Background: The main biological activities of cannabis are due to the presence of several compounds known as
cannabinoids. Delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and cannabidiol (CBD) are two of the main cannabinoids. Studies
have shown that the efects of THC can be modulated by CBD.
Objective: This study aims to look at the efect of diferent concentrations of THC and CBD separately and in combination, on blood viscosity, elasticity and membrane integrity.
Methods: Blood samples were collected from twenty-four healthy adult non-smokers. Blood viscosity and elasticity
were determined using the Vilastic Scientifc Bioprofler for diferent concentrations (0, 2.5, 25, 50 and 100ng/ml) of
CBD and THC respectively, as well as in extracts with combinations of CBD and THC in 4:1 and 1:1 ratios respectively.
Repeated measures analysis of variance (ANOVA) was used to determine the diference between the means of the
Results: Blood viscosity increased signifcantly with increasing concentrations of both THC and CBD from 25ng/
ml up to 100ng/ml ranging from 6.45±0.36mPa·s to 11.60±1.12mPa·s for THC and ranging from 5.46±0.24mPa·s
to 9.91±1.10mPa·s for CBD respectively, being more pronounced in the extracts at 21.33±2.17mPa·s for the
4THC:1CBD extract and 21.76±1.88mPa·s for the 1THC:1CBD extract. There was no signifcant increase in elasticity
for THC and CBD separately. However, a signifcant increase in elasticity was observed in the extracts. THC and CBD
afected red cell morphology resulting in complete disintegration at the highest concentrations.
Conclusions: THC and CBD increased red blood cell viscosity and elasticity separately and in combination. They also
adversely afected membrane integrity