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Which Strains Are Best to Avoid The Munchies?

If  you have tried a Δ9-Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) potent cannabis strain, such as Jack Herer, you may  be all too familiar with the munchies. For newbies, the munchies are extreme hunger pangs that cannabis users often experience after indulging.


Contrary to popular belief, it is now emerging that not all cannabis types cause the munchies. If you are a regular user, you can probably recall an episode where you didn’t feel quite as hungry as you usually do. In case you are wondering why this happened, it might have been the strain.


Before we get to the cannabis strains that are best to avoid the munchies, here is what you need to know about the munchies.


What Causes the Munchies?


The munchies are generally associated with high THC strains. This means that most hemp strains (less than 0.3% THC) are less likely to cause the munchies. That’s already a hint right there. In short, the munchies are linked to THC. Synthetic THC products have been approved by the FDA for the treatment of cachexia (severe wasting syndrome) in HIV, for example, and are only available with a prescription form a licensed healthcare provider.


A 2013 study that was published Molecular and Cellular Endocrinology showed that THC interacts with ghrelin,  a hormone that revs up the appetite. A different study showed that THC stimulates the olfactory nerves to heighten the olfactory senses. This makes the smell of food more appealing.


Some studies have also suggested that Cannabidiol (CBD) can offset some of the less desirable symptoms  of THC. Perhaps, hunger is one of them. Research on THC’s appetite stimulating effects are not conclusive and it could be that this cannabinoid works through different mechanisms to cause hunger.


CBD and THC are the two dominant phytocannabinoids in cannabis. While THC causes the munchies, CBD does not. Anecdotal finding and early science suggest that consuming high CBD low THC strains may help users to avoid the munchies altogether.


High CBD Strains to Avoid The Munchies


Many popular cannabis strains will have less than 1% CBD content. Therefore, strains with over 4% CBD are considered to be CBD-rich or high CBD strains. The following high CBD strains may offer a number of therapeutic benefits without causing the munchies.


1. Remedy


Remedy is a lemon-scented cannabis strain with about 14% CBD and 1% THC. This strain is non-psychoactive and known for possibly relieving stress and anxiety.




This is another anti-munchies strain with at least 14% CBD and less than 1% THC. It is a strain users choose for help managing pain and providing relaxation.


3. Lifter


As the name suggests, Lifter is an energizing strain that is packed with CBD. It has about 16% CBD with close to zero THC. A favorite among daytime users, it is non-intoxicating and a  mood enhancing strain.


4. Charlotte’s Web


This is one of the most popular high CBD strains that boasts of at least 13% CBD. Users report it may ease anxiety and may alleviate symptoms associated with childhood epilepsy.


5. Cherry Wine


This wine-scented strain has over 16% CBD and less than 1% THC. It is a choice strain for relaxation after a hard day’s work, and it will not trigger the munchies.

Other high CBD strains that may not cause the munchies include Harle-Tsu, Ringo’s gift, and Sour Tsunami.


THCV on Appetite


A different cannabinoid called Δ9-Tetrahydrocannabivarin (THCV) has apparent appetite suppressing effects. Rodent studies have shown that THCV is able to decrease appetite, increase satiety, and increase energy metabolism. This may make it instrumental in weight loss, for obesity, and the prevention of type 2 diabetes. Cannabis strains that contain high amounts of THCV are likely to suppress appetite and reduce the munchies.


High THCV Strains 


The following strains have high THCV content which means that they may have appetite suppressing effects. THCV may also offer additional benefits such as improving bone health, although more research and human data  is needed to confirm this.


6. Durban Poison


Durban Poison is an award winning cannabis strain with a high THCV content of about 1%. This sativa strain has been reported as beneficial at suppressing appetite.


7. Doug’s Varin


Doug’s Varin is known for having the highest THC: THCV ratio which is about 5:4. Being high in concentration, it is a choice strain for concentrates, tinctures, and vape pens. This strain may offer mental stimulation as well as suppress appetite. 


8.  Pink Boost Goddess


Pink Boost Goddess, is a specialized strain that is an indica-dominant hybrid, compared to most other high THCV strains that are pure sativa. This limited strain is only available in select dispensaries in California. 


9. Pineapple Purps


This strain has about 4% THCV and is popular for its energizing effects. It has a sweet and citrusy aroma.


10. Jack the Ripper


Jack the Ripper is a high THC high THCV strain. It probably has the highest amount of THCV in the market with most types having about 5% THCV and about 22% THC.


Other Ways to Avoid the Munchies


The 10 strains mentioned above, as well as other high CBD or THCV products,  may be  a good way to consume cannabis while avoiding the munchies. Additionally, there are a couple of other things that you can do to prevent feeling hungry after consuming cannabis. For example, you can eat a wholesome meal prior to indulging to ensure that you are not doing so on an empty stomach. Additionally, you can keep all food away before consuming cannabis. Remember that THC may  induce hunger by stimulating the olfactory nerves. If you can avoid the smell of food you might be able to avoid feeling hungry. Lastly, try hydrating frequently as anecdotal reports have shown that this is helpful.






The Realm of Caring Foundation specifically invokes the first amendment rights of freedom of speech and of the press without prejudice. These statements have not been evaluated by the food and drug administration. The products discussed are not intended to diagnose, cure, prevent or treat any disease. Realm of Caring always recommends when and wherever possible that licensed local healthcare professionals be consulted.


The Realm of Caring Foundation is an independent nonprofit with its own governing board. We do not produce or sell cannabinoid products, nor do we receive funds from the sale of other company’s products.