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CBD Ban in Wyoming

The Joint Judiciary Interim Committee of Wyoming introduced a House Bill Draft to prohibit hemp production and edible hemp products across the state of Wyoming. The plan is to introduce this bill on Tuesday, September 19th, 2023.


This bill (Draft 24LSO-0129v0.4) would prohibit hemp with any detectable amount of THC and prohibit the production of hemp for human consumption. It explicitly states that “no person shall produce, process, possess, purchase, sell, transport or use edible hemp or any edible hemp product”.


Please fill out the below form to urge Wyoming Legislators to block this bill and share this action item with friends, family, associates and social media contacts in Wyoming.


Patient voices are the most impactful. If eliminating hemp product purchasing and use in Wyoming would affect you or a loved one, please consider taking this advocacy effort to protect the safe and responsible CBD product companies.


Wyoming 24LSO-0129

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Dear Wyoming State Legislators,

Please PROTECT WYOMINGs Hemp Industry and Consumers by blocking efforts to move Working Draft 24LSO-0129v0.4 forward that would eliminate hemp products from being produced, processed, possessed, purchased, sold, transported, or used in the state of Wyoming. Your constituents rely on these products for their livelihood. Limiting the naturally occurring, non-intoxicating THC amounts found in hemp would result in tens of thousands of vulnerable and at-risk children and adults losing access to life saving medicine.
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