Background: Cannabinoid use could potentially alter HIV RNA levels by two mechanisms: immune modulation or cannabinoid– protease inhibitor interactions (because both share cytochrome P-450 metabolic pathways). Objective: To determine the short-term effects of smoked marijuana on the viral load in HIV-infected patients. Design: Randomized, placebo-controlled, 21-day intervention trial. Setting: The inpatient General Clinical Research Center at the San Francisco General Hospital, San Francisco, California. Participants: 67 patients with HIV-1 infection. Intervention: Participants were randomly assigned to a 3.95%- tetrahydrocannabinol marijuana cigarette, a 2.5-mg dronabinol (delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol) capsule, or a placebo capsule three times daily before meals. Measurements: HIV RNA levels, CD4 and CD8 cell subsets,...