Preliminary reports indicate some evidence that functional mushrooms such as Lion’s Mane (Hericium erinaceus) and Lingzhi/Reishi, (Ganoderma lucidum) show therapeutic potential in treating a range of health conditions. However, further research is critically needed. To understand the health benefits of functional mushrooms, Unlimited Sciences aims to conduct a multiphase investigation of functional mushrooms.
In collaboration with Lily’s Lighthouse, a family-led, 501(c)(3) qualified non-profit based out of San Clemente, Southern California with a drive to bridge the gap between traditional and nontraditional treatments for epilepsy, Realm of Caring and Unlimited Sciences will launch a retrospective study on epilepsy and functional mushrooms.
Realm of Caring and Unlimited Sciences will launch a large-scale global online survey on how consumers are using functional mushrooms. Through this survey, we will gather real-world data on functional mushroom use and gain insights into its reported health benefits.
Realm of Caring and Unlimited Sciences will launch a longitudinal observational research registry to track health and quality of life data to understand the long-term health benefits of functional mushroom use, and how these effects change over time.
Recruitment for this study is currently closed as we are now in the data analysis portion.
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