Client Spotlight

Client Spotlight: Chris

I tried several brands of oils and now I buy Elixinol only because of consistent quality. I had issues from one bottle to the next from competitors and Elixinol has been consistent and excellent for my usage.

I first bought the oil to combat stress, as drugs have failed me or worsened my condition. Anxiety feels physically painful at the extreme; I now lead a much calmer, peaceful existence with absolutely no mood impairment or cover up. Elixinol works nearly instantly when administrated under my tongue.

Here’s a list of results thus far:

  • At 63, I wear stronger glasses each year. I have been using Elixinol maybe 3 months, now on 3600 strength. When I spoke with a doctor on the phone, he asked about eyesight which is driving me nuts. He suggested I get last year’s glasses. I am now using a prescription from April 2014.
  • I have some rosacea on my very fair skin, topical application has reduced size and redness, continuing use. I also have shingles on lower back, and the pain is gone, the length of breakout is reduced by about half and the blistering was gone within hours!
  • As to anxiety? I have woken up nightly and in the A.M. for about 5 years with painful heart pounding, gasping for breath in terror seemingly for little reason. I been able to discontinue a prescription medication- 1 down, 2 now gradually decreasing strength. Depression has lifted. I wake up fine, and am returning to a noticeably happier person; my entire family has noticed.
  • Just yesterday I ate too much sugar (danged holidays), last night the acid was burning (pretty agonizing feeling) my throat, and I have no problems with that in my normal diet. About 1/2 dropper-full of 3600 and it was gone. I’m a tad tired from sugar poisoning but no lasting gastrointestinal effects. Although I’m fairly careful, I once did take prescription drugs for this- genetically this acid reflux caused gastro/esophageal cancer in my father and grandfather. I am fortunate that my diet has helped as long as I follow it – but it was Elixinol that settled it last night, nothing else has EVER done it- prescription or over the counter.

Raise the Realm Day 4: Melody- Rare Disease

As a parent of a child, receiving a “life-limiting” diagnosis is devastating. After months of hundreds of infantile spasms per day, we knew we had to try something different, something doctors were not initially on board with, especially with Melody being only nine months old. The two front-line medications did not stop her spasms, so we took a leap of faith and followed our gut instincts, bought a bottle of Charlotte’s Web CBD extract and, with the help from the Realm of Caring we figured out her dose based on her weight. She was not one of the “miracle stories” where the seizures stopped after the first dose, but we were prepared to give CBD a real chance to work, so we agreed to try it for three full months. She continued to have seizures, but after three weeks of Charlottes Web, we saw noticeable improvements in her cognitive development. She started sitting up on her own and was babbling again, a few skills she had lost after the seizures started. After seven weeks on Charlotte’s Web, her infantile spasms stopped altogether and since that date, she has continued to improve in all areas, much to the surprise of her doctors. A little girl with Aicardi Syndrome who we were told would never crawl, walk, or talk is now dancing, taking long walks outside, running, and has learned about 40 words. We decided to wean Melody off of Sabril and her last dose was September 2016; so she is now only taking Charlotte’s Web and she is beating the odds, one milestone and one word at a time.

We are over the moon watching our Aircardi princess love her life. Melody gives kisses and hugs and smiles and sings, and we know in our hearts she would not be doing these things without Charlotte’s Web. Her story gives hope and has encouraged other families to try CBD oil and has helped change lives of other children struggling with seizures. We could not be more proud of our girl and her resilience and we look forward to her future, something doctors warned us may not be possible. Charlotte’s Web continues to be the best decision we ever made for our sweet Melly and we remain forever grateful to the Stanley Brothers and everyone at the Realm of Caring and CW hemp.



Raise the Realm Day 2: Brandon- Brain Injury

I always thought of myself as an athlete. After playing hockey for several years I joined the high school wrestling team. Wrestling is where I belonged. I went off to MSU where I learned to work hard and become the person I am today. I received a NCAA Division II All-American honors in my senior year.

2008 was the start to my MMA career.

I’ve always worked hard, but taking care of myself before, during and after each training session wasn’t always a priority, until recent years. I quickly realized my body no longer healed the same as it did when I was in high school. Recovery is important to me and taking care of myself quickly became my priority! I started taking vitamins and eating healthier but those changes still couldn’t prevent pain or help ease it. My daily routine consisted of protein shake full of vitamins for breakfast followed by a handful of more vitamins like zinc, turmeric, b-12’s, C, Fish Oils, wobenzym etc. and for pain, I don’t even want to get started.

Fast forward 8 years, 20 professional MMA fights, 2 ACL surgeries, dislocated ribs, broken hand, multiple broken fingers and thumbs, & broken arm, I was ready for some relief any relief. When I’m in pain I get moody and I become antisocial and withdrawn. I am not the best version of myself in pain. CBD has done for me what I thought only quitting could do. I started taking CBD 3 months ago and it’s results are better than I could ever expect it to be. Battling anxiety and muscle fatigue and inflammation, I also struggled with insomnia and as an athlete no sleep means no recovery. I was always in pain or injured, CBD has given me another chance. Protecting my body and brain from further damage and taking something like CBD that treats pain, is anti inflammatory, anxiety and insomnia was a no brained . Now it’s part of what I do! My goal is to become a champion, in order to achieve that my body has to be in top condition.


Raise the Realm Day 5: Charlotte- Epilepsy

At just three months old, little Charlotte Figi experienced her first seizure, an experience that would send her and her family on a path that would eventually change the world. Charlotte’s parents were out of options and searching for solutions. Thankfully they discovered medical cannabis. After careful research and contacts, the Figis met the Stanley Brothers. They were able to provide a high CBD extract into Charlotte’s diet, and the results were remarkable.

After the CNN WEED special with Dr. Sanjay Gupta aired in August of 2013, the family featured received an outpouring of support and questions, especially how others could obtain access as well. Enter Stanley Brothers Social Enterprises and CW Hemp.

Today, Charlotte is an outgoing little girl who is thriving and enjoying life, like every other child her age. She recently completed her first full year of school and is now in the third grade. A young fashionista in the making, Charlotte has displayed an affinity for fabulous foot fashion, looking forward to her birthday shoe-shopping trip as much for the new shoes as the chance to ride up and down the escalators. “She is a girl through and through,” says Paige. A self-proclaimed modern artist, Charlotte wakes up each day and heads straight to her paint set. Her masterpieces are influenced by her favorite color orange, and the outdoor serenity that her home in Colorado provides.



Raise the Realm Day 3: Fernanda- Autoimmune

En Español

(Read in English Here)

Mi nombre es Fernanda y vivo en Argentina, tengo 6 hijos y 3 nietos. Padezco desde hace 15 años de fibromialgia y desde hace 7 años neuralgia del trigémino. Llamado también dolor suicida. Ambas enfermedades no son mortales ni terminales pero tan dolorosas que pueden afectar terriblemente la vida.

La neuralgia del trigémino comenzó con una pequeña electricidad en la cara en forma esporádica y luego de ser diagnosticada y medicada, avanzó año a año, como así la cantidad de medicaciones o tratamientos realizados, alopáticos, homeopáticos, acupuntura etc, sin ningún resultado. El año pasado las crisis eran tan fuertes que el mas mínimo pestañeo, respirar, comer o cualquier rose, me provocaban descargas eléctricas insoportables. Estaba terminando una carrera después de 4 años que realicé con mucho sacrificio y veía que con el dolor lacerante que avanzaba no iba a poder terminarla.

Entre otras consecuencias de esta enfermedad, puedo mencionar el aislamiento, la tristeza, el terror por realizar tareas simples como cepillarme los dientes, o tan esenciales como dar un beso a mis seres queridos. Mi familia me sostenía y acompañaba con mucho amor, y sufrían impotentes por no poder hacer nada y ver mi sufrimiento. En octubre del 2016 saque turno con mi medica decidida a operarme, a pesar de la resistencia de ella debido a los serios riesgos de la operación y sus posibles secuelas. Una semana antes del turno con mi neuróloga escuche en la radio sobre el tratamiento con el aceite medicinal de cannabis y me contacte con el padre de una niña con epilepsia refractaria y que gracias al tratamiento había disminuido las 54 convulsiones diarias a ninguna.

Así que en octubre comencé con el aval de los prestigiosos médicos que me estaban tratando el tratamiento con Charlotte`s Web, y a los 15 días el dolor había disminuido al 60 % comencé a poder sonreír, hablar sin miedo, comer normalmente, dormir. Hace ya 6 meses que estoy con este nuevo tratamiento la neuralgia me disminuyo totalmente y los médicos están muy sorprendidos y contentos de los avances y la eficacia. Pude terminar mi carrera, reincorporarme a la vida social, besar a mis seres queridos y sonreír. Mis seres queridos también sonríen.

Tengo la esperanza de que el aceite medicinal puede ser la respuesta a tantas enfermedades incurables o llevar paz y alivio a las personas que las padecen y sus seres queridos.

In English

My name is Fernanda, I live in Argentina and I have 6 kids and 3 grandchildren. I was diagnosed 15 years ago with Fibromyalgia and 7 years ago with Trigeminal Neuralgia also called “Suicide Pain”. Both diseases are not mortal nor terminal, but they are so painful, they affect your life terribly.

My Trigeminal Neuralgia started with a little tingle electricity like sensation sporadically and then it turned into a diagnosis. After being medicated, every year, it got worse as the number of medications increased. I did allopathic, homeopathic and acupuncture treatments with no results. Last year, my crisis were so strong that I could not blink, breath, eat or touch anything without having an electric charge that caused me unbelievable pain. I was about to finish my degree, but the pain did not permit me to finish.

Another consequence of this terrible disease is that it made me lonely, sad and I was terrified to brush my teeth or to kiss my loved ones. My family was supporting me, but they were suffering because they could not help me. In October 2016, I went to schedule a surgery with my Doctor who was against it due to the risk and side effects of the surgery. A week before my appointment with my doctor, I heard about CBD on the radio and I contacted the father of a child whose daughter was using the oil and went from having 54 seizures a day to none.

So, I started Charlotte’s Web with the help of my doctors and 15 days after taking Charlotte’s Web Hemp Extract, my pain had reduced 60%! I started smiling, talking without fear of pain, eating and sleeping. Today, 6 months later after using Charlotte’s Web, my neuralgia is completely out. The Doctors are very surprised about the efficacy of the oil. I could finish my degree, I went back to having a social life, kiss my loved ones and smile. My family is smiling as well.

I hope that this oil could be the answer to so many incurable diseases and that it will bring peace and alleviate all those people who suffer and their families.


Client Spotlight

Client Spotlight: Stacey

I started having episodes, as they were called back then (now known as seizures), back when I was in elementary school. I’m now 40 years old and still have epilepsy. It’s a constant fight and stalker in my life, but CBD oil has given me some hope. It works far better than any of my seizure medications ever have.

At my age I have completely depleted all my options, so I am reliant on CBD oil to keep the seizures at bay and give me hope for the rest of my future, so I can be around and be functional to care for my family and be here for all the family moments and moments with grandchildren. I wouldn’t go a single day without my CBD oil. It truly does help. No side effects, that’s good too!


Client Spotlight

Client Spotlight: Taylor

Submitted by his mom, Stacey,

This young man has lived his entire life plagued by epilepsy since he was born and will continue to do so for the rest of his life. But this is not just any epilepsy, It’s UNCONTROLLED EPILEPSY, among other medical issues. Being born one month premature set the stage for so many of his issues, including epilepsy, Autism, bipolar disorder, depression, and anxiety, both generalized & social. He has a learning disability. He has spent more of his life in doctors offices & hospitals & asleep recovering from seizures, then he has normal activities. He is special needs due to all these issues combined. He will probably never be able to live on his own due to all this and his disabilities. This disease & medical problems, being born premature & just never having a normal life due to them has deprived him of the ability to learn and retain even basic life/ living skills. We are his advocates.

So with a lot of research & a recommendation from two of his doctors, we began using nonconventional medical treatments/therapy to treat Taylor’s epilepsy and other issues. It’s proven thus far to help, and better than what was previously being used which caused him more harm than good. Great to find an alternative therapy and medical treatments to work in his favor, but the expenses of his medical treatment are a downfall. We cannot afford it, and none of it is covered by his insurance. We struggle financially to make things work for him. He has been through so many medications (seizure meds), that he ran out of options. Meds had begun to start to show signs of making his insides “angry.” Liver tests come back abnormal in areas they shouldn’t and so he’s having to be weaned off meds and is undergoing this special treatment to address his medical problems to help control his epilepsy. The nonconventional methods have been of some help to him and more so then the medications, without damaging his internal organs.

NONE of this is covered by insurance, and so we are drowning and killing ourselves trying to afford this form of treatment, to keep him healthy and seizure free. It’s his only option at this point. We need help with these medical expenses and therapies! He’s a fighter and we continue this battle every day, without CBD oil Taylor probably wouldn’t be with us. He fights with all his might. Please like and follow his page on facebook

Client Spotlight

Client Spotlight: Robin

At the age of 57 I have lived with intractable complex partial seizures for 44 years. Neurologists have had me try most of the anticonvulsants that are made and I still take three of them. When I became persistent to my epileptologist about trying CBD he finally gave me the name ‘Realm of Caring’ to contact!

RoC has been a joy to work with as well as CW and my family and I thank you. My last day of cluster seizures (5) was almost a year ago and I started taking CBD oil the next day. I have had no cluster seizures since! My doctor is happy with this outcome and we even cut down some of my other meds, but it’s a careful journey. I still have periodic seizures, 1-2 a month, but they are very mild in length, neurological effects and number compared to 5-7 a month in previous years past. Thank you RoC.

Client Spotlight

Client Spotlight: Helen

I have been having muscle spasms severely since I was about 15 years old. I’m now 45 so that is a long time. Most days it feels like all my muscles are going to rip off my body at any moment. I ruptured a disc in my thoracic spine in my mid 30’s. T7, T8. I was told this is not common, but from all my research it is more common than doctors say. My ruptured disc is causing spinal cord compression. I can NOT have surgery because I have some kind of bleeding disorder. No doctor will touch it. To make matters worse I do not have health insurance.

I have been suffering a very long time. It is bad when you wake up and all you think about is the pain. People are talking to you and you are in so much pain you do not even know what is being said.

Three days! it has only been 3 days! and I feel so much better. It was about 3am this morning, when I just kind of felt as if someone was putting a soft cloth over the screaming pain. I’m excited. I may get to enjoy some of my days. I know it has only been three days, but I have never felt this kind of relief. It’s a numbing sensation I guess is the best way to describe how It feels. Best money I have spent in eight years. Thank you, Thank you.



#RaisetheRealm 7 Days Left To $70K

The Selmeski family moved to Colorado in November of 2013 from East Tennessee so their young daughter with intractable epilepsy, Maggie, could legally try cannabinoid therapy. Back in 2013, many families moved to Colorado in search of legal cannabis.

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The Selmeski family moved to Colorado in November of 2013 from East Tennessee so their young daughter with intractable epilepsy, Maggie, could legally try cannabinoid therapy. Back in 2013, many families moved to Colorado in search of legal cannabis. You may have heard of Pot Pilgrims or Medical Refugees? Hundreds of families relocated in search of a miracle. Back then, it was required to have Colorado residency and a state medical cannabis card in order to obtain any cannabis products, including CBD. This was no small task.

When the Selmeskis moved to Colorado, Maggie was having up to 500 seizures a day. She had tried 6 different anticonvulsant pharmaceutical medications with no relief. Maggie became limp and lifeless, completely sedated on traditional “legal” pharmaceuticals.

Today, Maggie is enjoying 90% seizure reduction without pharmaceuticals. She smiles, laughs, and makes eye contact. She now attends school and finds creative ways to communicate with her family. All things that were not possible before cannabinoid therapy.

Maggie is now age 5, and her little brothers are Maddox who is 3 and Myles is 1.
#siblinglove #raisetherealm

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