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Simplifying Your Health: Navigating the Overwhelming World of Treatment Options with Safe, Natural Alternatives

In today’s world, the abundance of treatment options can be both a blessing and a curse. With so many choices, from pharmaceuticals to supplements, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed and unsure of the right path. But what if there was a way to simplify your approach to health and wellness? In this blog post, we’ll explore how safe, non-addictive, plant-based alternatives like cannabis can help you cut through the noise and find a solution that works for you.


The Problem of Overwhelm


Decision fatigue is “the idea that after making many decisions, your ability to make more and more decisions over the course of a day becomes worse. The more decisions you have to make, the more fatigue you develop and the more difficult it can become,” explains Dr. Lisa MacLean. Characteristics of decision fatigue include mental and physical exhaustion, which may lead to stress and anxiety. 


This overwhelming feeling for patients may arise as they seek solutions for their health. Information may come from various online forums, through recommendations from family and friends, as well as advice from a medical professional. Weighing the pros and cons of cost, side effects, and simply knowing where to start based on all of the information available may lead to avoidance, procrastination, or impulsivity, which can all have consequences for our overall health and well-being. 


The Desire for Simplicity with Plant Extracts


Published research in 2013 reported the tremendous increase in herbal medicinal products and supplements with no less than 80% of individuals worldwide relying on them for a portion of primary health care. Now, in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, a global aging population has developed an even more heightened awareness around personal health and is a driving force of consumer interests towards herbal and natural health products. 


The factors responsible for increased self-medication with herbal medicines include:


  • Various claims on the efficacy or effectiveness of plant medicines;
  • Preference of consumers for natural therapies and a greater interest in alternative medicines; Belief that herbal products are superior to manufactured products;
  • Dissatisfaction with the results from pharmaceuticals and the belief that herbal medicines might be effective in the treatment of certain diseases where conventional therapies and medicines have proven to be ineffective or inadequate;
  • High cost and side effects of most modern drugs;
  • Improvements in the quality, efficacy, and safety of herbal medicines with the development of science and technology;
  • Patients’ belief that their physicians have not properly identified the problem; hence the feeling that herbal remedies are another option; and
  • A movement toward self-medication.


The Risk of Unregulated Products 


When faced with the decision to use a plant-based medicine, a common fear is not knowing whether or not to trust a product that is being marketed to you. The more you take a deep dive into plant-based medicines, the more you may learn how they are often widely unregulated and some may be not just of low quality, but unsafe. 


Strict quality control is extremely important in the hemp and cannabis industry. However, a variety of methods of consumption and rise in popularity leaves many opportunities for unsafe products to exist on the market. At Realm of Caring, many of our staff and families struggled with the same question. Over time, we learned to ask specific questions to discern quality products and placed those questions in a guide for you


Why Plant-Based Alternatives? 


Cannabis and hemp have been valued for centuries for pain-relieving, anti-inflammatory, and calming properties. Research has shown that medicinal cannabis users report significantly less utilization of healthcare than non-cannabis using controls to include prescription medications, emergency department visits, and hospitalizations. Additional published data indicates that patients with a wide array of health conditions have reported significant physical and mental health benefits associated with medicinal cannabis, which are not evident in patients who do not use medicinal cannabis. For many, finding a product that is efficacious without side effects can vastly improve health and quality of life. 


How to Incorporate Plant-Based Therapies into your Routine


First, this is not a decision you have to make all on your own. Realm of Caring is here to offer free support. From how to talk with your doctor about incorporating hemp or cannabis into your routine, to product selection, dosing guidance, and understanding what the research says, our knowledgeable and dedicated care team are here for you. By focusing on safe and natural products you can take control of your health journey and potentially move towards a more simplified, effective, and fulfilling approach to wellness.