including seizures and a severe rash. She has been through so much after she received her vaccine, and what I mean by amazing is her strength is solid even with her setbacks. She will still have a smile that will steal your heart. We are confident that we will get her to being two! Even though she is unable to go outside unless we are going to hospital or appointment (the sun affects her skin).

CW has been the most promising help for our baby Grace thus far we are all so thankful I honestly have no idea what we would be doing at this point for Grace if we didn’t have CW and RoC.

Her skin is night and day! We have not seen any seizures, skin is looking so much better she more active, more verbal communication, and she seems to be catching up to her milestones, blood work is improving. Her lab’s just came back and they are the best they have been since she’s been effected by her vaccine! We are so excited about this recovery we are seeing!