
I was contemplating suicide because of the pain and feeling hopeless

Now my worst days are better than my best days before CBD. My fibromyalgia symptoms have decreased by 80% with some days not having any symptoms. That hasn’t happened in over 25 years! My headaches and the pressure in my head are gone. I no longer suffer from interstitial cystitis or any painful bladder symptoms or the regular UTIs I was having. My blood pressure has returned to normal and I sleep like a baby. Arthritis and other joint pain has gone from a 7-10 on the pain scale to 2-4.  

I think the biggest miracle is that I’ve been able to stop all pain and sleep medications and had no withdrawal symptoms. I had been taking 4 Norcos a day for over 25 years and stopped them within a couple of months. I had tried stopping them in the past but the withdrawal symptoms were too much. I NO LONGER HAVE TO TAKE OPIATES OR AMBIEN!!

Before taking CBD I was contemplating suicide because of the pain and feeling hopeless. I’ve been able to start a Facebook group for seniors helping seniors and encourage members to look into using CBD. Most are low-income and feeling desperate so I referred them to RoC for help. Your kindness and generosity have made me feel hopeful again and I look forward to helping others.  

Story from Alice


Did I mention she can see again?

Born happy and healthy, Jaqie was stricken by the first of what would be thousands of seizures just days after a normal well check which included scheduled vaccines. Up to that point, Jaqie had progressed normally according to the doctor’s growth charts. After that first seizure, Jaqie was only four months old and would never be the same. She would actually regress.

Over the years, through pharmaceutical trial and error, Jaqie would lose her fine motor functions, unable to hold her own head up. She couldn’t scratch her own butt if it itched, nor vocalize it to someone who could. She never learned to sit, scoot, crawl or walk. The medicines, forced as the only option for relief, proved to make her worse. By the time she was two years old, she was pronounced legally blind.

The doctors threw their hands in the air and said there was nothing more to be done.  In April of 2014, unwilling to believe she was a lost hope, we put cannabis oil in our toddler’s mouth.

Today, Jaqie not only scratches her own butt when it itches, but she also rolls over, cries, laughs, babbles, kisses, hugs, stands with help (that’s huge for a child that previously had zero muscle tone) and she takes no pharmaceutical drugs. Cannabis only.

Did I mention she can see again?

Story provided by Jaqie’s parents


Alternative to antidepressants

The cannabinoid therapy has helped me in many ways such as constipation relief from rare illness (SMAS) and a better sense of well being. My current health prognosis is I will not get better as I have dealt with this rare illness since 11/2010 and struggle daily with severe fatigue, abdominal pain, constipation, lack of normal digestion, etc. Plus cancer, aneurysm, and damaged spinal cord T6. I stopped using the oil and I got back on it as it helps with many things such as increased energy, sense of well-being, and helps a little with severe chronic pain.

This treatment gives me a better mood without taking antidepressants. I notice a huge difference when I take it daily and when I stop for a week so I can tell the difference. It does help once I load in my system (endocannabinoid) and I have also tried taking more such as 1 mL three times a day but it affected my liver so I dropped back down to .5 mL twice a day.

Zane’s Story


CBD has improved my child’s life

Bradley is autistic. Health wise he is okay, as far as I know, he can’t tell me. Cannabinoid therapy has helped with his violent meltdowns, eye contact, and his concentration. It has not helped with his language, still non-verbal. I would say his meltdowns have improved by 90%.

This is my theory: autistic children have lots of inflammation. Inflammation causes pain and the pain caused his violent meltdowns. CBD reduces inflammation, which took his pain away. I kept taking Bradley to doctors saying it looks like he’s in pain and all these doctors just ignored me and wanted to put him on psych meds, which I never did. I’m so happy I found CBD, it has improved my child’s life.

CBD is expensive. I’m a single mother of a severely autistic child. I am a nurse but had to quit my job because I couldn’t find daycare for my child. Plus, trying to work full-time and take care of a disabled child all by yourself is extremely physically and mentally exhausting. I want the best for my child and it so hard to do that when you can’t work. I am so grateful for this grant.

Bradley has violent meltdowns and as he gets older he gets stronger. If I didn’t find CBD Bradley could have been seriously injured or dead from his meltdowns. I believe it has saved his life.

Bradley’s story


Fibromyalgia pain is crippling

For years I have dealt with chronic pain, muscle spasms and nerve pain and my doctors couldn’t figure out what was wrong. Along with severe fatigue, I had a hard time managing daily life activities and work.  Brain fog consumed me. I couldn’t concentrate or keep my train of thought. I lost the ability to carry meaningful conversations because I couldn’t grasp my words.  Eventually my doctor diagnosed me with fibromyalgia.  

I started taking cannabis oils and using vape pens a couple of years ago and have seen an incredible difference.  I use a combination of THC and CBD in addition to topical balms for the pain. 

After a few weeks I starting seeing changes and in a few months I could say confidently that I have my life back! 

Jessica’s story


Living with #Lyme disease

Since starting the hemp oil, I have had some days when I have been free of pain; not what has been usual for me since having Lyme.  This seems to last until the next change in barometric pressure – not long, this is the midwest, where we say “if you don’t like the weather, wait a few minutes, it’ll change.” I have also noticed that my ability to sleep is improving, and the timing of my hours of sleep is more normal than it has been since I’ve been ill.

The financial assistance is allowing me to make a fair attempt at using cannabinoid therapy for Lyme disease, which I would not have been able to do without it.  The good results so far give me hope. I look forward to seeing what will happen after I have worked up to the full recommended dose.

Sharon’s story


She is more active with more verbal communication

Story provided by Grace’s family

Grace is doing so well since she has been on her CBD, I can’t even explain how appreciative we are. We have not seen any seizures, and her skin is looking so much better. She is more active with more verbal communication and seems to be getting her milestones caught up. Her bloodwork is improving, we are feeling so blessed! Sending the RoC team HUGS <3


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Living with GI issues

I’ve been experiencing abdominal cramping and hot flashes before a bowel movement, waking up at night with hot flashes, cramps, and severe diarrhea. My only relief would come after a bowel movement.

My GI Doctor decided to run some tests to eliminate cancer. I immediately went home started on cannabis oil/hash oil and ordered a high CBD oil.

After using the cannabis oil (high in THC) the next morning the cramping reduced by 80%, stools were firming up, and hot flashes reduced dramatically. On day two my symptoms were gone. I started the CBD oil around day 3 and cut back on the high THC oil until I eliminated the THC oil completely.

I’m only using CBD only now and feeling great, my system is back on track and I take 1/8 tsp twice a day.

The help & info from ROC is fantastic!

John’s story


Quality of Life Matters!!

Overall, Raymond’s health has improved. His appetite has increased and he is starting to have better coordination allowing him to move around more freely. The progress is slow but still steady. He is also beginning to make more sounds and try and talk. He is able to enjoy life so much more than before and we are so thankful!

Raymond’s story


Educational Class About General Health & Wellness

Are you feeling stressed out during the holidays? It’s only December 18th! Find out how CBD can support you rest, relaxation and recovery over the next few weeks! During our live education series today, Tuesday, December 18th, from 1 pm to 2 pm MST, we will discuss General Wellness and Self Care. We will present research about how cannabinoids effect sleep, stress, anti-aging, and exercise.


During the webinar, you will have a chance to ask our Care Specialist questions, live! Log in to your Realm of Caring account and register here:


WHAT: RoC Education Series for Cannabinoid Therapy: Wellness & Self Care


WHY: To inform new and existing clients about cannabinoid therapies and discuss topics around general wellness and self-care. To provide an opportunity to ask questions to a Realm of Caring representative about cannabinoid therapies and wellness. We encourage all individuals and their family to participate because the information is invaluable. Since we experience change on a daily basis it is important to stay informed and up-to-date on information related to cannabinoid therapies and general wellness, a topic that many new and existing clients contact us about. The knowledge gained from this education should make you feel more confident in what is happening in general wellness and cannabis. We hope to see you at the next education series!


WHO: Realm of Caring, Care Specialist. It is for new, continuing, or interested clients looking to use cannabinoid therapies with a focus on the Realm of Caring services.


WHERE: 3515 N Chestnut Street, Colorado Springs, CO, 80907, or View Online (your RSVP confirmation email will contain instructions to view online).


WHEN: December 18th from 1:00 PM – 2:00 PM Mountain Time


We understand that our select dates in Colorado Springs won’t cater to our new clients who have to be at home, in the office or live in another state. Live-airing of the education offers, our second to best interaction, screen-to-screen time with a Realm of Caring staffer.

Please reserve tickets for each family member/guest you intend to bring (of any age). Tickets are FREE!


In the meantime, we encourage you to create a Client Portal Account to gain exclusive access to RoC’s Resources for Clients. If you have immediate questions about access, dosing and administering, you can reach the Care Team at or (719) 347-5400 opt. 1

Our next Education on Tuesday, January 15th, will be about Pain Management.